Atnaujinta: 2024.11.27 10:21 (GMT+2)
Lietuvos Elektrine AB
Company event
Notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders
On the initiative and decision of the Board of the company the general meeting
of shareholders of Lietuvos Elektrine AB (code 110870933, located in Elektrines
g. 21, Elektrenai, Municipality of Elektrenai)is to be held on April 26, 2005 at
11 a.m. in the headquarters of Lietuvos Elektrine AB. The registration of
shareholders starts at 9 a.m. The registration day of the annual GMS is April
19, 2005.
On the Agenda:
1. Approval of the Report on the Company's activities in 2004.
2. Approval of the financial statements for the year 2004.
3. Profit appropriation.
4. Amendment of the company's Articles of Association.
Zita Pranukeviciene
Deputy Chief Financier
(+370 528) 33 268