Atnaujinta: 2024.07.06 12:12 (GMT+3)

VNF: SIA "Ventspils nafta termināls" Handling Results in May 2005

2005.06.13, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                               13.06.2005

SIA "Ventspils nafta termināls" Handling Results in May 2005

In May 2005 SIA Ventspils nafta termināls – the daughter company of the
joint stock company Ventspils nafta – handled more than 0.6 million tonnes
of petroleum products delivered by rail road. As forecasted earlier, due to
the high and for Latvia’s direction unfavourable rail road tariff set for
crude oil export by Russian government authorities, including also high duty
imposed on crude oil export, this May no crude oil had been handled by SIA
Ventspils nafta termināls.

This year’s trend is still obvious – motor gasoline of various grade
(76, 80, 92, 95) is the most handled product of the total volume of petroleum
products handled by SIA Ventspils nafta termināls and its transhipment is all
time high each month since the beginning of 2005. In May gasoline
transhipment volume was over 0.3 million tonnes. This high level of gasoline
transhipment could be explained by a unique service offered by SIA Ventspils
nafta termināls within the Baltic region to their customers – loading of
gasoline into larger vessels up to 100,000 tonnes and providing thus an
effective and cost-efficient form of gasoline’s further transportation.

In May SIA Ventspils nafta termināls handled also 0.3 million tonnes of gas
oil. There were no deliveries of crude oil to the terminal in May 2005 due to
the high rail road tariff and crude oil export duty imposed by Russia. Since
April 1st, 2005 Russia’s crude oil export duty has been US$102.6 per tonne;
and, since June 1st it has already increased toUS$132.2 per tonne. It also
concerns light petroleum products like motor gasoline and gas oil that have
been transhipped by SIA Ventspils nafta termināls – on June 27th, 2005 the
current export duty in the amount of US$81.4 per tonne will be increased to
US$104 per tonne.

A/s Ventspils nafta
Detailed information –
Gundega Vārpa,
tel. 7229793;

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