Andmed seisuga: 01.07.2024 06:08 (GMT+3)

Fakto: Consolidated balance sheet 12/98

23.03.1999, Fakto, TLN

Consolidated, audited

ASSETS Group Group AS Fakto AS Fakto
Current assets 31.12.98 31.12.97 31.12.98 31.12.97

Cash and bank 4 975 462 3 227 105 178 513 233 792

Accounts receivable
Customer receivables 19 051 378 19 218 671 3 328 076 6 711 802
Allowance for doubtful accounts (less) -1 813 101 -1 159 930 -367 799 -293 112
Total accounts receivable 17 238 277 18 058 741 2 960 277 6 418 690

Other receivables
Receivables from subsidiaries and parent company -10 0 9 741 528 3 366 342
Other current receivables 8 282 317 6 644 652 3 199 385 1 002 797
Total other receivables 8 282 307 6 644 652 12 940 912 4 369 139

Accrued income
Calculated interests 112 446 993 114 153 33 663
Total accrued income 112 446 993 114 153 33 663

Prepaid expenses and prepaid/refundable tax receivables
Prepaid/refundable tax receivables 3 369 067 4 462 027 458 142 0
Prepaid expenses 434 478 439 994 156 092 71 621
Total prepaid expenses and prepaid/refundable tax receivables 3 803 546 4 902 022 614 235 71 621

Raw materials 7 784 10 360 7 784 10 360
Work-in-progress 385 838 248 201 385 838 248 201
Merchandise purchased for resale 30 045 026 21 840 009 5 814 153 5 427 165
Prepayments to suppliers 294 183 635 397 0 401 726
Total inventories 30 732 831 22 733 967 6 207 776 6 087 452

Total current assets 65 144 868 55 567 480 23 015 865 17 214 357

Non-current assets
Financial assets
Stock and shares in subsidiaries 0 0 11 583 488 10 225 299
Goodwill 1 297 341 1 677 057 1 297 341 1 677 057
Stock and shares in affiliated companies 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000
Other non-current receivables 7 519 062 0 0 0
Total financial assets 9 216 403 2 077 057 13 280 829 12 302 356

Tangible assets
Land and building (acquisition cost) 72 074 092 49 171 680 47 403 807 47 403 807
Plant and equipment (acquisition cost) 14 150 666 11 103 458 7 956 999 7 009 481
Other equipment and fixtures 5 998 439 5 507 438 2 170 892 1 968 183
Accumulated depreciation (less) -19 761 140 -15 515 607 -15 844 955 -12 583 901
Total tangible assets 72 462 057 50 266 969 41 686 743 43 797 570

Intangible assets
Purchased patents, licenses, trademarks, etc. 246 320 123 120 124 382 21 095
Total intangible assets 246 320 123 120 124 382 21 095

Total non-current assets 81 924 779 52 467 146 55 091 954 56 121 021

Total assets 147 069 647 108 034 626 78 107 819 73 335 378

Liabilities and owners' equity
Current liabilities

Short-term debt obligations
Long-term debt repayments 5 309 222 3 998 134 2 191 780 2 191 780
Short-term loans from financial institutions 3 418 353 3 817 846 3 418 353 3 188 605
Other debt obligations 4 150 726 600 000 407 418 662 558
Total debt obligations 12 878 301 8 415 980 6 017 551 6 042 943

Customer prepayments 1 790 758 4 422 989 774 513 2 766 536

Supplier payables 44 990 030 34 409 115 16 965 026 12 807 142

Other payables
Other payables 0 38 897 0 0
Total other payables 0 38 897 0 0

Tax liabilities 4 465 383 3 323 079 2 582 509 2 453 415

Accrued expenses
Salary-related accrued expenses 2 706 499 1 441 495 1 378 429 748 920
Dividends payable 0 1 074 0 1 074
Interests payable 2 008 651 54 773 31 707 32 056
Other accrued expenses 279 219 2 603 561 245 963 16 259
Total accrued expenses 4 994 369 4 100 903 1 656 098 798 309

Total current liabilities 69 118 841 54 710 963 27 995 698 24 868 345

Non-current liabilities

Long-term debt obligations
Non-convertible long-term debt 8 804 900 532 000 162 606 532 000
Bank loans 27 067 412 14 334 953 11 643 825 13 835 605
Other long-term debts to financial institutions 0 1 234 630 0 0
Total long-term debt obligations 35 872 312 16 101 583 11 806 431 14 367 605

Other long-term payables
Long-term customer prepayments 0 108 169 0 0
Future period income tax payable 2 294 491 2 508 189 2 254 573 2 265 330
Total other long-term payables 2 294 491 2 616 358 2 254 573 2 265 330

Total non-current liabilities 38 166 803 18 717 942 14 061 004 16 632 935

Total liabilities 107 285 644 73 428 905 42 056 702 41 501 280

Minority interest in subsidiaries 3 732 887 2 771 624

Owners' equity
Share capital in nominal value 16 500 630 16 500 630 16 500 630 16 500 630
Capital surplus 7 307 114 7 307 114 7 307 114 7 307 114
Mandatory reserve capital 502 064 281 000 502 064 281 000
Retained earnings 6 451 750 2 978 403 6 451 750 3 324 079
Profit/loss for the financial year 5 289 559 4 766 950 5 289 559 4 421 275
Total owners' equity 36 051 117 31 834 097 36 051 117 31 834 098

Total liabilities and owners' equity 147 069 647 108 034 626 78 107 819 73 335 378

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