Atnaujinta: 2024.07.19 19:05 (GMT+3)

Ukio Bankas AB: Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Ukio Bankas AB

2005.03.25, Ūkio bankas, VLN
Ukio Bankas AB
Company event

Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Ukio Bankas AB

1. On March 24, 2005 the annual GMS took place. It resolved to:
2. Approve the report of the Management Board of Ukio Bankas AB on the bank's
performance in 2004;
3. Take into account the Auditors' Report by Deloitte&Touche UAB when approving
the Bank's financial statements for 2004;
4. Approve the 2004 financial statements of Ukio Bankas AB.
5. Approve the 2004 profit (loss) appropriation: 5.1. unappropriated profit at
the beginning of the reported financial year - LTL 814.0 thousand;
5.2. Net profit of the reported financial year - LTL 5966.0 thousand;
5.3. Total profit available for appropriation - LTL 6780.0 thousand;
5.4. the share of profit allocated to the legal reserve - LTL 339.0 thousand;
5.5. the share of profit allocated for the payment of dividend - LTL 1067079.96,
paying 12 cents per share.
5.6. the unappropriated profit at the end of the financial year brought forward
to the next financial year - LTL 6441.0 thousand.
6. Approve the terms of remuneration for audit services.
7. Transfer, lease or mortgage long term assets of Ukio Bankas AB and the
securities of other issuers or rights currently owned or to be acquired after
this resolution and movable and immovable property to be acquired later as well
as secure or guarantee the fulfillment of other entities' obligations with
these assets.
7.1. Authorize the Management Board of the Bank to pass decisions regarding
disposition, transfer or lease of the Bank's assets, or securing the discharge
of obligations with these assets as well as securing or
guaranteeing, management and use of the bank's asset in each case individually.
8. Increase the authorized capital of Ukio Bankas AB:
8.1. by additional cash contributions up to LTL 126 708 000, by issuing 1 666
667 units of ordinary registered shares LTL 12 by nominal value.
8.2.Establish the minimum price of one share of the new issue to be LTL 12.
8.3. Set a 30-day time period for the shareholders of the Bank from the day of
publication in the daily newspaper "Lietuvos rytas" in order to exercise the
right of pre-emption for the subscription of the shares of the new issue.
8.4. In case of failure to subscribe for all the shares during the term of
exercise of the right of pre-emption, allow all the persons wishing to acquire
the shares of the new issue to do so.
8.5. Offer publicly the shares of the new issue starting from the day of
publication in the daily newspaper "Lietuvos rytas" till October 1, 2005.
8.6. After all the share issue of LTL 20 000 004 is subscribed, change the part
of the Bank Statute: "The authorized capital of the Bank LTL 126 708 000 (one
hundred twenty six million seven hundred and eight thousand) is divided into 10
559 000 (ten million five hundred and fifty-nine thousand) ordinary registered
shares." and include it into the present wording of the Bank Statute.
8.7. Authorize Gintaras Ugianskis to sign the text of the amended Bank Statute.
8.8. Authorize the Management Board of Ukio Bankas AB according to the
procedure prescribed by law register the issue of 1 666 667 units of ordinary
registered shares LTL 12 by nominal value each and the
corresponding amendments to the Bank Statute.
8.9. Obligate the Management Board of the Bank to pass decisions on all items
related to this share issue that have not been provided for in the decision of
this general meeting of shareholders.
9. Approve the new wording of the Bank Statute.
9.1. Authorize Gintaras Ugianskis to sign the new wording of the Bank Statute.
10. For additional information please apply to Public Relations Consultant
J.Luneviciene (+370 37) 30 13 08, +370 614 22641.
11. Information is not confidential.
12. Signing this notice I confirm that:
12.1. the provided information about the material event is comprehensive and
12.2. I am familiar with the sanctions for the submission of misleading
information that are provided for in the Republic of Lithuania Law on
Securities Market and the Code of Administrative Right Offences.

Deputy Chairman of the Board Gintaras Ugianskis, 2005-03-24.

J. Luneviciene
Public Relations Consultant
+370 614 22641

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