Andmed seisuga: 03.07.2024 22:28 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: Commentary to the financial results 09/99

29.10.1999, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


Eesti Ühispank Group profit for 9 months of 1999 is EEK 75.1 Million
(EEK 5.2 Million in 1998). The total balance sheet of the Group is
EEK 17. 1 Billion, an increase of 3.4 per cent from the end of 1998.
At the end of September, the ROE of the Group was 5.1 per cent and
the ROA 0.6 per cent.

Structure of the Group
During the third quarter of 1999, Ühisliising, a leasing
subsidiary of the Group acquired the TP Leasing by purchase method.
The resulting goodwill is EEK 49.7 Million. The merger of the
leasing arms completed the merger process of Eesti Ühispank and
Tallinna Pank groups, and put an end to duplication in functional
units. In addition, by the end of the year, EÜP Group subsidiaries
LF Finants, Navarra, and TPF Orior will also be liquidated. These
companies have ceased their operations, the settlement of due legal
issues, however, will come to an end at the beginning of next year.
In compliance with amendments in the Credit Institutions Act,
housing loans to the staff handled by LF Finants, a subsidiary of
the Group, were transformed into the housing loans of the Bank.
This move improved the organizational structure of the Group as well
as its management by reducing the number of Group members. The
change does not affect the loan portfolio of the Group but
increased the amount of housing loans granted in the Bank by EEK
74 Million. In October the EÜP acquired 3.3 per cent of Ühisliising
shares from the Rural Life Crediting Fund, thus increasing its
stake in the company to a 100 per cent.
As major changes have taken place within the Group
structure, in order to make comparison easier, pro forma data
has been used as a basis of analysis of income and costs.

Due to the decreased loan portfolio volume as compared to the end
of the last year and to the rapid fall of interest rates on the
Estonian money market, the Group's nine-month interest income is
down by 10.1 per cent. At the same time the interest expense has
fallen by 6.6 per cent. It is a positive indicator that the third
quarter interest income remained on the same level as during the
second quarter, while interest expense was down by 8.6 per cent,
the result of lowered interest rates on demand and term deposit.
The total income of Eesti Ühispank Group as compared to the second
quarter was up by 11 per cent. As a result of the cost cutting
policy implemented during the third quarter, the operating costs
were down by 1.7 per cent when compared to the second quarter
operating costs. As a result of these changes, the efficiency of
the Group is increasing, expressed also by the lower operating
costs to total income ratio. The share of credit losses in
costs has also decreased as compared to the last year.

It is very positive that the income from financial
activities of the Bank has substantially increased as compared
to earlier periods. The bulk of it has been earned by FX
transactions of the clients. Income from trading securities has
been modest, due to the lack of interest among clients in the
securities market. The Bank has not taken proprietary risks on
open currency and securities position exposures as the loss
incurred in these areas last year was considerable.

Balance Sheet
The total balance sheet of the Group amounted to EEK 17.060 Billion
as of 30 September 1999 (EEK 16.5 Billion on 31 December 1998).
The balance sheet did not grow during the third quarter, the
increase as compared to the end of last year is 3.4 per cent, i.e.
EEK 562 Million.
At the end of September the market share of Eesti Ühispank on the
Estonian banking market was 32.5 per cent, that of Saules Banka in
Latvia: 3.8 per cent.

During the third quarter the increase of total deposits amounted
to EEK 39 Million, i.e. 0.4 per cent. The deposits have gone up
13.8 per cent, i.e. by EEK 1.1 Billion since the beginning of the
year. The central and local government deposits have decreased by
13.6 per cent, EEK 270 Million, due to servicing of foreign debt
and the state budget deficit. The decrease was compensated by 4.2
and 4.3 per cent increase in the deposits of corporate clients
and private individuals respectively. Demand deposits increased by
3.7 per cent during the third quarter, while time deposits
decreased by 3.1 per cent. Thus the shift in the deposit structure
has been in favor of demand deposits.

Although the loan portfolio has grown considerably since the
beginning of September, the third quarter growth in liquid assets
even surpassed it: the amount of liquid assets increased by
EEK 337 Million, i.e. by 9.4 per cent, while the three-month
decrease in net loan portfolio was EEK 246 Million, i.e. 2.7 per
cent. The main decrease of loan portfolio is due to the
decrease of the Group's leasing portfolio. The increase of the
total amount of doubtful loans in the third quarter is due
to the additional provisioning of TP Liising portfolio upon the
merger of TP Liising and Ühisliising. The average loan provisions
of the whole Group amounted to 4 per cent of the loan portfolio. At
the end of September the net loan portfolio amounted to 52.1 per
cent of total assets and to 95.2 per cent of client deposits.
In the third quarter the share capital remained unchanged, the
increase in equity is due to the profit of the Group and to the
change in foreign exchange rate accounting in consolidating the
subsidiaries abroad.

Ülo Suurkask
vice president
Eesti Ühispank
Tel.+372 6657 200

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