Atnaujinta: 2025.03.07 04:31 (GMT+2)

HAE: Harju Elekter, financial results 1-6/2005

2005.08.02, Harju Elekter Group, TLN
AS HARJU ELEKTER                   FINANCIAL RESULTS               02.08.2005


The economic results of the group of Harju Elekter for the first half of 2005
are good. We have increased our sales revenue as well as our operating profit
and expanded our commercial operations in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania. A
favorable economic climate and demand in the markets have added security that
the growth will continue. We have also successfully launched our new
subsidiary AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika. The price of PKC shares on the
Helsinki Stock Exchange has remained stable.

Key indicators (MEUR) 1-6/2005 1-6/2004
Net sales 14,6 12,1
Operating profit 1,0 0,6
Profit from ordinary activities 1,6 5,1
Net profit for the current period 1,3 5,1

At the end of the period
Total current assets 8,8 7,7
Total fixed assets 33,3 28,2
Total assets 42,1 35,9
Total liabilities 8,1 6,5
Minority interests 0,9 0,8
Total owners’ equity 33,0 28,6

Performance indicators
Net sales growth 21,1% 26,5%
Operating profit growth 59,8% 26,3%
Return of sales (operating profit/net sales *100) 6,9% 5,3%
Net profit margin (net profit /net sales *100) 10,6% 42,2%
Owners’ equity margin 78,4% 79,6%
(equity /balance sheet total *100)

Number of employees on 30.06.2005 413 374
EPS (EUR) 0,08 0,32

The sales revenue of the consolidation group AS Harju Elekter comprised MEEK
229,2 (MEUR 8,8) in the H1 2005, increasing by 21% in comparison with the same
period of the previous year. Manufacturing contributed 80% of the consolidated
sales revenue (turnover growth 22%), services contributed 10% (turnover growth
23%) and trade accounted for 10% (turnover growth 10%). Of the turnover, 76%
was generated by revenue from the sales of industrial production and 24% by
the mediation and sale of services. At the same time the sale of industrial
output went up by 23% in the first half year-on-year to EEK 174,0 million (EUR
11,1 million) and the intermediate sale of services and goods increased by 16%
to EEK 55,3 million (EUR 3,5 million).

Sales to the Estonian market accounted for 54%, increasing by 37% to EEK 123,5
million (EUR 7,9 million). Export sales formed 46% and increased by 7% to EEK
105,7 million (EUR 6,8 million). Finland remained the largest export market
with a share of 34% in the turnover. 66% of the sales revenue of the group was
contributed by Estonia (an increase in turnover growth by 24% year-on-year),
24% by Finland (turnover growth 15%), and 10% Lithuania (turnover growth 18%).

The total operating profit of the consolidation group AS Harju Elekter was
MEEK 15,9 or MEUR 1,1, being 1,6 times higher than in the previous year.

The net profit of the group was MEEK 20,8, i.e. MEUR 1,3 (first half of 2004:
MEEK 79,9, i.e. MEUR 5,1). The main cause of the fall in the net profit was
the fact that the changes in the prices of PKC shares included in the balance
sheet as assets are recorded pursuant to the accounting principles as profit
for the period, regardless of the fact that no operations were conducted with
them. During the first half of 2005, the market price of the share of PKC
group Oyj recorded in the balance sheet was stable, increasing by EUR 0,12,
and additional income from the revaluation of the shares was MEEK 3,5 (MEUR
0,22). In the first half of 2004, the share price rose by EUR 1,75 and the
additional financial income from revaluation was MEEK 51,0 (MEUR 3,26).
Pursuant to the Finnish Income Tax Act, amended as of 1 January 2005, PKC
Group paid an extraordinarily large dividend (MEEK 19,4; MEUR 1,2), while in
2005, they paid only EUR 0,20 per share in a total of MEEK 5,8, i.e. MEUR
0,37. Pursuant to the amended Finnish Income Tax Act, in 2005, an income tax
of 15% was withheld on the paid dividends, amounting to MEEK 0,9 (TEUR 56).
The payment of dividends in 2005 also entailed for Harju Elekter an income tax
liability of MEEK 2,0 (MEUR 0,13), while in 2004, the payment of dividends had
been exempt from tax. The income tax expenditure totaled MEEK 3,0, i.e. TEUR
194 as reported for the first half of 2005 in the income statement (first half
of 2004: TEEK 33, i.e. TEUR 2).

The group’s operating margin was 6,9% which is 1,6 percentage points higher than
in the first half of 2004. The net margin was 10,6% (42,2% in H1 of 2004).

EPS was 1,24 kroons or 0,08 euros (H1 2004: 4,93 kroons or 0,32 euros)(1).

