Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 01:13 (GMT+3)


2003.04.09, Merko Ehitus, TLN

Merko Ehitus NEWS RELEASE 04/09/2003


Minutes of the annual general meeting of shareholders (excerpt) in Tallinn,
on 08.04.2003.


1. Approving of 2002 annual report
2. Deciding on the distribution of profit
3. Appointment of auditor for the financial year of 2003
4. Election of council members, deciding on the remuneration of council
members and conclusion of contracts of service with council members and
appointment of the representative of the company in the above transactions
5. Amending of the Articles of Association

1. Approving of 2002 annual report

Resolution of the meeting:

Having reviewed the annual accounts, activity report, auditor's report and
profit distribution proposal ("Annual Report") of AS Merko Ehitus for 2002,
it was resolved to approve the Annual Report of 2002 prepared by the board
of AS Merko Ehitus and approved by the council.

Results of the vote:

in favour: 6 407 457 votes, 14 shareholders/representatives, 100% of those

2. Deciding on the distribution of profit

Resolution of the meeting:

It was resolved to distribute the profit of AS Merko Ehitus on the basis
of the approved annual accounts pursuant to the profit distribution proposal
submitted to the general meeting as follows:

(i) to approve the net profit of the financial year of 2002 in the amount
of 98 863 218 (ninety-eight million eight hundred and sixty-three
thousand two hundred and eighteen) Estonian kroons;

(ii) to pay dividends to shareholders from the net profit of 2002 in the
total amount of 19 912 500 (nineteen million nine hundred and twelve
thousand five hundred) Estonian kroons, which makes 2 kroons and 25
sents per share;

all shareholders entered in the share ledger of AS Merko Ehitus as of
24 April 2003 at 8:00 hours a.m. are entitled to dividends;

dividends shall be paid to shareholders not later than on 25 April
2003 by remitting the respective amount to the current account tied
to the shareholder's securities account;

(iii) to maintain the rest of the net profit undivided.

Results of the vote:

in favour: 6 407 457 votes, 14 shareholders/representatives, 100% of those

3. Appointment of auditor for the financial year of 2003

Resolution of the meeting:

It was resolved to appoint Malle Rannik, certified auditor from auditing
company "Audit EA", as auditor of AS Merko Ehitus for the financial year of
2003 and to pay to her pursuant to the price list established by Audit EA.

Results of the vote:

in favour: 6 407 457 votes, 14 shareholders/representatives, 100% of those

4. Election of council members, deciding on the remuneration of council
members and conclusion of contracts of service with council members and
appointment of the representative of the company in the above transactions

Resolution of the meeting:

· In connection with the expiry of the authority of the previous council
members on 12 April 2003, it was resolved to elect the new council of
AS Merko Ehitus as of 12 April 2003 in the following composition:
Toomas Annus, Teet Roopalu and Ott Kikas,
· to pay remuneration to the council members and conclude respective
contracts of service with the council members on the following terms
and conditions:

1) Term of contract:

the contract shall enter into force as of signature thereof and shall
expire with the expiry of the authority of a council member, whereas in
case of re-election of the council member for the following term of office
the contract shall be extended automatically.

2) Areas of liability of council members are as follows:

- Chairman of the council
- Head of the construction sector
- Head of the financial sector

The chairman of the council and the persons liable for a respective sector
shall be elected by council members at the council meeting before the
conclusion of respective contracts.

When performing their duties and in the premises, on the territory and at
the construction sites of the company the council members shall comply with
valid legal acts and all internal rules, instructions and regulations
established by the company (incl. internal work procedure rules,
instructions regarding work safety and health at work, etc.).

3) Remuneration:

Council members are paid monthly remuneration for the performance of their
duties as follows:

- Chairman of the council - 38 000 Estonian kroons
- Head of the construction sector - 34 000 Estonian kroons
- Head of the financial sector - 33 000 Estonian kroons

4) Additional remuneration:

Council members are entitled to the following additional remuneration:

- Chairman of the council - 0.4% of the profit of the company before the
income tax, from which the respective minority share has been deducted;
- Head of the construction sector - 0.3% of the profit of the company
before the income tax, from which the respective minority share has been
- Head of the financial sector - 0.3% of the profit of the company before
the income tax, from which the respective minority share has been deducted.

