Atnaujinta: 2024.07.19 21:09 (GMT+3)

Lietuvos Dujos AB: On decisions of the Board of Directors

2005.03.16, Lietuvos dujos, VLN
Lietuvos Dujos AB
Company event

On decisions of the Board of Directors

1. On 25 March 2005 the Board of Directors of AB Lietuvos Dujos decided to call
the General Shareholders Meeting the date and venue of the meeting being set: 29
April 2005 at 10:00 a.m. in the headquarters of AB Lietuvos Dujos (Aguonų str.
24, Vilnius), and approved the following agenda:

1.1. Auditors certificate of the Company’s financial statements and Annual
Report for 2004.
1.2. Approval of the Company’s Annual Report for 2004.
1.3. Approval of the Company’s financial statements for 2004.
1.4. Approval of appropriation of profit (loss) for 2004.
1.5. Election of the auditor and fixing of terms of payment in consideration of
audit services.
1.6. Removal from office of a member of the Board of Directors of the Company
and election of a new member.

2. The meeting of the Board of Directors decided that the Shareholders
registration day of the General Shareholders Meeting convened on 29 April 2005
is 22 April 2005.

3. The meeting of the Board of Directors decided from 1 January 2005 to account
the Company’s non-current tangible (fixed) assets in the financial statements by
their revaluated (actual) value. The preliminary established value of the fixed
assets amounts to LTL 2.07 bn, i.e. the assets grew by a factor 3.4 if compared
with the data in the financial statements of 2004. Valuation of the non-current
tangible assets of AB Lietuvos Dujos was performed by the independent assets
valuers of the Corporation Matininkai UAB.

Saulius Bilys
Head of Strategic Development Division
(+370 5) 236 01 46

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