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Pieno Zvaigzdes AB: Concerning decisions passed by the Board

2004.08.31, Pieno žvaigždės, VLN
Pieno Zvaigzdes AB
Company event

Concerning decisions passed by the Board

The Board meeting of Pieno Zvaigzdes AB passed the following decisions on 30
August 2004:
1. To approve the terms of reorganisation of Pieno Zvaigzdes AB and Panevezio
Pienas AB;
2. To place one public announcement on the terms of reorganisation of Pieno
Zvaigzdes AB and Panevezio Pienas AB in the daily paper “Lietuvos Rytas”,as
referred to in the Articles of Association of the company, and notify in writing
all the creditors.
3. On the initiative and decision of the Board to convene an extraordinary
meeting of shareholders of Pieno Zvaigzdes AB (company code 2466553, address of
the headquarters Laisves pr. 125, Vilnius), which will take place on 4 October
2004 at 1:00 p.m. at the headquarters of the company Laisves pr. 125, Vilnius.
Registration of shareholders will start at 12:30 p.m.
Agenda of the meeting:
1) Adoption of decision concerning reorganisation of Pieno Zaigzdes AB and
Panevezio Pienas AB (by way of merger of the companies whereby Pieno Zaigzdes AB
acquires Panevezio Pienas AB);
2) Approval of the terms of reorganisation of Pieno Zvaigzdes AB and Panevezio
Pienas AB;
3) Approval of the amended Articles of Association of Pieno Zvaigzdes AB, which
is going to continue its activities after reorganisation;
4) Granting of authorisation.
The recording day of the meeting is 27 September 2004.
4. To approve draft decisions of GMS. The terms of reorganisation and draft
decisions of GMS will be available for scrutiny in the headquarters of Pieno
Zvaigzdes AB Laisves pr. 125, Vilnius since 3 September 2004.

Voldemaras Klovas
Acting Director General
(+370 5) 246 14 14

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