Andmed seisuga: 03.07.2024 20:12 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Commentary to the financial results 09/99

20.10.1999, Hansapank, TLN


Hansabank’s consolidated result for the first nine months of 1999 was a net profit of
EEK 574.6 million. As of September 30 the Group’s total assets amounted to EEK 31.05

Hansabank’s consolidated total assets grew by 12.1% during the nine-month period
totalling EEK 31.05 billion at the end of September. The growth originated from the
two main sources of funding – clients’ deposits and funds from other financial
institutions. In one year the Group’s total assets have increased by 15.4%.
Clients’ deposits increased by 19.4% during the nine months and amounted to EEK 17.60
billion at the end of September. The growth was driven by demand deposits, which
increased by EEK 2.37 billion over the three quarters totalling EEK 12.45 billion at
the end of the period. The significant reduction in interest rates in February-March
reduced the attractiveness of long-term saving, whereby the volume of term deposits
actually decreased by EEK 0.16 billion over the first 6 months of the year. However,
supported by the continuing stabilisation of the economic environment and decrease in
the rate of inflation, term deposit growth resumed in the third quarter and for the
full three quarters their volume increased by EEK 0.49 billion to EEK 5.16 billion at
the end of September. In one year the group’s deposits have increased by 27.2%. As of
September 30 Hansabank’s market share by total deposits was 56.5% in Estonia (70.0%
for retail deposits).
Total funds received from other financial institutions increased by 20.8% during nine
months to EEK 4.90 billion. In January Hansabank received the second half (DEM 75
million) of a syndicated loan signed in December 1998, and in June Hansa Capital
received the first tranche (EUR 30 mio) of the EUR 40 million syndicated loan. Over
one year this item has decreased by 4.6%.
The third largest source of funding – debt securities issued to the public –
decreased by 35.0% over three quarters to EEK 1.33 billion. Decrease over one year
now stands at 42.4%.
The growth of total liabilities for the first nine months came to 12.1% and their
volume stood at EEK 25.83 billion at the end of September. 12-month growth was 9.6%.
During the nine months total shareholders’ equity increased mainly on the account of
net profit and amounted to EEK 4.75 billion as of September 30. At the end of the
period the group’s total capital adequacy was 18.60% (Tier I 16.56%).

The Group’s total loans increased by 6.9% to EEK 17.94 billion during the first nine
months. Although in the first quarter of the year the loan portfolio decreased (-
1.6%) and for the first half of the year growth reached only 0.2%, the third quarter
witnessed a notable pickup in credit demand and quarterly loan growth exceeded EEK 1
billion. During the last 12 months total loans have grown by 8.1%. Hansabank’s market
share in Estonia at the end of September 30 was 51.7%. At the end of June the loan
reserve formed 3.88% of total loan portfolio (4.41% in the beginning of the year).
As a result of a modest loan growth and a fairly healthy growth in deposits, the
volume of liquid assets increased by more than EEK 1.6 billion over the nine months.
Deposits and loans to other banks increased by 16.0% to EEK 3.07 billion, treasury
securities increased by 82.1% to EEK 2.66 billion, and cash and dues from the central
bank went up by 0.6% to EEK 3.28 billion.
Group’s tangible assets totalled EEK 998.3 million as of September 30, which is 5.4%
more than in the beginning of the year. The goodwill has decreased by EEK 183.1
million to EEK 572.1 million during the nine months.

Hansabank’s consolidated net profit for the first nine months of 1999 was EEK 574.6
million. The results of the principal business lines were the following: banking in
Estonia EEK 345.9 million, banking in Latvia EEK 20.5 million, leasing and factoring
EEK 162.7 million, insurance EEK 1.7 million, banking in Lithuania EEK –8.9 million
and other support functions EEK 1.8 million. In addition to the mentioned business
lines, consolidated results also include eliminations and on the group level an
extraordinary income of EEK 49.5 million from the sale of Eesti Kindlustus.

Interest income totalled EEK 1,763.0 million and interest expense EEK 658.2 million
for the nine months of 1999. Net interest income thereby amounted to EEK 1,104.8
million. Despite the EEK 1.1 billion loan growth in the third quarter, the monthly
average loan interest revenue continued to decrease – EEK 109.0 million in the first
quarter, EEK 104.7 million in the second quarter and EEK 100.3 million in the third
quarter. The decrease comes from the significant reductions in interest rate level in
spring 1999. This decrease has been partially compensated by interest revenues from
leasing, which comparable figures for the three periods were EEK 61.5 million, EEK
63.6 million and EEK 65.8 million. There has also been an increase in interest
revenue form debt securities and correspondent and overnight deposits kept in other
banks. The latter has been positively influenced by the central bank’s decision to
start paying a 1.5% interest on the reserve kept by the commercial banks in the
central bank.
For the interest expense the main cost driver is deposits – their volume and interest
level. In the beginning of the year term deposit rates were lowered parallel to loan
interest rates (12-month EEK deposit rate has been lowered from 13.0% to 5.75%). As a
result the average interest expense on term deposits decreased from 9.26% in the
fourth quarter of 1998 to 6.57% in the third quarter of 1999. Additionally, starting
from July 1 Hansabank lowered the interest rate for demand deposits and unified the
different interest calculation methods used previously by Hansabank and Hoiupank.
According to the new system a 1% interest rate will be paid on the average balance of
demand deposits, which has reduced the average interest rate paid on demand deposits
(incl. overnight deposits) from 1.72% in the second quarter to 1.37% in the third

