Atnaujinta: 2024.07.03 20:05 (GMT+3)

TSE: OMX harmonized index names

2005.10.03, Nasdaq Tallinn, TLN
Tallinn Stock Exchange             ANNOUNCEMENT                  03.10.2005

OMX harmonized index names

Effective October 3, 2005 the all-share index of Tallinn Stock Exchange
(TALSE) was renamed to OMX Tallinn (OMXT).

The change is part of OMX’s strive to create an integrated and efficient
Nordic Baltic marketplace. The new OMX index name structure covers
all-share, tradable, benchmark and sector indexes. The name structure is
constructed around the OMX name, the specific stock exchange and the
index of choice.

The all-share index of Stockholm Stock Exchange is OMX Stockholm (OMXS),
for Copenhagen Stock Exchange it is OMX Copenhagen (OMXC) and for Helsinki
Stock Exchange it is OMX Helsinki (OMXH). New index names for the Baltic
exchanges are similar: the all-share index of Tallinn Stock Exchange (TALSE)
was renamed to OMX Tallinn (OMXT), the all-share index of Riga Stock
Exchange (RIGSE) was renamed to OMX Riga (OMXR) and the all-share index
of Vilnius Stock Exchange (VILSE) was renamed to OMX Vilnius (OMXV).
Only the name of the Baltic main list index BALTIX remained the same.

Danish tradable index KFX was renamed to OMXC20, in line with tradable
indices in Stockholm and Helsinki (OMXS30 ja OMXH25). The benchmark indexes
in Copenhagen and Stockholm were changed to OMXCB and OMXSB, respectively,
in line with the name of the Helsinki benchmark index OMXHB. Sector, industry
group and industry indexes were harmonized accordingly.

To date the index harmonization process has included rule harmonization,
implementation of GICS classification standard, developed by MSCI and
Standard & Poor's, a new benchmark and sector indexes in Helsinki and the
introduction of a new index calculation system. The harmonization of the
index names started last autumn, with the change of the tradable index
names in Stockholm and Helsinki into OMX Stockholm 30 and OMX Helsinki 25.

Tallinn Stock Exchange
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+372 640 8800

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