Atnaujinta: 2024.07.09 02:06 (GMT+3)

Vilniaus Vingis AB: Decisions of the General meeting of shareholders

2005.04.04, Vilniaus Vingis, VLN
Vilniaus Vingis AB
Company event

Decisions of the General meeting of shareholders

On 2 April 2005 a General meeting of shareholders of Vilniaus Vingis AB was held
(agenda announced in the daily Lietuvos Rytas No. 50, 2 March 2005):

1. Approval of Vilniaus Vingis AB activity report for 2004;
2. Report of audit company KPMG Lietuva UAB on the company’s activity in 2004;
3. Approval of the company’s annual financial statements for 2004;
4. Approval of the 2004 profit distribution – the profit of LTL 12.7 million was
- LTL 180.7 thousand transferred to the reserves, provided by the law,
- LTL 600.0 thousand transferred to the reserves for other needs (Board’s
- LTL 11.9 million transferred to Undistributed results;
5. Approval of resolution regarding buying back and selling of Vilniaus Vingis
AB shares:
5.1. To sell the ordinary registered, par value of LTL 4, shares of Vilniaus
Vingis AB (ISIN code LT0000103673, hereinafter shares) on Vilnius Stock Exchange
at the market price to provide equal chances to all the shareholders for
acquisition of the company's shares.
5.2. Selling bottom price of the own shares - LTL 5 per share.
5.3. In 2005, on behalf of the company not to buy the own shares on Vilnius
Stock Exchange.
5.4. To entitle the company's Board to take decision and fix the selling prices
for the shares. This entitlement is valid until 01 05 2006;
6. Selection as the auditor of Vilniaus Vingis AB for 2005 - 2008 the audit
company KPMG Lietuva and the determination of the yearly payment for the audit
7. New members elected to the Board of Vilniaus Vingis AB are Algimantas
Variakojis, the member of the Board of FBC Finasta, and Marija Leitonienė, the
Head of Financial Analysis Department of FBC Finasta.

Additional information may be obtained from D. Ožiūnas, Finance Director, tel.
(+370-5) 2392523

Ramūnas Pelanis
Head of Finance Management Department
(+370 5) 2392711

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