Andmed seisuga: 18.07.2024 23:14 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Commentary to the financial results 02/99

15.03.1999, Eesti Ühispank, TLN

Comments on Eesti Ühispank financial results for February

Total assets of Ühispank amounted to EEK 14,306 million in February,
having increased by 4,2% or EEK 572 mln. The profit for the Bank's
accounting year increased to EEK 10,1 mln. The corrections made
during the audit into the results of 1998 are not included in the
financial results of February. Adjustments apply only to the
discounting of assets and the loss from previous years and it doesn't
change the result of the current year. The corrections were included
into the accounting reports at the beginning of March, after the
confirmation of the auditors.

Growth of balance sheet resulted from the increase of client deposits
by 15,6 per cent or more than EEK 1 billion. At the same time, taking
into account the funds coming from the Ühispank Eurobond issue, the
Bank paid back approximately EEK 400 mln of funds borrowed from other
banks. One part of the growth of client deposits was due to the
recurrence of state deposits from the privatisation of Telekom. Also,
all the other client groups' deposits grew in February as well. The
deposits of corporate clients increased by 7,4% or EEK 242 mln,
compared to January. There was a recovery of companies' turnovers in
February, the resulting changes will be revealed during the following
months. Deposits of private clients have grown 2% steadily from the
beginning of the year, amounting to EEK 35 mln.

Despite the growth in deposits, Ühispank does not at this point
consider it reasonable to increase the risk of corporate lending.
However, taking into the consideration the growing income of the
population, Ühispank will grant long-term housing loans on more
favourable terms than until now and after the restructuring of the
loan portfolio, the Bank will give preference to the export projects,
which are lower in interest yield, but have stable revenue bases.
Bank's loan portfolio decreased by EEK 138 mln or 1,8%; loans to
private clients increased by 1,3%. Net loan portfolio was EEK 7,3
billion by the end of February, which made up 50,8% of total assets.

Bank's liquid assets in other banks have increased substantially due
to the additional funding. Cash and other banking account balances
increased by EEK 0,6 billion in February. To avoid the loss from
risk transmission, Ühispank does not reflect in its revenues the part
with the potential risk. This will increase the future additional
profit potential on account of the previous periods and at the same
time it will decrease the risk of extraordinary losses. Of Bank's
total income, 76,3% are net interest income; 18,3% net commissions
and fees and 5,4% other income. Eesti Ühispank capital adequacy ratio
was 13,9% at the end of February.

Additional information:
Ülo Suurkask
Vice President
Tel + 372 6 110 350

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