Andmed seisuga: 02.07.2024 14:10 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Commentary to the financial results 01/99

15.02.1999, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


The balance sheet of Eesti Ühispank as at the end of January, 1999
amounted to EEK 13.7 Billion as the result of 0.9 per cent (EEK 118
Million) growth during the month. During January, Eesti Ühispank
earned a net profit of EEK 1.8 thousand. In the structure of the
income earned, the net interest income accounted for 79 per cent, the
net income from commissions and fees for 13 per cent and other income
for 8 per cent of the income.

Compared to the figures as at the end of 1998, customers' term
deposits decreased mainly due to the decrease of corporate deposits.
At the same time, private individuals' and corporate demand deposits
grew and the amount of state funds on state demand accounts
decreased. Private individuals' deposits grew by EEK 33.3 Million
(1.8 per cent).

On the assets side, liquid assets grew by 2.2 per cent (EEK 49
Million) during the month. The amount of the loan portfolio decreased
by 1 per cent (EEK 76 Million). As the amount of provisions did not
change during the month, the provisioning level as a percentage of
loan portfolio increased. The net loan portfolio constituted 54.6 per
cent of total assets by the end of the month. The weighted average
interest rate of the gross loan portfolio was 12 per cent.

The financial results of January have been presented in comparison to
the issued preliminary un-audited balance sheet for the year-end
1998. By the present day, the external auditors of the bank have
issued the first preliminary opinions on the audit carried out. The
statement has been made in relation to the up-coming bond issue of
Eesti Ühispank. The preliminary results of the audit confirm the
auditing of the material aspects of the bank's results and of their
accordance with actual condition of the bank. The further possible
corrections will not have material effect.

Derived from the auditors' recommendations and in order to avoid
rolling the possible losses of 1998 over to the next periods, the
following major changes will be made to the balance sheet as compared
to the issued preliminary balance sheet: overdue loans in the amount
of EEK 44 Million will be written off and the loan provisioning will
be increased by EEK 60 Million. Provisions in the amount of EEK 70
Million will be made to cover the unsecured part of the fixed income
securities. In the balance sheet of Eesti Ühispank's subsidiary
Saules Banka, investments into bonds (GKO's) were down-valued to 10
per cent of their nominal value which generated additional losses in
the amount of EEK 10 Million according to the equity method.
Additional general provisions in the amount of EEK 20 Million were
generated on the leasing portfolios of the Group's subsidiaries. As a
result, the present consolidated provisioning level amounts to 4.5
per cent.

In accordance to the above-mentioned transactions, the volume of the
balance sheet of the bank will decrease and the operating loss of the
group will increase by approximately EEK 90 Million to EEK 383
Million. Further corrections will relate to the accrual method of
accounting for income and expense and will not have a material
effect. The final audited financial statements for the year 1998 will
be completed by the beginning of March and will be published together
with all corrections made by the 15th of March.

Previous real and potential losses generated by the bank during the
previous periods will be written off in the audited results. Bank's
audited owners equity will remain on the level of EEK 1,9 Billion and
net owners equity excluding goodwill will be EEK 1,4 Billion. The
capital adequacy ratio of Eesti Ühispank as at the end of January
stood at 14.1 per cent. Management Board of Eesti Ühispank does not
see the need to increase share capital this year and besides the
announced capital increase by IFC, no new share issue will be
planned. The present capitalisation of Eesti Ühispank is sufficient
to develop the bank's successful activities during the present year.

Ülo Suurkask
vice president
Tel. +372 6 110 350

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