Andmed seisuga: 07.03.2025 03:57 (GMT+2)

Hansapank: Financial results of Hansa Capital 06/99

29.07.1999, Hansapank, TLN


Financial Highlights

I h-y 1999 1998 I h-y 1998
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Total assets 7 374,3 6 754,4 4 931,5
Financial investments 6 172,2 6 034,6 3 743,7
Leasing 5 559,0 5 498,5 3 402,4
Factoring 324,3 279,8 222,0
Loans 183,3 193,2 45,5
Assignment 65,7 32,3 33,9
Consumer factoring 21,5 30,8 40,0
Other 18,5 0,0 0,0
Provisions -271,7 -185,6 -21,8
Debt capital 6 504,4 6 165,1 4 333,7
Equity 282,6 177,1 147,2
For the period (in EEK, millions)
Net interest income 202,2 337,1 131,6
Net commission income 33,2 44,5 21,7
Other operating income (net) 17,8 15,0 11,1
Net financial income -4,1 44,0 5,1
Total operating income 249,1 440,5 169,5
NIM 5,8% 5,8% 5,9%
ROA 2,8% 2,7% 4,6%
Interest yield on average assets 11,5% 12,1% 11,6%
Average cost of interest-bearing
liabilities 6,6% 7,1% 7,3%
Number or employees 297 247 173

Hansa Capital's consolidated net income for the first half of 1999 totaled
EEK 95.4 million, compared with a net income of EEK 101.7 for the same period
last year. The decrease is primarily due to significantly increased provisions
and write-offs, reflecting a downturn in the transport sector.
Provisions charged to income amounted to EEK 70.8 million in the first half of
1999 (compared with EEK 4.8 million for the same period last year).
Based on information available as of 30 June 1999, the management is of the
opinion that these provisions are sufficient to cover any losses that could
The actual write-offs constituted EEK 27.3 million or 0.9% (annualised) of
average financial investments (in 1998 a total of 23.9 million of receivables
were written off).
The Group's total income in the first half of 1999 was EEK 249.1 million. When
compared to the total income for the same period last year, the Group's income
has increased by EEK 79.6 million, i.e. 47.0%.
Interest income increased from EEK 257.9 million to EEK 405.7 million (i.e. 57.3%),
primarily as a result of an increase in average financial investments by 85.3%.
Interest expenses rose by 61.0% in the first half of 1999 and totaled EEK 203.5
million. Net interest income increased by EEK 70.7 million (53.7%) to EEK 202.2
million in the first half of 1999.
Due to involving relatively low-cost funding, the average cost of interest-bearing
liabilities decreased from 7.1% in whole 1998 to 6.6%. On the other side, interest
yield on average assets fell from last year's 12.1% to 11.5%. As a result the
Group's net interest margin (NIM) remained unchanged from last year’s level at 5.8%.
The geographical structure of total interest and comission income was the following:
Estonia –67.4%, Latvia –15.4%, Lithuania –13.0%, Ukraine and Russia –4.2%.
Group's return on average assets has marginally improved to 2.8% in the first half of
1999, up from 2.7% for the whole of last year.
During the first half of 1999, Hansa Capital Group's total assets increased by 9.2%,
i.e. in absolute terms by EEK 619.9 million, to EEK 7,374.3 million as at the end of
June (the growth for the same period last year was 29.0%). Due to an economic slowdown
in the Baltic states and a crisis in the road transport sector, Hansa Capital has
intentionally slowed further expansion by imposing stricter criteria on clients'

