Atnaujinta: 2024.07.08 02:07 (GMT+3)

Lisco Baltic Service AB: Resolutions of the General Shareholders’ meeting

2005.04.27, DFDS LISCO, VLN
Lisco Baltic Service AB
Company event

Resolutions of the General Shareholders’ meeting

The General Shareholders’ Meeting of AB "LISCO BALTIC SERVICE" held on the 27th
of April, 2005 adopted the following resolutions: to approve the Report of the
Board on company’s business activities for the year 2004, to establish the
conditions of payment for audit company’s services in 2004, to approve UAB "KPMG
Lietuva" as the firm of auditors for the year 2005, to approve the auditor’s
report, financial statements and profit distribution for the year 2004 (the
shareholders resolved not to pay dividends for the year 2004), to de-list AB
"LISCO BALTIC SERVICE" securities from the Current list of Vilnius Stock
Exchange, to elect prof. Vytautas Paulauskas as the new member of the Board.
The shareholders also resolved to grant a right to AB “LISCO BALTIC SERVICE” to
acquire, in accordance with the order and conditions established by the laws of
the Republic of Lithuania, its own shares from the shareholders desiring to sell
their shares. The purpose of acquiring the shares is to protect the financial
interests of the small shareholders of the Company. Such acquisition shall be
implemented by the administration of the Company subject to the instructions of
the Board. Permitted maximum amount of shares to be acquired including those
already acquired and held by the Company – not more than 1/10 of the authorized
capital of the Company. The time limit during which the Company may acquire its
shares – 18 months from the date this decision is adopted. The Company may
acquire its shares as long as the company’s securities are included in the
Current or the Official list of Vilnius Stock Exchange but not longer than
within 18 months from the date when this decision has been adopted. Minimal
price per one registered share with par value of 1 litas is 20% lower than the
weighted average market price of these company shares at Vilnius Stock Exchange
during the calendar month preceding the calendar week in which the share
purchase transaction is entered into. Maximal price per one registered share
with par value of 1 litas is 20% higher than the weighted average market price
of these company shares at Vilnius Stock Exchange during the calendar month
preceding the calendar week in which the share purchase transaction is entered
into. The company may sell own shares at Vilnius Stock Exchange by ensuring
equal opportunities for all shareholders to acquire the shares of the company.
Minimal price of the shares being sold should not be lower than the weighted
average market price of these company shares at Vilnius Stock Exchange during
the calendar month preceding the calendar week in which the share purchase
transaction is entered into.

Jonas Nazarovas
Chief financial officer
+370(46)393 603

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