Atnaujinta: 2024.07.05 18:14 (GMT+3)

VSS: Influence of investment project on performance of JSC in case of government support

2005.07.15, Valmieras stikla šķiedra, RIG
JSC Valmieras stikla šķiedra                     July 15, 2005       

Influence of the investment project on the performance of the JSC
in case of governmental support

As already announced, the Evaluation Commission for Promotable
Investment Projects at the Ministry of Economic Affairs reviewed and
supported JSC's Valmieras stikla šķiedra application for award of
the status of a promotable investment project.

Being awarded the status of a promotable investment project would
secure income tax relief for the JSC for a period of 10 year after
implementation of the investment project.

According to the law on corporate income tax, a tax relief about 40%
of the total investment sum may be awarded if investment does not
exceed 10 million lats and are realised in a maximum of three years.
The expected investment of JSC Valmieras stikla šķiedra amounts to
LVL 24,3 mill. and ist to be realised within the coming two years.

We have informed that it is the target of this investment project
to continue abolishing obsolete, little efficient production methods
and equipment, thereby modernising the company and securing an
increase of productivity and production capacities, in order to
better satisfy our customers' needs. Quality will be improved for
several product groups of high added value - chopped strands, textured
yarns, yarns, fabrics, nettings, and glass fibre mats. The new plant
is planned as environmentally friendly and conforming to the
requirements of the European Union.

As new and modern technologies will be applied, high qualified staff
of all levels will be required for glass fibre production and textile
processing. On the whole, the new plant will comprise 200 work places.

The project of the new plant is to some extent a guarantee that the
JSC Valmieras stikla šķiedra will exist in the future in this form -
as a niche player in the global market with room for more than 900
people to work. Without developing further, we would soon be forced
to specialise and to switch to manufacturing standard products,
which would secure work for not more than a couple of hundreds of

Referring to an announcement by news agency LETA form July 13,
we confirm that, if JSC Valmieras stikla šķiedra does not receive
governmental support for a tax relief and therefore the project is
not realised, then the copmpany's profit will decrease, starting from
2006, and it is to be expected that the company will sustain financial
losses from 2008, if it wishes to maintain 930 work places.

The anticipated corporate income tax relief amounts to 5,9 million
lats. JSC Valmieras stikla šķiedra might use up this relief in the
course of ten years.

JSC Valmieras stikla šķiedra
Assistant to the Board
Lauma Kugrēna
Phone +371 42 02222, +371 6441429
Fax +371 42 81216

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