Atnaujinta: 2024.07.04 14:10 (GMT+3)

KLV: 12 months interim report 2004/2005

2005.09.01, Luterma, TLN
AS Kalev                    FINANCIAL RESULTS              01.09.2005



Kalev Group pursues three principal fields of activity:
confectionery product manufacturing and sale, dairy product
manufacturing and sale, and real estate development and
administration. In addition to the parent company, AS Kalev,
the Group includes six subsidiaries: AS Kalev Paide Tootmine,
AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine, AS Kalev Real Estate Company (AS Kalev
REC), AS Vilma, OÜ Maiasmokk and Kalev Merchant Services Ltd.

The financial indicators of Kalev Ltd and its subsidiaries have
been consolidated line by line in this report. The financial
indicators of the subsidiary Kalev Merchant Services Ltd have
not been consolidated, since the balance sheet volume of the
subsidiary only makes up less than 0.5% of the parent company’s
turnover. The comparative data have not been adjusted, since
the financial indicators of the subsidiary have no significant
influence on those of the Group.

1. Economic activities and financial results

Characteristic indicators for the financial year 2004/2005,
compared to the same period in the last financial year:

· Increase in consolidated revenue: 1.3 times (218 million
kroons – i.e. 13.9 million euros);
· Decrease in consolidated net profit: 58 million kroons –
i.e. 3.7 million euros;
· Increase in sugar and chocolate confectionery product
revenue: 1.2 times (46.8 million kroons – i.e. 2.9 million
· Increase in export revenue: 3.8 times (276 million kroons
– i.e. 17.7 million euros);
· Increase in revenue per employee: 1.1 times (0.05 million
kroons – i.e. 3.6 thousand euros);
· Increase in confectionery products sold (chocolate and
sugar confectionery products, baked goods, biscuits): 1.7 times
(5,600 tons);
· Dairy products sold: 14,333 tons (409 million kroons –
i.e. 26.1 million euros);

Consolidated net sales and net profit for the financial year
2004/2005 (by group companies):

Net profit Net sales
2003/2004 2004/2005 2003/2004 2004/2005
Group 17 184 663 -41 048 415 624 212 816 842 550 341
Kalev Ltd 14 933 856 -29 919 868 436 046 952 384 560 830
AS Kalev Paide -9 557 945 -26 073 355 124 450 197 396 176 378
AS Kalev Jõhvi -1 061 712 -6 839 950 10 887 489 10 695 566
AS Kalev REC 13 874 440 23 919 993 50 856 287 17 522 716
AS Vilma 1 849 928 28 172 124
OÜ Maiasmokk -59 190 -2 001 490 1 769 528 5 422 726

Consolidated net sales of Kalev Ltd for the financial year
2004/2005 amounted to 842.6 million kroons (i.e. 53.8 million
euros)— a 35% increase, compared to the same period last year
(2003/2004: 624.2 million kroons – i.e. 39.9 million euros).

Increase in the turnover generated by the subsidiary AS Kalev
Paide Tootmine was a major contributor to the increase in the
consolidated net sales of Kalev Ltd. So was the incorporation
of the new subsidiary AS Vilma under Kalev Group in July 2004.

In the financial year 2004/2004, the company’s consolidated net
loss amounted to 41 million kroons (2.6 million euros), while
in the comparative period, the company earned 17.2 million
kroons (1.1 million euros) in net profit. The net loss of Kalev
Ltd corresponded to the company’s expectations. Kalev has
developed strategic plans, and started pursuing the established
goals in order to bring the company out of the red.

The following factors contributed to the company’s negative
results in the financial year 2004/2005:

1. significant raw material price increase (sugar, nuts and
almonds, crude milk);
2. dairy product price drop on the EU market;
3. extraordinary expenses related to the integration of a new
subsidiary under Kalev Group, as well as continuing the
integration of previously acquired subsidiaries;
4. extraordinary expenses related to the relocation of the
caramel factory, and its launch in the new plant complex;
5. increase in consumption of energy, water and sewerage
services; fuel price increase;
6. increase in product development expenses;
7. decrease in export revenue.

The main contributor to the company’s loss was the threefold
increase in the price of sugar – the most important raw
material – after Estonia’s accession to the European Union in
May 2004. The price of yet another major raw material group –
nuts, almonds – continued to grow on the world market as well.
For instance, the world market price of nuts has increased four
times, compared to the middle of 2003, while the price of
almonds has doubled in the last few years. This has been caused
by both poor harvest in the countries of origin, and political

As a result of the increase in raw material prices, the company
has reviewed its confectionery product recipes, and brought the
profitability of the product portfolio into line with the
increased prices of raw materials. The company has also
developed and launched new chocolate and sugar confectionery
products in order to enhance its competitive ability. The above
actions taken by the company resulted in a 65.3% increase in
product development expenses in the financial year under
review, compared to last year. The increase in product
development and other marketing expenses is the result of the
company’s pursuit of future growth in profitability.

