Andmed seisuga: 27.09.2024 00:15 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Commentary to the financial results 12/98

18.01.1999, Eesti Ühispank, TLN

Comments on Eesti Ühispank financial results in December, 1998

As at the end of December, the total size of the balance sheet of
Eesti Ühispank amounted to EEK 13.6 Billion and the un-audited loss
for the year to EEK 290 Million (profit for 1997: EEK 211 Million).
The loss per share was EEK 6.6 in 1998, compared to EEK 7.44 profit
per share in 1997. Excluding the losses incurred from the decline on
stock markets and loan losses due to the changes in the economic
situation (totalling 502.7 million EEK), the bank's results are
comparable to the 1997 results. The capital adequacy ratio of Eesti
Ühispank was 13.85% as of end of the year. The above mentioned
results are on non- consolidated basis and are in accordance with

The financial results of Eesti Ühispank in 1998 were most
significantly affected by the emerging market crisis, especially the
deterioration of the situation in Russia during the summer which
heavily influenced the markets in the whole region, including the
Baltics. The bankruptcies of smaller banks and the enforcement of
the Russian debt moratoriums had a significant influence on the
banking sector in Estonia in 1998. Due to this, Eesti Ühispank
suffered significant losses in the equity and fixed income market
(excluding the bank's subsidiaries) in the amount of EEK 225 Million.

The crisis, together withthe Government's tightening of monetary
policy throughout the year negatively affected the bank's loan
portfolio as the economic environment in Estonia deteriorated.
Therefore the bank decided, on the grounds of prudence, to increase
provisioning levels. Losses from revaluation of loans amounted to EEK
267.6 Million in 1998, compared to EEK 74.5 million in 1997, an
increase of over 260%. Loan provisions accounted for 4.3% of the
total loan portfolio by the year-end (2.3% in 1997). Loan provisions
amounted 197% of unsecured non-performing loans as at the end of 1998
(122% at the end of 1997).

During 1998, the net interest income amounted to EEK 468 Million or
76% of Eesti Ühispank's total banking income (EEK 314 Million in
1997). Net commissions (EEK 127.7 million) and other income (EEK
18.9 Million) constituted 21% and 3% respectively. In 1997, net
interest income formed 52.4% of the bank's total income. The share of
interest income in the structure of total banking income has
increased due to the fact there were no securities trading profits in

Operating expenses amounted to EEK 488 Million in 1998, an increase
of almost 50% compared to the previous year (EEK 334 Million in
1997). The increase is in part attributable to the merger with
Tallinna Pank and the costs of integration process. The goal of the
bank is to ensure that the costs of the merged entity are kept at the
same level of Eesti Ühispank's before the merger.

During 1998 Eesti Ühispank's total assets increased by 44% or by EEK
4.1 Billion. In terms of assets, Eesti Ühispank's share in the total
Estonian banking market increased to 33.4% at the end of November,
having increased by 10.1% since the beginning of the the year (23.3%
on 31.12.1997). Approximately one third of the growth was
internally generated, the remainder being the result of the merger
with Tallina Pank.

Net loans and advances to customers increased from EEK 4,947 Million
at the end of 1997 to EEK 7,432 Million at the end of 1998. These
represented 54.6% of the total assets by the end of December 1998
(EEK 52.3% at the end of 1997)

Shareholder's equity increased from EEK 674.2 Million at the
beginning of the year to EEK 2,010.2 Million EEK at the end of 1998.
The bank executed two capital increases during the year, one in the
form of a GDR issue in the spring and the second as part of the
strategic partnership with SEB in November.

December results

December balance sheet increased by EEK 77 Million and the loss for
the month amounted to EEK 151 Million.

The major changes in the balance sheet relate to the receipts of
money from the share issue in connection to the strategic alliance
with SEB. In line with the bank's strategy, the funds from the share
issue are kept as liquid assets of the bank. During December, "Cash
and due from other banks" grew by EEK 0.4 Billion or 2.9%. At the
same time, the bank's loan portfolio decreased by EEK 0.3 Billion or
3.5%. On the investments side, investments into bonds decreased by
EEK 0.1 Billion. There are currently no pending securities repurchase
agreements with clients. Also, the long-term investment and
securities trading portfolio of the bank were reduced substantially.
Investments into subsidiaries grew due to purchasing the
participation of Hüvitusfond (Compensation Fund) in AS Tornimäe (the
company managing the construction of the new head office of Eesti
Ühispank) as well as taking over their loan to the company. Also, the
goodwill was increased by EEK 163 million as a result of merging the
companies of Tallinna Pank Group with relevant Eesti Ühispank Group

On the liabilities side, the bank's liabilities to state agencies
decreased by EEK 0.4 Billion. The decrease was caused by utilisation
of free funds by the state treasury, as well as receipts of revenues
of the state budget. The deposits of state entities formed less than
10% of total clients' deposits as at the end of December (22% as at
the end of the year 1997). At the same time, the balance of deposits
by private individuals grew by EEK 0.1 Billion (5.8%) during
December; that of corporate deposits - by EEK 0.2 Billion (5.3%). The
amount of bonds issued by Eesti Ühispank decreased from EEK 2.1 to
EEK 1.9 Billion due to prepayment of the bonds as well as changes in
the US Dollar exchange rate.

The increase of the loss of Eesti Ühispank during December was caused
mainly by a more conservative approach to the valuation of assets
because of the present economic situation in Estonia. In December,
the same approach was adopted by the entire Eesti Ühispank Group.
Accordingly, the bank's investments were downgraded, possible losses
were written down, loan and bond losses were provisioned and written

For further information, please contact:

Margus Schults, Vice President
Ülo Suurkask, Vice President
Eesti Ühispank
Phone: (372) 6 110 600
Fax: (372) 6 110 602

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