Atnaujinta: 2024.07.05 00:02 (GMT+3)


2005.08.22, Starman, TLN
STARMAN                            FINANCIAL REPORT                     22.08.2005


General information

In the first half-year 2005, Starman's net profit rose substantially as the
company continued to achieve its targets. By the end of June, Starman had
successfully launched telephone services and the company's shares were listed on
the main list of the Tallinn Stock Exchange.
Starman's total revenue for the 1st half-year 2005 amounted to 5.85 million euros
- a 37% increase, compared to the same period last year. EBITDA for the first 6
months of the year amounted to 1.9 million euros, and net profit to 0.7 million
euros - a respective 29% and 31% increase, compared to the first half-year 2004.
When considering the EBITDA and net profit for the 1st half-year 2005, it is
worth noting that the results include 0.26 million euros worth of one-off
expenses. The majority of these expenses (99.5%) were incurred in the 2nd
quarter. Therefore, the profit for the 2nd quarter (0.22 million euros) was
smaller than that for the 1st quarter (0.48 million euros).
AS Starman has taken a clear focus on private customers. Starman's triple-play
offering (cable television, Internet and telephone) provide household users with
the option of ordering all services from a single service provider offering the
best price and quality ratio on the Estonian market.
In August, the company introduced a new logo and corporate symbolic. This
reflects the company's development from a small cable operator into Estonia's
largest telecommunication company providing services through cable networks.

Financial ratios

A selection of ratios for evaluating the economic activities in the first half-
year 2005:

2003 2004 1st

Sales increase 35% 44% 37%
EBITDA margin 38% 32% 32%
Gross margin 16% 12% 15%
Net margin 13% 10% 12%
Revenue/average assets 0.62 0.68 0.66

Equity ratio 70% 51% 51%
Debt to equity 0.34 0.73 0.69
Debt/EBITDA 1.05 2.08 1.72
Investments/EBITDA 0.78 2.15 1.25

Current ratio 0.66 0.78 0.75
Invoice turnover rate 23.5 18.5 18.3

Sales increase = increase compared to the same period last year
EBITDA = operating profit + depreciation and amortisation
EBITDA margin = EBITDA/total revenue
Gross margin = operating profit/total revenue
Net margin = net profit/total revenue
Revenue/average assets - for comparison purposes, the revenue for the 1st half-
year 2005 have been multiplied by 2
Equity ratio = equity/total assets
Debt = borrowings + long-term borrowings
Debt/EBITDA - for comparison purposes, EBITDA for the 1st half-year 2005 has been
multiplied by 2
Current ratio = current assets/current liabilities
Invoice turnover rate = revenue for the period/accounts receivable at the end of
the period

Group structure

The Starman Group incorporates the parent company AS Starman, and the fully owned
subsidiaries AS Levi Kaabel, Tallinna Kaabeltelevisiooni AS and AS Telset
Telecommunications Group. These companies were incorporated under the Starman
Group in June 2004. The primary assets of the companies were sold to the parent
company immediately after the acquisition of these subsidiaries. In effect, the
subsidiaries have had no extra-group turnover since December 2004.
On 31 May 2005, Starman acquired from AS Levi Kaabel full ownership of AS Telset
Telecommunications Group. On the same day, Starman and its subsidiaries concluded
a merger agreement on the merger of Starman and all of its subsidiaries. The
merger process is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2005.

Revenue and expenses

Cable television and Internet services contributed the majority of Starman's
total revenue for the 1st half-year 2005 - 52% and 41% of total revenue,
Revenue from cable television services increased by 56%, compared to the 1st half-
year 2004. Revenue for the second quarter exceeded that for the first quarter by
9%. Organic growth in recent years has been achieved at the expense of price
increase. Cable television service prices are normalising, but still remain
relatively low, considering the living standard in Estonia. At the end of June
2005, the company had a total of 128 thousand cable television customers - a 3%
decrease in customer numbers as of the end of 2004 mostly due to the
standardisation of prices. Starman discontinued inefficient special offers and
standardised prices for Starman and former TELE 2 customers. The effect of these
changes on the revenue from cable television services is significantly smaller
than that relating to the drop in customer numbers, since average revenue per
unit (ARPU) showed a significant increase among customers eligible for special

Revenue from Internet services increased by 20%, compared to the 1st half-year
2004. Revenue for the second quarter exceeded that for the first quarter by 1%.
The slowdown in internet revenue growth in first half of the year can be
explained by the marketing focus on selling telephony services. As of the end of
June, the company had a total of 26 thousand Internet customers. Starman has
maintained its position as the leading broadband provider among private customers
in the company's "footprint". Although no change occurred in customer numbers
compared to the beginning of the year, the company succeeded in maintaining its
ARPU in the 1st half-year, even though ARPU is clearly being pushed down by the
market. As has become normal for Starman, autumn/early winter is the season for
growth in Internet services.
Backed by a rapid expansion in customer numbers, telephone services showed
notable sales increase month after month. By the end of June 2005, Starman had a
total of 7.3 thousand telephone customers. Telephone services contributed 3% of
the total revenue for the 1st half-year 2005, but in the near future we can
expect a substantial increase here.
Contributing 3% of the total revenue of AS Starman for the 1st half-year and
decreasing by 33% compared to the same period 2004, sales of goods and materials
is primarily influenced by the decline in sales of Internet modems.

