Atnaujinta: 2024.11.25 22:32 (GMT+2)
Kalev ANNOUNCEMENT 07.06.2005
At Friday's (3 June) ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of AS Kalev
subsidiary AS Vilma, 83.76% of the votes represented by shares were present.
Thus the general meeting had a quorum.
Resolutions of the ordinary general meeting of the shareholders
1. To approve the company's Annual Report 2004.
2. To transfer the profit for the financial year 2004 in the amount of 430,882
kroons to retained earnings.
3. To approve the new redaction of the Articles of Association.
The major changes in the Articles of Association are as follows:
a) Earlier the Articles of Association only allowed a monetary contribution as
payment for shares. The new Articles of Association allow either a monetary or a
non-monetary contribution to be made. The means of payment will be decided at the
same time as the decision on the issue of shares is taken. A non-monetary
contribution may be any thing or proprietary right transferred to the company
which can be monetarily valued and which can be claimed. The non-monetary
contribution shall be evaluated by the company's Management Board and the
valuation shall be reviewed by an auditor.
b) The company's financial year was changed: according to the new redaction of
the Articles of Association, the financial year shall begin on 1 July and end on
30 June. After the end of the financial year, the Management Board shall prepare
the financial statements and the management report pursuant to the procedures
provided by the Accounting Act, and submit them first to the auditor and then
along with the auditor's report and the profit allocation report to the general
The remaining amendments included changes made in order to correct the
consistency of dates.
4. It was decided to choose Ernst & Young Baltic AS, registry code 10877299,
address Harju 6, Tallinn, as the auditor. Remuneration of the auditor shall take
place on the basis of a contract to be concluded with Ernst & Young Baltic AS.
Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858