Atnaujinta: 2024.11.29 20:29 (GMT+2)
(Unofficial translation done at the NSEL)
On 20 December 2002 an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Stumbras SPAB
was held.
It adopted the following decisions:
1. To approve the version of the by-laws of Stumbras SPAB drawn up in
accordance with the Law on Public Companies of the Republic of Lithuania of
13 July 2003 No. VIII-1835.
2. To withdraw A.Damanskis, A.Barauskas, A.Nesteckis, and V.Kalinauskas from
the positions of the Supervisory Board members of Stumbras SPAB.
3. To compose the Supervisory Board as follows: Raimondas Sedlevičius, head of
the Equity Management Department the state enterprise State Property Fund;
Nijolė Bieliauskienė, specialist of the Equity Management Department the state
enterprise State Property Fun; Adolfas Damanskis, head of the plant growing
unit of the Agriculture and Food Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.
4. To permit R.Sedlevičius, a member of the Supervisory Council of Stumbras
SPAB, be on the Supervisory Council of public companies Vilniaus Degtinė,
Alita, Anykščių Vynas; and N.Bieliauskienė, a member of the Supervisory
Council of Stumbras SPAB, be on the Board of public company Anykščių Vynas.
5. To withdraw general partnership of company's auditors of audit of the
company’s auditors A.Kabokienė and V.Jakutienė.
6. To chose KPMG Lietuva. Auditas. Apskaita. Konsultacijos UAB as an auditor
of the company’s financial statements of 2002 allocating remuneration for the
audit services not higher than LTL 64 310 (including VAT) and providing for a
possibility to extent the contract for one year.
S. Stupakovienė
Economic analysis manager
(370 37) 308841