Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 05:16 (GMT+3)

Lietuvos Dujos AB: Information about the beginning of subscription for the shares of Lietuvos Dujos AB

2004.07.01, Lietuvos dujos, VLN
Lietuvos Dujos AB
Other information

Information about the beginning of subscription for the shares of Lietuvos Dujos

We herewith inform that on 23 June 2004 an issue of ordinary registered shares
of Lietuvos Dujos AB (securities registration No A01091126) in the value of LTL
170,438,918 was registered with the Lithuanian Securities Commission of the
Republic of Lithuania (Act No AB-5259). In total, 170,438,918 ordinary
registered shares of LTL 1.00 par value are offered. The price per share is LTL

The shares may be subscribed for only by persons or their authorized
representatives who were shareholders of Lietuvos Dujos AB at the close of 28
April 2004, i.e. of the day of the General Shareholders’ Meeting which adopted
the decision to increase the authorized capital.

The shareholders may, within 30 days, exercise their pre-emption right to
subscribe for the newly issued shares proportionately to the number of shares

The shareholders holding two shares may subscribe for one share of the new issue
of Lietuvos Dujos AB. Where the calculated number of Lietuvos Dujos AB shares
held is a fractional number, one share will be added to the whole number of
Lietuvos Dujos AB shares.

The beginning of the offering – 1 July 2004.
The end of the offering – 30 July 2004.

Places of subscription for the shares:
- Office of the financial brokerage firm Finasta AB in Vilnius, 23 Konstitucijos
St., section B, 3rd floor.
Telephone (+370 5) 2786833. Shares can be subscribed for on working days from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Office of the financial brokerage firm Finasta AB in Kaunas, 33 Donelaičio St.
Telephone (+ 370 37) 750508. Shares can be subscribed for on working days from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Office of the financial brokerage firm Finasta AB in Klaipėda, 8 Šimkaus St.
Telephone (+370 46) 412074. Shares can be subscribed for on working days from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Šiauliai branch of Lietuvos Dujos AB at 77 Cvirkos St., Šiauliai.
Telephone (+ 370 5) 2786833. Shares can be subscribed for on Wednesdays from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Panevėžys branch of Lietuvos Dujos AB at 100 Senamiesčio St., Panevėžys.
Telephone (+ 370 5) 2786833. Shares can be subscribed for on Thursdays from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.

The share issue prospectus and conditions for subscription for the shares may be
familiarised with at:
1) the registered office of Lietuvos Dujos AB at 24 Aguonų St., Vilnius, tel.:
(+ 370 5) 2360215 or (+ 370 5) 2360241.
2) the registered office of the financial brokerage firm Finasta AB at 23
Konstitucijos St., Vilnius, tel.: (+370 5) 2786833.
3) the reading hall of the Lithuanian Securities Commission of the Republic of
Lithuania at 23 Konstitucijos St., Vilnius.
A copy of the prospectus may be obtained free of charge at the financial
brokerage firm Finasta AB at 23 Konstitucijos St., Vilnius.

The financial brokerage firm Finasta AB is acting as the authorized agent of the
Lietuvos Dujos AB.

Sigita Petrikonyte - Jurkuniene
(+370 5) 236 02 58

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