Atnaujinta: 2024.11.26 02:16 (GMT+2)
Rigas Transporta Flote 30.05.2005.
Information of the Board of Directors of the JSC Rigas Transporta Flote about
results for the first quarter of 2005
In the 1st quarter of year 2005 the company has derived a profit in amount
of 1 860 503 LVL (3 517 685 USD). As expected, in the winter’s period the
World sea refrigerators transport market became active, the demand for
refrigerator ships increased, raised also the freight rates on average about
The negative factor was the price increase for the fuel for 30%, what enlarged
expenses of the company.
The strength of the company was not change and it consists from 13 ships; among
them 12 refrigerators and one tanker. The demand for our ships still remains.
The ships work all over the World Ocean. The main transport directions are:
Alaska region – Europe, Peru region – the Far East, Japan, Korea, Africa, the
equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean – Thailand. All the ships worked, forced
idle-times of waiting of cargoes did not present. The fleet of the company is
in good technical condition and comply with the standards of operation and
safety of ships.
The profit of the company increased in comparison with the same period of last
year for 214%.
The income of the company is increased; the Net turnover is increased for 41%.
The income of the company per share was 0.079 LVL.
In the 2nd quarter expected, that the freight rates will remain in the same
level. The demand for refrigerator ships remains. Currently the m/v “Kapteinis
Kulics” is on the planned dock repairs at the Riga shipyard and will go on a
cruise after completion of the repairs in the beginning of June.
The tanker of the company m/v “Pacific Trader” is planned to repair and modernize
in June. Accordingly the convention a double hull will be made for the tanker and
it will meet the last requirements of the MARPOL.