Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 09:14 (GMT+3)

Vakarų skirstomieji tinklai: Changing of the Nominal Value of Shares of Vakaru Skirstomieji Tinklai AB

2004.06.01, VST, VLN


(Unofficial Translation Done at the NSEL)

On 31 May 2004, at 9 a.m. the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Vakaru
Skirstomieji Tinklai AB was held at 36 Kestucio St. Kaunas. The EGM resolved to:
1. Change the nominal value of the company’s shares from LTL 1 to LTL 109.
2. Approve the order of changing of the nominal value of the company’s shares.
3. Amend the company’s Articles of Association.
The order of changing of the nominal value of the company’s shares approved by
the EGM provides that the shares of the former nominal value will be changed
into the shares of the new nominal value without affecting the size of the
authorised capital to those shareholders who were the company’s shareholders at
the close of the day of registration of the Articles of Association of Vakaru
Skirstomieji Tinklai AB and changes in the nominal value of the shares in the
Register of Enterprises, i.e. on 31 May 2004 (hereinafter – Record day). While
computing the number of shares falling to each shareholder, first, the number
of shares falling to each shareholder who holds at least 4 % of the shares in
the company of the former nominal value will be allocated. After their portion
of shares of the new nominal value is allocated, the number of shares of the
new nominal value is calculated for the shareholder, who holds more than 96 %
of the company’s shares of the former nominal value. A shareholder who holds
less than 4 % of the company’s shares of the former value will be allocated the
number of shares obtained by dividing the total number of shares of the former
nominal value held by that shareholder by 109. If after dividing the number of
all shares of the former nominal value held by that shareholder by 109, the
figure obtained is a whole number, this whole number corresponds to the number
of shares of the new nominal value falling to this shareholder. If after
dividing the number of all shares of the former nominal value held by that
shareholder by 109, the figure obtained is not a whole number, this shareholder
is allocated the number of shares corresponding to the whole number obtained
plus one share (e.g. if the shareholder owns 108 shares in the company, the
shareholder’s 108 (one hundred and eight) shares of LTL 1 nominal value will be
changed into 1 (one) share of LTL 109 nominal value; in the event the
shareholder owns 110 shares in the company, the 110 (one hundred and ten)
shares held by that shareholder will be changed into 2 (two) shares of LTL 109
nominal value.)
The number of shares to be allocated to the shareholder who owns more than 96 %
of the shares of the former nominal value in the company will be calculated by
deducting the number of shares falling to all shareholders who own at least 4
(four) percent of the shares in the company from the total number of shares of
the new nominal value (3 717 998).

Acting in accordance with the decisions adopted at the EGM, on 31 May 2004 the
amendments made to the company’s Articles of Association and the change in the
nominal value of the company’s shares were registered in the Register of
Enterprises establishing that the company’s authorised capital is divided into
3 717 998 ordinary registered shares of LTL 109. Taking into account the fact
that after amendments to the company’s Articles of Association concerning the
change of the nominal value of the shares, no shares of the former nominal
value of LTL 1 are longer outstanding the company applied to the Central
Securities Depository of Lithuania concerning suspension of all entries in the
personal securities accounts related to the company’s shares until completion
of the securities registration, i.e. until all entries are changed by recording
the shares of the new nominal value per shareholder on the Record day in all
securities accounts related to the company’s shares.

Rokas Babravicius
Head of Public Relations and Information Division

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