Atnaujinta: 2024.07.05 10:14 (GMT+3)

OLF: Decisions taken on JSC Olainfarm AGM convened on July 29, 2005

2005.07.29, Olainfarm, RIG
JSC “Olainfarm”								29.07.2005.

Decisions taken on JSC Olainfarm AGM convened on July 29, 2005

Decisions taken on JSC Olainfarm AGM convened on July 29, 2005:

1. Management Board’s report on results of activity in year 2004.
Decision taken:
Accept to the knowledge report of the Management Board concerning results
of activities in year 2004.

2. Approval of audited Annual Report of year 2004.
Decision taken:
To approve the JSC “Olainfarm” audited 2004 Annual Report.

3. Approval of audited Consolidated Annual Report of year 2004.
Decision taken:
To approve the JSC “Olainfarm” audited 2004 Consolidated Annual Report.

4. Election of certified auditor for year 2005.
Decision taken:
To elect sworn auditor Diāna Krišjāne (“Ernst & Young Baltic” Ltd.) to
audit financial statements of JSC “Olainfarm” for year 2005 (License No. 124).

5. Management Board’s report on budget and activity plan for year 2005.
Decision taken:
Accept to the knowledge report of the Management Board concerning activity
plan and budget of JSC “Olainfarm” for year 2004, by defining the following
Net turnover 11 480 000
Gross profit 3 178 477
Net operating income 1 063 529
Net income 343 000

6. On increase of fixed capital.
Decision taken:
To increase the equity capital of JSC „Olainfarm” by issuing 3’000’000 (three
millions) dematerialized registered shares with unlimited right of voting, at
face value LVL 1,- (one Latvian lat) per share. To define the equity capital
of JSC “Olainfarm”, after the registration of emission in the Commercial
Register is being completed, will be LVL 13’252’365 (thirty millions two
hundred fifty two thousands three hundred sixty five Latvian lats), consisting
of 13’252’365 (thirty millions two hundred fifty two thousands three hundred
sixty five) shares.

7. Approval of rules of increase of fixed capital.
Decision taken:
To approve the terms of the rules of increase of fixed capital prepared by the
Menagement Board. To entitle the Management Board to approve the circular of
Company, to submit the circular for registration in the Financial and Capital
market commission of the Republic of Latvia, to approve the price of one share,
as well as to conduct all the other necessary actions for increase of fixed

8. Approval of new edition of the Statutes.
Decision taken:
To approve the Amendments to the Articles of JSC „Olainfarm” Statutes and the
new edition of the Statutes.

Prepared by Victorija Zhuka-Nikulina
Head of legal department
JSC „Olainfarm”
Tālr. 7013 870, 9473980
Fakss 7013 777

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