Andmed seisuga: 23.11.2024 10:53 (GMT+2)
The annual general meeting of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS shareholders
1) To approve 1998 annual report of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS, including
balance sheet as of 31.12.1998, in balance, at volume of 322 084 237
EEK, and income statement for year 1998 with net profit of 8 179 615
2) The volume of net profit earned by Tallinna Kaubamaja AS in 1998 is
8 179 615 EEK.
Provisions to mandatory reserve capital: 408 981 EEK;
To pay dividends to shareholders from the accounts of net profit for
1998 and retained earnings in the amount of 10 182 300 EEK, i.e. 1.50
EEK per share;
Dividends will be paid on May 28 1999. Dividends will be paid to the
persons registered as shareholders or usufruct holders as of May 28
1999, 8.00 AM.
3) To amend the Articles of Association of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS as
§ 1 p.3 – include the words "and acting as custom broker" to the list
of fields of activity;
§ 9 p.1 – include the following sentence to the end "In case the
general meeting is convened by the shareholders or auditor, they will
also determine the agenda of the meeting will ";
§ 9 p.2 – rephrase the last sentence "The request must be presented
prior to sending or publishing the AGM notification to the
§ 10 p.1 – rephrase "The Management Board will send the AGM
notification to the shareholders in the form of registered letter, or
will publish it in one of the national papers ";
§ 11 - rephrase "The AGM can make resolutions, when more than half of
the votes represented by shares are present ";
§ 12 p. 2 include the following sentence to the end "The shareholders
will be held responsible along with the members of the Management and
Supervisory Boards for the liabilities proceeding from the resolutions
made on these conditions";
§ 13 p.1 - rephrase "The resolution of the AGM is considered to be
approved when more than half of the votes represented on the AGM are
given in favor of it, if not provided otherwise by the law ".
To approve the amended redaction of the Articles of Association.
4) To recall Indrek Neivelt from the position of member of the
Supervisory Board of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS. To elect Andres Järving a
new member of the Supervisory Board of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS.
5) To appoint Sulev Luiga of AS KPMG Estonia to audit the financial
reports of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS in financial year 1999. The volume and
order of auditor’s remuneration will be determined by the Management
Board of the company.
6) To change the conditions of share options to the members of Tallinna
Kaubamaja AS Management Board, executive management, and management
boards of subsidiaries, resolved by 1998 annual general meeting of
Tallinna Kaubamaja AS, as follows:
· 30% of the option will be realized in the second year and 70% in the
third year;
· legitimate persons are entitled to buy out the shares in two months
period after the AGMs of years 2000 and 2001.
Urmo Vallner
Member of the Management Board
+372 64 00 200