Atnaujinta: 2024.07.05 16:02 (GMT+3)

VNF: Construction of the largest and the most modern printing-house in the Baltics starts

2005.07.19, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                                       19.07.2005

Construction of the largest and the most modern printing-house in the Baltics starts

On the 18 July of this year the daughter company of JSC “Ventspils nafta” –
“Preses nams” has started construction of the largest and the most modern
printing-house in the Baltics by official digging in of a basement capsule.

Production in the new printing-house is planned for July of 2006. There will
be a new equipment for printing of newspapers and magazines according to the most
sophisticated technologies, including automated graphical material processing and
production of printing plates, as well as bright and to the EU requirements
corresponding production and office premises. It is envisaged that the new
printing-house will allow increase of the production capacity to 5 mln. LVL per year.
The new printing-house will consist of three floors: on the first floor there
will be production service, on the second – sale and development services, on the
third – the company’s management. Considerable investments in new, modern equipment
are planned, but in construction works of the new printing-house 6.5 mln. LVL will be
“Construction of a new printing-house is a logical step for further
development of JSC “Preses nams”. The company’s restructuring started already in 2004
with the main aim to create a technologically up-to-date printing and publishing
company – a true industrial leader in the Baltic states. In 2004 the turn-over
reached 19.2 mln. lats, but income prior to taxes amounted to more than 0.7 mln.
lats. The export amount at present has reached 34% of the total production of JSC
“Preses nams”. Our strategic goal is to strengthen our positions in the markets of
the EU member states and in the Eastern Europe, and the new production building
will secure increase of production capacity and improvement of production quality,”
says Uldis Ronis, the Chairman of the Board of JSC “Preses nams”.
The project’s authors are the architects from the company DBSL. The
architecture of the building characterises the company’s movement from traditional
to modern and dynamic. The general contractor for construction is JSC “Venceb”,
that has proved quality of its work in such construction sites as – “Ventspils
nafta” termināls”, “Ventbunkers”, “Akvaparks Ventspils”, “Nord Natie Ventspils
termināls” etc. The management of JSC “Venceb” promises that the first newspapers
in the new premises will appear already in July of the next year.
At present JSC “Preses nams” is the leader of the Baltic states in the
sphere of printing services and a significant rival for companies in the Eastern
Europe and the EU states. The western publishers most often choose JSC “Preses nams”
as its partner in printing and publishing. The largest collaboration partners of
JSC “Preses nams” are the most significant publishers of the Baltic states, Russia,
northern countries and the EU states and consumers of printing and publishing
In total the company employs 800 employees.
JSC “Preses nams” is the daughter company of JSC “Ventspils nafta” where
the latter owns 92.99% of shares.

For information –
Gundega Vārpa
Phone 7229793;

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