Starman's operating expenses amounted to 3.96 million euros in the 1st half-year
2005, having grown by 41% compared to the same period 2004. Upon eliminating one-
off expenses (especially fringe benefit tax on stock options issued to Management
Board members, IPO expenses, and expenses on the pending TELE 2 court case) from
the operating expenses, the restated operating expense growth indicator amounts
to 32%.
If we disregard the above one-off expenses, we can see that expenses on network
maintenance-related services and materials - mainly relating to the upgrading of
the outdated cable network acquired as part of the TELE 2 transaction - as well
as a 60% increase in programs costs increased at a growing rate in the 1st half-
year 2005, compared to last year. For the majority of expense items, the rate of
growth in expenses was smaller than the increase in revenue.
Personnel expenses increased by 41% compared to last year. The average number of
employees amounted to 174 in the 1st half-year of 2005. As at 30 June 2005, the
company employed 191 people - a 17% increase, compared to the end of 2004.
Employee numbers rose due to the increased focus on improving customer service.
In expenses related to asset valuation, the provision for bad debts amounted to
34 thousand euros - i.e. 0.6% of the turnover for the period. Loss of inventories
and discounts totalled 33 thousand euros in the first half of 2005.

EBITDA for the first 6 months of 2005 amounted to 1.89 million euros. Upon
elimination of one-off expenses, the EBITDA margin would amount to 37%.

Depreciation costs increased by 21% compared to the 1st half-year 2004.
Financial expenses, the negative effect of the significant appreciation of the US
dollar on the company's financial results - especially in the second quarter -
deserves to be separately mentioned. The results recorded under financial
expenses make up less than a half of the estimated total foreign exchange loss.

Net profit for the first 6 months of 2005 amounted to 0.7 million euros. Upon
elimination of one-off expenses, the net profit margin would amount to 17%,
instead of the "official" 12%, whereas net profit growth would amount to 80%,
compared to the first 6 months of 2004.

Balance sheet, investments, financing

In the first half-year 2005, Starman's investments in fixed assets amounted to
2.36 million euros, of which 0.64 million euros were invested in the first
quarter and 1.72 million euros in the second quarter. The company made the
following investments: cable network renovation and construction - 0.73 million
euros; telephone modems - 0.42 million euros; DIGI TV Head-End - 0.32 million
euros; Internet equipment - 0.37 million euros (incl. Head-End`s : 0.27 million
euros); cable television Head-End`s and equipment: 0.2 million euros (incl. cable
television Head-Ends: 0.16 million euros); telephone Head-End - 0.18 million
euros; computers and computer systems - 0.06 million euros; other investments -
0.08 million euros.
Upgrading of and enhancement of the data communication capability of the existing
network made up the majority of the investments in the cable network. Data
communication capability increased to 73%. While at the end of 2004, Starman
covered 243 thousand households with 161 thousand - i.e. 66% of the households -
being serviced by a network with data communication capabilities, the respective
numbers as of 30 June 2005 were 245 thousand and 178 thousand. Investments in
telephone modems were directly related to the growth in customer numbers. The
majority of 2005 investment in Internet and cable television equipment, which
enhances quality and supports the growth in customer numbers, was made in the
first 6 months of the year. The DIGI TV Head-End and telephone Head-End
investment is associated with the development of new products and solutions. As
of 30 June 2005, the respective equipment had not yet been fully accepted and was
therefore recorded under "Construction-in-progress".

In the first half-year 2005, Starman succeeded in maintaining a high
capitalisation, a relatively low debt level and a sufficient liquidity. The
balance sheet as of 30 June 2005, shows that several current asset and current
liability entries have significantly increased, compared to 2004, as a result of
larger-than-average investments made at the end of the 2nd quarter. The majority
of the increase in inventories is thus made up of telephone modems not yet
delivered to the customers, while standard receivables from customers have
actually decreased by 0.04 million euros (the increase in item "Accounts
receivable" was, above all, conditioned by receivables related to sales and
leaseback transactions) and accounts payable and accrued expenses largely hinge
on the fact that equipment suppliers have granted Starman longer-than-average
payment terms for major projects. The increase in taxes payable is, primarily
related to the one-off fringe benefits specified above.

Rändy Hütsi
Member of the Management Board
+372 677 9977
Additional information: AS Starman consolidated interim report for the 1st half-
year 2005

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