Atnaujinta: 2024.07.06 01:11 (GMT+3)

EKR: AB Ekranas initiates anti-dumping measures on South-Eastern Asia countries

2005.07.07, Ekranas, VLN
Ekranas AB         Stock Exchange Release            07/07/2005

Ekranas AB initiates anti-dumping measures on South-Eastern Asia countries

On June 28 Ekranas AB submitted a claim to the European Commission aiming to
initiate anti-dumping measures on India and South Korea which resorted to
unfair competition in the segment of 14" color picture tubes on the European

Lawyers retained by the company are about to complete another claim to seven
Asian countries which engage in unfair competition in the segments of 14”,
15”, 20”, 21”, 25”, 28” and 29" color picture tubes in Europe. It is planned to
submit the second claim to the European Commission by the end of July. These
initiatives of AB Ekranas are actively supported by Tesla Ecimex Company
producing color picture tubes in the Czech Republic.

In summer Ekranas AB normally suspends production activities and the staff
take the vacation leave. All technological lines have been stopped from July
1. Sales services and some of the servicing and auxiliary subdivisions are
kept running.

Currently the company occupies 58% of the small size and almost 12% of the
medium size tubes market in Europe. In both segments, the company has a 26%
share of the European market.

A rise in demand of electronics products is expected after the International
fair of consumer electronics organized on September 2 – 7 in Berlin. Among
others, Ekranas AB will present its production and new products in the fair,

In this international fair for the first time Ekranas AB will launch the
slim type color picture tubes. It is expected that this product,
characterized by good technological features, attractive price and modern
design, will be received by the consumers with high interest and become the
main driver boosting the sales of Ekranas AB products.

Angelija Zokaitienė
Director of “Reklamos poreikis” UAB
Phone: +370 699 88330

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