Atnaujinta: 2024.07.04 02:17 (GMT+3)

BTB: "Baltic Trust Bank" will conduct new issue of bonds

2005.09.21, GE Money Bank, RIG
Baltic Trust Bank                                                  21.09.2005

"Baltic Trust Bank" will conduct new issue of bonds

In October last year JSC "Baltic Trust Bank" (BTB) issued 30,000 bonds for
public offering denominated in lats with the term of redemption 3 years, the
par value of one hypothecation bond is 100 lats.

BTB issued 30,000 hypothecation bonds for public offering denominated in US
dollars with the term of redemption 5 years the par value of one hypothecation
bond is 100 US dollars.

BTB has begun issue of hypothecation bonds to attract attention of investors,
depositors and financial mediators who mainly got used to use bank deposits or
other financial instruments for placing funds or as a source of earnings.

Main advantage of hypothecation bonds, in comparison, for example, with bank
deposits, is the accrued interests paid out two times a year, therefore
interests for each half-year can be invested again, promoting general
profitability of investments. In its turn, trade in bonds at a stock exchange
provides to an investor possibility to sell securities at any moment, and
economists compare security or safety of bonds even to state internal loan

All bonds have been sold at two auctions, and it is necessary to mark that
during the second auction demand for bonds denominated in lats almost in two
times exceeded the offer, and the bank succeeded to sell them for a sum which
a little exceeded the originally declared minimum price. This fact testifies
to attractiveness of hypothecation bonds, trust to the bank and its stability
in the future.

In the beginning of 2005 the international rating agency Services Investor
Moody’s conferred Ba2 rating to bonds issued by BTB.
On May 11, 2004 Moody’s conferred the bank rating of Ba3/NP in regard to the
long-term liabilities and D rating of financial stability. A stable prognosis
is given in relation to the rating.
The conferred rating also helped BTB in obtaining the first syndicated credit
in the amount of 10 million euro (seven million lats). Austrian Raiffeisen
Zentralbank Österreich AG is the main authorized organizer of the loan, the
top managers of the loan are Copenhagen branch of HSH Nordbank and London
branch of Hua Nan Commercial Bank, and participants- Polish PKO Bank Polski
SA and Austrian Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich- Wien AG.
The rating of hypothecation bonds (Ba2) is higher than the rating of the bank
(Ba3), which testifies to a high degree of safety of these financial
instruments. Bonds are secured with mortgage loans and credits under
guarantees of self-governments of Latvia.

In Moody’s statement it has been especially pointed out that: "The rating of
hypothecation bonds of BTB is grounded with an analysis of normative base of
bonds in Latvia, separately considering credit risk, interest risk and risks
of lack of coincidence of money flows. Rating contains satisfactory financial
indexes, power and strategic challenges forecasted for business of BTB".

Ba2 rating conferred by the international agency Moody`s Investors Service LTD,
favourable situation on the money market as well as high interest to secured debt
securities with low risk level has influenced good results of placement of the

The results of auctions have been evaluated quite positively; therefore it has
been decided to carry out new issue of bonds.

Today the Financial and Capital Market Commission has allowed BTB to issue 30,000
bonds for public offering denominated in lats with the term of redemption- 2,5
years, 30,000 bonds denominated in the US dollars with the term of redemption- 5
years and 30,000 bonds denominated in euro with the term of redemption- 5 years.
The par value of one hypothecation bond is 100 lats, 100 US dollars and 100 euros

BTB is the first bank in Latvia who has prepared and coordinated new prospectuses
of hypothecation bonds in accordance with European regulations taking effect as of
July 1 of this year.

BTB is the first private commercial bank in Latvia, which issued hypothecation

Chairman of the Executive Board
Edgars Dubra

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