Atnaujinta: 2024.11.23 15:17 (GMT+2)
New Board Member
At the Supervisory Board meeting of AS Merko Ehitus held on September 15,
2005, director of the company's civil engineering division, Mr Andres
Agukas, was elected as the fifth member of the Board.
Andres Agukas commences his duties as a member of the Board on October 1,
2005, and will be in charge of the building activities of AS Merko Ehitus.
So far Jaan Mäe has been in charge of the the building and develpoment
activities, but hereafter he will be in charge of the residential
construction and real estate develompent of AS Merko Ehitus.
Andres Agukas has been in Merko Ehitus since 1999 and since 2002 he has
headed the civil engineering division.
Andres Agukas graduated from Tallinn Technical University in 1990 holding
a degree in road construction.
Mr Agukas does not own shares of AS Merko Ehitus.
Mr Tõnu Toomik
Chairman of the Board
+372 6 805 105