The dairy sector was characterised by the following trends. The
price of raw material continued to rise on the local market in
the given period. After its sudden increase at the end of 2003
(average buying-in price for 2003: 2,880 kroons per ton), the
milk buying-in price in Estonia increased a further 6% – from
the 3,820 kroons/ton (in the 1st quarter of 2004) to 4,050
kroons/ton (average price for the 1st quarter of 2005). At the
same time, old EU members experienced the opposite trends – the
average milk buying-in price dropped in both 2004 and 2005. The
milk price in Estonia has more or less levelled with that of
the EU countries by today.

The EU market regulation measures implemented for the purpose
of supporting the dairy sector (namely, the drop in the buying-
in price of butter and skimmed milk powder) also contributed to
the drop in the price of milk. Since July 2004, intervention
buying-in prices for butter and skimmed milk powder have
dropped by 7% and 5%, respectively. Due to the stability of
world market prices, subsidies granted for export to third
countries have continually been reduced. As the year’s end is
the high season for the dairy product market, the effects
related to the drop in intervention buying-in prices could not
be seen until the beginning of 2005. The milk powder price
dropped by 3% and the butter price by 6% on the EU market in
the first half-year of 2005, compared to the same period last
year. Since Kalev Ltd’s subsidiary AS Kalev Paide Tootmine
exports most of its output to EU countries, the low prices
prevailing on the dairy product market had a significant effect
on the decrease in the Group’s profit. AS Kalev Paide Tootmine
will continue focusing on developing partner relations with
customers, enhancing efficiency and establishing a long-term
partnership with milk producers.

Kalev Group saw further expansion in the financial year
2004/2005, incorporating the Viljandi-based bakery AS Vilma.
Integration of this new subsidiary under the Group, as well as
the continuing integration of previously acquired subsidiaries
resulted in extraordinary expenses for the company. Above all,
these expenses were related to integration of the production,
sale and logistics systems, and other areas.

Launch of the Põrguvälja plant building, which was completed at
the end of 2003, turned out to be more costly than initially
estimated. This was conditioned by bigger energy and sewerage
expenses. In the summer of 2004, Kalev Ltd’s caramel factory
was relocated to the new plant complex. The relocation and
launch of the factory incurred 7.8 million kroons (0.5 million
euros) in extraordinary expenses.

The overall market situation of the period, characterised by
tightening competition on the local baked goods and
confectionery product market and the general retail market, can
be brought out as one of the contributors to the company’s
loss. The tightening competition after accession to the EU is
the result of the enhanced activities of producers in EU
countries. Despite the customs duties that have come into
effect, Ukrainian and Russian products are still strongly
represented on the local sweets market, especially in border
regions. At the same time, the Kalev trademark has maintained
its prominent position in Estonia. The company has a strong
position on the local confectionery product market.

The company’s export revenue decreased in the given financial
year. This was conditioned by Estonia’s accession to the
European Union, and the resulting establishment of double
customs duties for trade with third countries. As a result,
Kalev Ltd suspended export of its products to the Ukrainian

The 23.3% increase in marketing expenses was mainly due to
incorporation of new subsidiaries in the Kalev Group in the
given period. The expanded product assortment and the
tightening competition on the end-consumer market also
contributed to the growth in marketing expenses.

General and administrative expenses grew by 12.2% in the given
period. Above all, this was conditioned by turnover increase in
the group companies, and incorporation of the new subsidiary AS

The 47.2% decrease in the revenue for the financial year
2004/2005 was affected by real estate transactions, the volume
of which was significantly smaller than that of transactions in
the comparative period.

In the financial year 2004/2005, Kalev Group employed an
average of 802 people—a 12.5% increase, compared to the same
period last year. This change was mainly due to incorporation
of the employees of the AS Vilma among the Group staff in the
given financial year.

In the financial year 2004/2005, the Tax and Customs Board
(TCB) conducted an audit of Kalev Ltd, inspecting the company’s
sugar reserve and its declaration thereof. As a result, the TCB
Northern Regional Tax Centre presented Kalev Ltd with a decree
on the discovery of carryover stock and excessive stock reserve
on 17 June 2005. The company contested the TCB decree, and
filed a complaint with the Tallinn Administrative Court,
requesting annulment of the above decree of the TCB Northern
Regional Tax Centre, validation of the nullity of the decision,
and non-application of the Excessive Stock Reserve Fees Act
with respect to the company due to contradiction with the
Constitution. Kalev Ltd maintains that the company’s sugar
reserve declaration was correct, and the company did not own or
possess, as of 1 May 2004, the 15.6 thousand tons of sugar
reserves deemed excessive by the TCB.