Compared to 1998 the average yield of interest earning assets decreased by 101bp to
10.09% for the three quarters of 1999. At the same time the cost of interest bearing
liabilities decreased by 73bp to 3.82% whereby the spread narrowed by 27bp to 6.27%.
The Group’s net interest margin on the other hand increased in by 8bp to 5.02%.

Group’s loan, leasing and guarantee provisions totalled EEK 361.1 million during the
nine months of the year. Actual loan losses amounted to EEK 411.6 million. In the
third quarter the group had its first larger recovery of EEK 28 million taking the
total recoveries for the nine months to EEK 52.5 million. In the fourth quarter the
bank expects the recoveries be at least in the range of EEK 20 million. Compared to
the first and second quarter of the year when provisions totalled EEK 121.2 million
and EEK 153.9 million respectively, provisioning decreased to EEK 86.1 million in the
third quarter, reflecting a slight improvement in the loan quality. This trend is
also shown by the overdue loan to total loan ratio, which decreased from 11.36% at
the end of May to 10.55% at the end of September. In the subsidiaries the respective
ratios were the following (in calculating the ratios, loans to subsidiaries have been
deducted from the loan portfolio): Hansabank 6.09% (end of May 6.70%), Hansabanka
8.30% (10.41%) and Hansa Capital 17.64% (18.50%).
Trading income for the Group totalled EEK 400.9 million in the first nine months of
the year. Trading income is dominated by two items: income from currency exchange,
which during the period totalled EEK 189.8 million and income from off-balance sheet
items (swaps, forwards, options), which amounted to EEK 132.5 million.
Fees and commissions received during the nine month period amounted to EEK 560.3
million. Of the total fees 27.4% was earned from electronic services, 19.2% from
transfers and 10.9% from cash services. The pickup in the third quarter in crediting
activities also reflected on the volume of respective fees. While in the first
quarter of the year loan and leasing fees totalled EEK 27.3 million forming 16.3% of
all service fees, their volume increased to EEK 45.8 million in the third quarter,
forming already 24.0% of total service fees.
The Group’s total revenues amounted to EEK 2,032.1 million over the first nine months
of the year. The revenue distribution for the period was the following: 39.2% net
interest income after provisions, 27.6% fee income, 19.7% trading income, 4.9% income
from subsidiaries and affiliates, 2.4% income from insurance and 6.2% other income.

Operating expenses (incl. depreciation and goodwill amortisation) totalled EEK
1,323.4 million during the three quarter of 1999.
Service fees paid by the group amounted to EEK 157.9 million for the nine months. The
largest share, one third, of paid service fees is formed by payments to the Deposit
Guarantee Fund, which during nine months totalled EEK 47.2 million. Another
significant cost item is fees paid for card services totalling EEK 35.7 million over
the same period.
Personnel expense, which forms 31% of total expenses amounted to EEK 414.5 million
during nine months. However, its share in total expenses has been decreasing over the
past year due to internal restructuring and sale of non-strategic companies. From the
merger the number of employees has decreased by 1,500 to 2,989 at the end of
September. The average number of employees during the nine months was 3,342.
During the nine months administrative expenses totalled EEK 284.1 million and IT
expenses amounted to EEK 74.6 million.
Other expenses, which totalled EEK 242.6 million over the first nine months also
include goodwill amortisation in the amount of EEK 152.0 million. Almost half of
other expenses (excl. goodwill amortisation), i.e. EEK 43.0 million is formed by
marketing expense, which also includes the unification of corporate identity in the
distribution network. This project has almost been finalised, giving reason to
believe that the particular expense item should decrease in the fourth quarter.
Depreciation expense amounted to EEK 149.7 million for the nine month period. Of this
EEK 113.0 million was formed by machinery and equipment, EEK 20.9 million by real
estate and EEK 15.8 million by intangible assets.

At the end of September Hansabank Group’s branch office network consisted of 159
branches (129 in Estonia, 28 in Latvia and 2 in Lithuania) and the group employed
2,989 people. The cost-income ratio for the nine months was 57.7% (65.1% with
goodwill amortisation), and the cost to average asset ratio was 5.3% (6.0% incl.
goodwill amortisation).

Starting from 20.10.99 slide shows on the 9-month financial results will be posted on
Hansabank’s Internet homepage (


Mart Toevere
Tel. +372 6131 569

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