The additional remuneration is paid after the approval of the annual report
of the respective financial year at the general meeting of shareholders. The
council members may be paid in the form of advance payments in the maximum
extent of 65% of the above additional remuneration.

5) Working time

Council members undertake to perform their duties and be accessible during
the general working hours established in the company. With a reasonable need
and when it is in the interests of the company, the council members shall
perform their duties without a respective specific request also outside the
above working hours and on days off.

6) Vacation

Council members are entitled to a vacation of 28 calendar days in a calendar
year, when choosing the time of the vacation, a council member shall consider
the need to organize the activities of the company. Council members are paid
holiday pay for their vacation, which equals to the average monthly salary of
a council member, calculated on the basis of the basic and additional
remuneration paid to the council member during the year preceding his/her
vacation. A council member is entitled to additional vacation at the time
agreed upon between the company and the council member, for which the council
member is not entitled to get paid.

7) Fringe benefits

Council members are entitled to the following fringe benefits:

- use of a company car both for the performance of their duties and at time
- use of a mobile phone both for the performance of their duties and at time
- conclusion of a life insurance agreement at the expense of the company,
whereas the company shall be the beneficiary
- the company has the right to enable the council members training at the
expense of the company which is necessary for the performance of the
duties of the council members
- etc.

8) Other benefits

Council members are entitled to compensation for expenses reasonably
incurred in connection with the performance of their duties, provided that
the expenses are certified.

Expenses related to business travel of council members and use of personal
cars of council members in connection with the performance of their duties
shall be compensated for in compliance with the procedure established by
the Republic of Estonia.

9) Compensation for termination of contract

If a council member is recalled from the council before the term or if the
powers of the council member expire and he/she is not re-elected as a council
member for the following term of office and he/she is not offered another
management position in the company on the terms which are not materially
different form those set out in the council member agreement, he/she shall
be paid a compensation in the amount of 12 months' salary of the council

Additional remuneration shall not be taken into account in the calculation
of the amount of compensation.

A council member is not entitled to receive compensation for the termination
of the contract if he/she is recalled from the council for good reasons in
connection with a breach of law, the Articles of Association or contract of
service by him/her or failure to perform his/her duties.

10) Competition restriction and confidentiality

Council members are obliged to comply with the competition restriction during
the entire validity of this contract and within one year after the expiry of
the contract.

Council members are obliged to comply with the confidentiality obligation
during the entire validity of this contract and unlimited time after the
expiry of the contract.

In case of breach of the competition restriction and the confidentiality
obligation the company is entitled to demand from a council member a
contractual penalty in the amount of 24 months' salary of the council member
and in the extent the damages are not covered with the penalty, compensation
for the caused damage.

11) Disputes

All disputes arising from contracts concluded with council members shall be
resolved at the court of location of the defendant.

Above general terms and conditions may be specified or extended in the
contracts to be concluded with council members and additional terms and
conditions which are not in conflict with the above presented general
conditions, imperative provisions of the Law of Obligations Act regulating
authorization agreements and the principles under the Commercial Code
related to the goal and nature of the activities, as well as liability of
council and council members may be added to the contracts.

· To authorize Tõnu Toomik to conclude on behalf of the company the
respective contracts with the council members on the general conditions
set out above.

Results of the vote:

in favour: 6 407 457 votes, 14 shareholders/representatives, 100% of those

5. Amending of the Articles of Association

Resolution of the meeting:

In connection with the change of location of AS Merko Ehitus, to amend
Article 2 of the Articles of Association of AS Merko Ehitus to read as

Article 2: "The location of the Company is Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314".

Results of the vote:

in favour: 6 407 457 votes, 14 shareholders/representatives, 100% of those

Ülo Metsaots
Member of the Board
+372 6805 104

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