3. Product market and sales

3.1. Chocolate and sugar confectionery products

Kalev Ltd retained its strong position as the leader of the
Estonian chocolate and sugar confectionery market in the given
financial year. According to the retail survey conducted by AC
Nielsen Eesti, Kalev Ltd’s market share was 44% in June/July
2005 as regards chocolate and sugar confectionery products.

The Estonian chocolate and sugar confectionery market was
characterised by stable growth in 2004/2005. Above all, this is
related to the development of local retail trade business.
Kalev Ltd succeeded in keeping pace with market growth in the
important segments – e.g. chocolate bars, candy, etc.

Similarly to recent years, the share of sweets of a lower price
category increased on the local market in the given period.
With the aim of strengthening its position in the sector, the
company launched a new product series under the Sonja trademark
at the beginning of 2004. So far, Kalev Ltd’s products have had
a higher quality and price on the Estonian market, and product
development in products of lower price categories had been

As regards marketing activities, the company maintained its
focus on product development in the financial year 2004/2005.
Kalev launched new products in both the chocolate confectionery
sector and the sugar confectionery sector. In addition to the
mentioned Sonja product series, Kalev Ltd launched chocolate-
coated cocoa-flavoured praline candies, the gift boxes Athena
and Toompea, double-layered praline candy sticks and candies,
blueberry-flavoured Draakon chews and candy sticks Õunasuflee
and Rixx.

3.2. Baked goods

In the given period, Kalev Ltd brought the cookie series
manufactured by AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine under the Kalev
trademark, and modernised several of that producer’s dark bread
and white bread packages. New products launched at the market
included Mesikäpp, Tähekesed and the two-flavoured
Nisukliiküpsised (wheat bran) cookies.

According to the retail survey conducted by AC Nielsen Eesti,
Kalev Ltd’s market share was 14% in June/July 2005 as regards

3.3. Dairy products

As Kalev Paide Tootmine significantly (more than four times)
increased the output volume of its dairy products in the given
period. Skimmed milk, milk powder, cream and butter all showed
growth in production volume. High-temperature pasteurized milk
(UHT milk) was also produced, in a smaller volume. The share of
outsourced services decreased abruptly in the given period. The
company started using the stockpiled raw material to
manufacture goods on its own.

3.4. Product sales

Kalev Group’s total confectionery and dairy product sales
amounted to over 28 thousand tons in the financial year
2004/2005, having grown by 2.2 times, compared to the last
financial year. 52% was sold at the home market; 48% was

Kalev Group sold a total of over 6,300 tons of confectionery
products (incl. chocolate and sugar confectionery products) in
the given period—a decrease of 9%, compared to last year. The
home market constituted 85% of the total sales of confectionery
products; 15% of the sales were exports. In the given period,
the Baltic States remained the group’s main export targets. In
addition to the above countries, the company also exported its
products to the Scandinavian countries, Russia and the United

Kalev Group’s total flour confectionery product (incl. baked
goods and biscuits) sales amounted to over 7,600 tons in the
financial year 2004/2005. Most of the output was sold at the
home market. In the comparative period, the company was not
actively involved in the flour confectionery product sector.

Kalev Group sold over 14,300 tons of dairy products (incl.
skimmed milk and milk powder, high-temperature pasteurised milk
and butter) in the given period – nearly a fourfold increase,
compared to the financial year 2003/2004. Over half (i.e. 62%)
of the sales volume was exported to various EU countries.

4. Real estate activities

AS Kalev Real Estate Company (AS Kalev REC), Kalev Ltd’s
subsidiary involved in real estate administration and
management, was initially established for the purpose of
organising the construction of Kalev Ltd’s new plant building,
as well as developing the 30-hectare Põrguvälja real estate in
Rae parish in Harju county. Administration and development of
Kalev Ltd’s real estate located at Pärnu mnt 139 in Tallinn was
the secondary purpose.

As of today, AS Kalev REC has aggressively entered the so-
called public real estate market, and launched active
development operations in both the housing sector and the
commercial space sector. Ongoing projects include construction
of new apartment buildings at Kastani 183a and 183b in Tartu
(the so-called “Mesikäpa buildings”), and the office building
at Pärnu mnt 139c in Tallinn (the so-called “Tere building”).
Housing development projects have also been initiated at
Tervise 5, Järvevana tee 3 and 3a, and Marati 4 in Tallinn.