The increase in assets primarily resulted from an increase in leasing and factoring
receivables as well as in prepayments to suppliers (which will turn into the leasing
portfolio in the near future), which was partially offset by a decrease in the consumer
factoring portfolio.
The largest single item on the assets side is the leasing portfolio, which forms EEK
5,559.0 million or 90.1% of all financial investments. From the beginning of the year,
the leasing portfolio has increased by EEK 60.5 million, i.e. by 1.1%. At the same time
prepayments to suppliers increased by EEK 278.1 million, i.e. by 113.4%. The most credited
sector as at the end of June was transport (32.6%), followed by trade (15.4%), industry
(13.4%) and business services (10.0%).
The factoring portfolio increased by EEK 44.5 million, i.e. 15.9%, to EEK 324.3 million.
The loan portfolio (the major share of which are loans to associated companies) decreased
by EEK 9.8 million (5.1%). Assignment receivables more than doubled as a result of rapidly
developing Latvian and Lithuanian operations as well as some big-ticket Estonian deals,
reaching EEK 65.7 million by the end of the period. The consumer factoring portfolio
decreased by 9.3 million (30.2%), amounting to EEK 21.5 million.
The regional structure of financial investments shifted towards Latvia and Lithuania in
the first half of 1999. The fastest growth was in the Latvian financial investments
portfolio (growth 92.9 million or 11.3%), followed by the Lithuanian (75.4 million
or 9.9%) portfolio. The Ukrainian and Russian portfolio decreased by 17.1 million
(5.6%). Group's Estonian portfolio decreased by EEK 13.7 million (0.3%).
The Group's interest-bearing liabilities increased by EEK 339.3 (5.5%) during the
first half of 1999 and amounted to EEK 6,504.4 million by the end of the period.
Loans continue to form the largest part of interest-bearing liabilities (82.1%);
the share of bonds was 10.9%. Compared to the end of 1998, loans increased by EEK
686.3 million primarily as a result of a 40-million euro syndicated loan agreement
signed with the EBRD in June 1999.
Shareholders’ equity grew by EEK 105.5 million, or 59.6%, to EEK 282.6 million
during the first half of 1999.

Income Statement
EEK in millions 6 m 1999 1998 6 m 1998

Interest income 405,7 677,5 257,9
Interest expenses 203,5 340,4 126,4
Net interest income 202,2 337,1 131,6
Commission income 40,3 59,8 25,7
Commission expenses 7,0 15,4 3,9
Other operating income (net) 17,8 15,0 11,1
Net financial income -4,1 44,0 5,1
Total operating income 249,1 440,5 169,5
Staff costs 29,0 59,6 21,0
Other administrative expenses 21,4 33,8 11,7
Depreciation 2,7 3,5 1,4
General and administrative expenses 53,1 97,0 34,1
Provisions for doubtful receivables 70,8 162,7 4,8
Write-offs 27,3 23,9 0,6
Provisions for credit losses 98,1 186,6 5,4
Operating profit 97,9 156,9 130,0
Net income from equity investments 3,7 2,9 0,0
Non-operating income/expenses 29,0 -1,2 -2,4
Profit before income tax 130,6 158,7 127,5
Income tax 34,9 6,7 25,9
Minority interest 0,3 -0,1 0,0
Net profit 95,4 152,1 101,7

Balance Sheet
EEK in millions 30.06.99 31.12.98 30.06.98
Bank accounts 368,5 166,5 71,9
Marketable securities 13,0 6,4 0,0
Due from customers 169,4 139,0 127,7
Financial investments 6 172,2 6 034,6 3 743,7
Leasing 5 559,0 5 498,5 3 402,4
Factoring 324,3 279,8 222,0
Loans 183,3 193,2 45,5
Assignment 65,7 32,3 33,9
Consumer factoring 21,5 30,8 40,0
Other 18,5 0,0 0,0
Provisions for doubtful receivables -271,7 -185,6 -21,8
Net financial investments 5 900,6 5 849,0 3 721,9
Prepayments to suppliers 523,4 245,3 684,2
Stocks for resale 103,6 99,1 45,8
Long-term equity investments 57,1 49,8 50,3
Tangible noncurrent assets 86,4 72,6 84,2
Intangible assets 6,6 6,3 12,0
Accrued income and prepaid expenses 145,7 120,4 133,5
TOTAL ASSETS 7 374,3 6 754,4 4 931,5

Loans 5 340,0 4 653,7 3 020,0
Bonds 711,3 972,7 890,2
Bills of exchange 453,1 538,8 423,5
Liabilities to customers and suppliers 421,1 257,5 351,5
Accrued expenses and prepaid revenue 154,1 136,8 64,5
Other liabilities 0,9 0,7 1,3
Deferred tax liabilities 0,4 4,2 33,3
Negative goodwill 9,6 12,0 0,0
TOTAL LIABILITIES 7 090,6 6 576,4 4 784,3
Minority interest 1,1 0,9 0,0
Share capital 40,0 40,0 40,0
Reserves 5,8 5,6 5,8
Retained earnings 245,6 150,4 101,1
Unrealised exchange difference -8,9 -19,0 0,4
TOTAL EQUITY 282,6 177,1 147,2
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 7 374,3 6 754,4 4 931,5

Further information:
Lauri Reinberg
Hansa Capital, Financial Analyst
Phone: +372 6131 767

Mart Toevere
Tel. +372 6131 569

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