During the accounting period, the Group invested in tangible and intangible
assets a total of MEEK 27,9 or MEUR 1,78(H1 2004: MEEK 21,3 or MEUR 1,4). In
the second quarter, newly completed production buildings were rented to PKC
Eesti and HE Elektrotehnika. A total of MEEK 20,2 (MEUR 1,3) were invested in
real estate in the first half of the year; MEEK 3,9 (MEUR 0,25) was invested
in plant and equipment, and MEEK 2,6 million (MEUR 0,17) in the acquisition of

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
+372 6 747 400

For more information: Interim report 1-6/2005 of Harju Elekter or Mrs. Karin
Padjus, Member of the Board (tel +372 6 747 403).
(1) Fund issue is included into the 2004 figures

Consolidated, unaudited

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 30.06.0531.12.0430.06.0531.12.04
Cash, bank 17 553 18 786 1 122 1 201
Total customer receivables 45 215 49 824 2 890 3 184
Other current receivables 4 745 4 156 303 266
Accrued income 48 221 3 14
Prepaid expenses 3 921 1 136 251 73
Total current receivables 53 929 55 337 3 447 3 537
Inventories 66 327 67 950 4 239 4 342
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 137 809 142 073 8 808 9 080
Long-term financial investme 325 288 323 138 20 790 20 652
Investment properties 120 677 86 880 7 713 5 553
Tangible assets 73 931 86 551 4 725 5 531
Intangible assets 1 636 1 951 105 125
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 521 532 498 520 33 333 31 861
TOTAL ASSETS 659 341 640 593 42 141 40 941
Debt obligations 19 870 14 380 1 270 919
Customer prepayments 756 2 666 48 170
Supplier payables 39 423 45 535 2 520 2 910
Other short-term borrowings 1 732 1 750 111 112
Tax liabilities 10 902 7 560 697 483
Accrued expenses 10 550 12 044 674 770
Short-term provision 157 300 10 19
Other prepaid revenue 3 643 3 643 233 233
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 87 033 87 878 5 563 5 616
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIE 40 713 17 357 2 602 1 109
TOTAL LIABILITIES 127 746 105 235 8 165 6 725
Minority interests 14 502 14 381 927 919
Share capital 168 000 56 000 10 737 3 579
Paid-in capital over/under p 6 000 6 000 384 384
Restricted reserves 8 600 8 600 550 550
Retained earnings 334 493 450 377 21 378 28 784
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 517 093 520 977 33 049 33 297
TOT.LIABILIT.AND OWNERS' EQU 659 341 640 593 42 141 40 941


in thousand EEK
GROUP Q2 2005 Q2 2004 H1 2005 H1 2004

NET SALES 117 196 103 468 229 205 189 201
Cost of goods sold -93 013 -84 462-185 022-156 132

Gross profit 24 183 19 006 44 183 33 069

Operating expenses, incl. -15 225 -12 022 -973 -768
Marketing expenses -5 445 -4 807 -10 546 -9 199
Administrative expenses -9 780 -7 215 -17 823 -14 067
Other revenue 386 204 507 389
Other expenses -266 -132 -422 -240

Operating profit 9 078 7 056 15 899 9 952

Net financial incomes/expens 4 456 19 056 8 557 70 929
Income from subsidiaries -159 -19 -51 -680

Profit from normal operation 13 375 26 093 24 405 80 201
Corporate Income tax -2 907 -17 -3 033 -33
Profit after taxes 10 468 26 076 21 372 80 168
Minority interest -239 -828 -616 -285
Net profit for the year 10 229 25 248 20 756 79 883

Basic earnings per share 0,61 1,56 1,24 4,93

Diluted earnings per share 0,61 1,52 1,24 4,81

in thousand EUR
GROUP Q2 2005 Q2 2004 H1 2005 H1 2004

NET SALES 7 490 6 613 14 649 12 092
Cost of goods sold -5 945 -5 398 -11 825 -9 979

Gross profit 1 545 1 215 2 824 2 113

Operating expenses, incl. -973 -769 -62 -49
Marketing expenses -348 -308 -674 -588
Administrative expenses -625 -461 -1 139 -899
Other revenue 25 13 32 25
Other expenses -17 -8 -27 -15

Operating profit 580 451 1 016 636

Net financial incomes/expens 285 1 218 547 4 533
Income from subsidiaries -10 -1 -3 -43

Profit from normal operation 855 1 668 1 560 5 126
Corporate Income tax -186 -1 -194 -2
Profit after taxes 669 1 667 1 366 5 124
Minority interest -15 -53 -39 -18
Net profit for the year 654 1 614 1 327 5 106

Basic earnings per share 0,04 0,10 0,08 0,32

Diluted earnings per share 0,04 0,10 0,08 0,31

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
+372 6747 403

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