Balance sheet
consolidated, unaudited

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

ASSETS 30.06.2005 30.06.2004 30.06.2005 30.06.2004
CASH AND BANK 7 598 835 2 780 382 485 654 177 699
RECEIVABLES 87 463 259 206 221 734 5 589 921 13 179 971
PREPAID EXPENSES 20 548 186 3 024 730 1 313 268 193 315
INVENTORIES 100 492 523 85 073 277 6 422 643 5 437 173
TOTAL CURRENT 216 102 802 297 100 122 13 811 486 18 988 159

LONG-TERM 2 471 015 330 180 157 927 21 102
MISCELLANEOUS 2 471 015 330 180 157 927 21 102
PROPERTY, PLANT 343 857 657 351 168 558 21 976 510 22 443 761
REAL ESTATE 201 625 752 58 054 766 12 886 234 3 710 376
INTANGIBLE 78 762 -9 017 055 5 034 -576 295
TOTAL NON- 548 033 186 400 536 450 35 025 704 25 598 945

TOTAL ASSETS 764 135 988 697 636 571 48 837 191 44 587 103


CURRENT 120 403 672 109 628 402 7 695 197 7 006 532
PREPAYMENTS FROM 3 924 812 3 416 983 250 841 218 385
SUPLIER PAYABLE 213 235 732 165 615 804 13 628 247 10 584 779
TAXES PAYABLE 527 594 0 33 719
OTHER PAYABLES 9 407 459 37 145 927 601 246 2 374 057
TOTAL CURRENT 346 971 675 316 334 709 22 175 532 20 217 473

LONG-TERM 183 868 465 123 323 114 11 751 337 7 881 784
TOTAL NON- 183 868 465 123 323 114 11 751 337 7 881 784
TOTAL 530 840 140 439 657 824 33 926 868 28 099 256

SHARE CAPITAL 236 325 000 78 775 000 15 103 920 5 034 640
REVALUATION 18 628 043 17 159 388 1 190 549 1 096 685
MANDATORY 4 020 204 3 160 971 256 938 202 023
RETAINED 10 231 636 141 514 656 653 921 9 044 435
PROFIT FOR THE -41 048 415 17 184 663 -2 623 472 1 098 300
MINORITY 5 139 380 184 070 328 466 11 764
TOTAL OWNER’S 228 156 468 257 794 678 14 581 856 16 476 083

TOTAL 764 135 988 697 636 571 48 837 191 44 587 103

Income statement
consolidated, unaudited

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

01.07.2004- 01.07.2003- 01.07.2004- 01.07.2003-
30.06.2005 30.06.2004 30.06.2005 30.06.2004
NET SALES 842 550 341 624 212 816 53 848 781 39 894 470

COST OF 708 128 828 486 836 727 45 257 681 31 114 538

GROSS PROFIT 134 421 513 137 376 089 8 591 100 8 779 932

MARKETING 88 070 076 71 422 289 5 628 704 4 564 716
ADMINISTRATIVE 77 333 362 68 942 074 4 942 503 4 406 202
OTHER 24 837 075 47 075 080 1 587 378 3 008 646
OTHER 16 796 066 14 226 567 1 073 464 909 243

OPERATING -22 940 916 29 860 239 -1 466 192 1 908 417

FINANCIAL 933 454 2 166 626 59 659 138 473
FINANCIAL 17 768 816 14 865 495 1 135 634 950 078

PROFIT -39 776 278 17 161 371 -2 542 167 1 096 811

MINORITY -1 272 137 23 292 -81 304 1 489

NET PROFIT -41 048 415 17 184 663 -2 623 472 1 098 300

EARNINGS PER -1,74 2,18 -0,11 0,14

Income statement (4th quarter)
consolidated, unaudited

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

01.04.2005- 01.04.2004- 01.04.2005- 01.04.2004-
30.06..2005 30.06.2004 30.06..2005 30.06.2004
NET SALES 231 121 890 292 004 790 14 771 381 18 662 508

COST OF GOODS 218 200 872 275 446 151 13 945 577 17 604 218

GROSS PROFIT 12 921 018 16 558 639 825 804 1 058 290

MARKETING 25 184 482 28 781 582 1 609 582 1 839 478
ADMINISTRATIVE 25 469 115 3 510 242 1 627 773 224 345
OTHER 5 871 866 14 389 957 375 281 919 686
OTHER 9 384 802 -1 109 090 599 798 -70 884

OPERATING -41 245 515 -234 138 -2 636 069 -14 964

FINANCIAL 385 102 1 176 722 24 613 75 206
FINANCIAL 6 368 072 5 723 704 406 994 365 810

PROFIT BEFORE -47 228 485 -4 781 120 -3 018 450 -305 568

MINORITY -211 474 -1 131 -13 516 -72

NET PROFIT -47 439 959 -4 782 251 -3 031 966 -305 641

EARNINGS PER -2,01 -0,61 -0,13 -0,04

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858

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