Atnaujinta: 2024.07.02 09:45 (GMT+3)

OLF: In 2006 JSC „Olainfarm” is planning to develop a new direction service rendering

2005.11.16, Olainfarm, RIG
JSC „Olainfarm” 								16.11.2005.

In 2006 JSC „Olainfarm” is planning to develop a new direction service rendering

In year 2006 JSC „Olainfarm” is planning to develop a new direction service
rendering – to offer laboratory services to the clients. These laboratory services
will include physical and chemical quality tests, as well as tests on microbiological
cleanness, sterility and bacterial endotoxins indices. The range of use of the
mentioned laboratory tests is very wide – starting with chemical products, medications
and food supplements and ending up with tests of manufacturing facilities and
personnel. Presently JSC “Olainfarm” is mainly carrying out these laboratory analyses
for its own needs, but in the future it is planning to satisfy needs of other clients
as well.
In 2004 laboratories of JSC „Olainfarm” have been reconstructed: modern equipment has
been purchased and installed, a new and corresponding working environment has been
created. It gave a possibility to certify laboratories in accordance with requirements
of good manufacturing practice and facilitated a possibility starting with year 2005
to perform analyses for other clients as well. At the end of year 2005 it is planned
to complete equipping the laboratory with additional analytical equipment which is
going to raise its capacity even more.
This type of laboratory services is presently very required in Latvia, but capacities
of existing Latvian laboratories are not enough to satisfy all the demand.
JSC “Olainfarm” employs qualified and professional specialists in its laboratories,
which allows to secure a high quality level of the provided services. At the basis
of laboratories’ operation is assuring testing process by introducing quality system
in accordance with requirements of LSV NE ISO/IEC 17025 standard, by applying quality
control of testing methods, process management, and by complying with principles of
good manufacturing practice.
Management of JSC „Olainfarm” is planning an additional income from this new business
direction is going to be around 150 000 lats already in year 2006.

Olaine, November 16th, 2005.
Ziņojumu sagatavoja
Viktorija Žuka-Ņikuļina
Juridiskās daļas vadītāja
Tālr. 7013 870, 9473980
Fakss 7013 777

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