Atnaujinta: 2024.07.03 18:06 (GMT+3)

GZE: Information about violation of normative acts at technological objects of JSC “Latvijas Gaze”

2005.10.03, Latvijas Gāze, RIG
Latvijas Gaze                                                  03.10.2005.

Information about violation of normative acts at technological objects of
JSC “Latvijas Gaze” reported by State Energy Control Inspectorate

Considering the violations of the normative acts mentioned in the announcement by
the Ministry of Economics (22.09.2005) as recorded by the State Energy Control
Inspectorate at the exploitation departments of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” – “Incukalns
Underground Gas Storage” and “ Gas Transport” JSC “Latvijas Gaze” states:
1.Violations of the normative acts recorded do not cause dangerous
situations at the technological objects. Violations are formal, not technological.
2.Inspectorate has been informed that all significant reprimands were
operatively eliminated after the controls.
3.State Energy Control Inspectorate has not informed JSC “Latvijas Gaze”
about new violation discovered or dangerous breaches to environment.
4.Currently active work goes on to develop the documentation according to
guidelines by State Labor Inspectorate, State Environmental Service and State
Energy Control Inspectorate and certified companies perform the controls.
5.Intensive cooperation with inspectorates takes place in order to complete
all the work in time and qualitatively.
6.Significant part of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” technological objects have been
constructed during the Soviet times, wherewith part of the objects miss technical
documentation. Development of new documentation is time and work consuming process,
wherewith timely documentation development is not possible. All the requirements are
met for the new objects and no violations of normative acts have been recorded there.
7.For separate items the normative documentation has not been put into order,
corresponding methodologies have not been developed that hinders timely preparation
of the documentation. Specialists of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” actively take part in
normative development.
8.JSC “Latvijas Gaze” has informed State Labor Inspectorate, State
Environmental Service and State Energy Control Inspectorate about the work
completed and work that has hindered. The Inspectorates are informed about the
investments in technical objects of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” done and planned
investments for the next five years.

During the five previous years JSC “Latvijas Gaze” has invested approximately
40 million LVL in the safety of gas supply system. During the period of 2005-2010
approximately 90 million LVL will be invested in the system’s safety. The priority
of JSC “Latvijas Gaze” is the system’s safety.

State Energy Control Inspectorate controls were carried out on 30 March 2005 at
exploitation department “Incukalns Underground Gas Storage” and on 17 May 2005
at exploitation department “ Gas Transport”.

There are regular controls at the JSC “Latvijas Gaze” exploitation departments
both for inner company needs and according to requirements of legislation. At
the exploitation department “Incukalns Underground Gas Storage” the following
controls take place:
1.State Labor Inspectorate, State Environmental Service and State
Firefighting and Rescue Service carry out yearly complex controls.
2.After the storm and energy crisis in January 2005 extraordinary complex
control was carried out.
3.PJSC “Gazprom” company VNIIGAZ performs Storage exploitation controls four
times per year.
4.PJSC “Gazprom” company GAZOBEZOPASNOSTJ performs Storage bore technical
controls four times per year.
5.In 2003 company “Risks un audits” performed technological assessment.
6.In 2002 German company UGS performed safety analysis.

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