Atnaujinta: 2024.07.06 08:07 (GMT+3)

NLB: NORD/LB and DnB NOR sign agreement on foundation of Joint venture

2005.06.21, DNB Banka, RIG
NORD/LB Latvija                                                  21.06.2005

NORD/LB and DnB NOR sign agreement on foundation of Joint venture

Today, on June 21, the biggest bank in Northern Germany Norddeutsche
Landesbank (NORD/LB) and the largest financial institution of Norway DnB NOR
signed an agreement on foundation of a joint venture – bank DnB NORD. DnB NORD
will start operations on January 1, 2006, basing on the infrastructure of the
both banks. Bank DnB NORD will offer full spectrum of innovative and highly
competitive financial services, becoming a new and important player in the
financial market of Northeast Europe.

Northeast Europe – strategically important region for NORD/LB since 1998

“It was already in 1998 when NORD/LB elaborated strategy for creation and
development of banking network in the countries of Northeast Europe.
Subsidiaries NORD/LB Latvija, NORD/LB Lietuva, representative office in
Estonia, as well as subsidiaries, branches and representative offices in
other countries around Baltic Sea were created. Foundation of DnB NORD is a
new and an important step towards the implementation of strategy of NORD/LB in
Northeast Europe – the new joint venture will be a basis for further rapid
development of the bank, the quality of products and services, as well as new
perspectives in the united market of Northeast Europe,” Jürgen Kösters, member
of Management Board of NORD/LB Girozentrale emphasized.

Jürgen Kösters continues: „ NORD/LB is the only German bank having subsidiaries,
branches and representative offices in all the countries around the Baltic Sea.
By creating partnership with the largest bank in Norway, the bank will
strengthen and develop further its positions in the strategically important
Northeast Europe region. NORD/LB and DnB NOR have established the joint venture,
and each of the banks will provide its individual experience and knowledge, thus
creating very competitive enterprise with highly ambitious goals.”

Andris Ozolins, CEO of NORD/LB Latvija explains: „NORD/LB Latvija is one of the
most successful subsidiaries of NORD/LB in Northeast Europe, and the
cooperation with DnB NOR will provide the bank and its clients with additional
possibilities and wider presence in the united market of European Union. We are
sure that the joint venture of NORD/LB and DnB NOR will give the possibility for
all the customers of NORD/LB Latvija to use the additional knowledge and
experience both in SME lending, investment banking services and cash management,
as well as the benefits provided by wide networking and additional financial
possibilities. In the framework of the new cooperation the bank will be even
more dynamic, rapidly growing and stabile, and the beneficiaries will be exactly
the customers of the bank in Latvia and abroad.”

DnB NOR – the largest financial services group in Norway

DnB NOR is the largest financial services group in Norway. DnB NOR leads the
Norwegian market with respect to loans and deposits, mutual funds and asset
management, life insurance and pension savings, payment and financing services,
real estate services and services linked to the money and capital markets.

DnB NOR will invest 176 million euro as a purchase price its 51% stake in the
company’s shareholding.

Bank NORD/LB has developed banking network in Northeast Europe region, as well
as offers effective services both to corporate customers and retail market.
DnB NOR will add value to these activities by innovative and services in cash
management, corporate finance and investment banking. DnB NOR activities in
Finland and Denmark will also be transferred into Pegasus.

Joint venture of NORD/LB and DnB NOR – bank DnB/NORD

DnB NORD will be built on principles of equal cooperation. DnB NOR will own 51%
of the shares of DnB NORD and NORD/LB will own 49% of the shares of the new joint
venture. According to agreement, all the strategic issues connected to the joint
venture will be solved via mutual agreement. The headquarters of the bank DnB
NORD will be situated in Copenhagen.

Sven Herlyn, the member of the Board of NORD/LB currently being responsible for
Northeastern Europe business of NORD/LB is designated to be CEO of DnB NORD. The
supervisory board will have a half-balanced representation of both partners.
Representative of DnB NOR will be chairman of the Board.

The joint venture of NORD/LB and DnB NOR – bank DnB NORD – will be highly
competitive in the financial market of Northeast Europe from the first day
onwards – starting the operations the bank will have total assets of more
than EUR 2,5 billion.

New bank DnB NORD – an important player in rapidly developing market

The joint venture of NORD/LB and DnB NOR – bank DnB NORD – will be active in
entire Northeast Europe. The area of operations of DnB NORD – Denmark, Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland – with its 56 million inhabitants
generates a gross domestic product totaling EUR 600 billion. NORD/LB and DnB
NOR will continue to focus on their respective home markets - the home market
of NORD/LB consists of German federal states of Lower Saxony, Sachsen-Anhalt,
and Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania. The home market of DnB NOR consists of
Norway and Sweden.

“DnB NORD will operate on a huge market that confronts us with great challenges
but also offers us outstanding opportunities,” Ottar Ertzeid, Executive
Vice-president of DnB NOR declared. “This region is one of the most dynamic and
interesting economical regions in the world, and we believe in the dynamic
growth and income potential of it. Our declared aim to use our combined
strengths to become one of the dominant players in this region. Having set up
DnB/NORD, we now have all the tools we need to enable us to achieve this objective.”

The foundation of DnB NORD is a unique event in many respects: the first time
in history a German and Scandinavian/Nordic bank have agreed on foundation of
a joint venture. Similarly, there has never been a joint venture between a
Landesbank and publicly listed private bank before. Nonetheless, DnB NORD unites
two partners with a similar background and comparable culture: both NORD/LB and
DnB NOR have their roots in the savings banks organizations of their home
countries, and both banks have public co-owners. “We understand each other,
we match very well, and our customers will be the beneficiaries from it,”
representatives of NORD/LB and DnB NOR emphasize.

Both banks NORD/LB and DnB AND are especially pleased on the fast and
straightforward negotiations. “The concept is consistent for both of the parties,
it is consistent for our customers and for the markets – we achieved agreement
rapidly, and will also act as determinedly and united in the Northeast European
region,” the CEO of NORD/LB Latvija Andris Ozolins said.

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