Andmed seisuga: 01.07.2024 20:08 (GMT+3)

Pro Kapital: Commentary to the financial results 09/98

28.12.1998, Pro Kapital Grupp, TLN


AS Pro Kapital 1998 9 months balance sheet, income statement
and commentary to the financial results disclosed on 28.12.98
via the stock exchange information system reflect both parent
company’s and affiliated group’s consolidated unaudited
results. On compiling the statements of the affiliated group,
the results of the subsidiaries OÜ Nurmelin, OÜ Viruäri, OÜ
Larvikk, OÜ Ermekta, AS Arco Kinnisvaraarendus, AS Pro Haldus
and Latvian and Lithuanian subsidiaries were consolidated.

Pro Kapital current year 9 months consolidated operating profit
was 11.8 million EEK, not considering the sales pre-contracts.
10 million EEK of this sum were the net sales of the parent
company, and 1.5 million EEK the net sales of AS Pro Haldus.

Coming from the accounting principles of the affiliated group,
the sale of the real estate objects is not reflected in the
accounting reports of the group’s companies before the
notarially attested sales contracts with the clients are made.
Until signing the notarial contracts, the relationship between
the companies and clients are regulated with the sales pre-

Within 9 months, the sales pre-contracts were made with the
group’s clients in total value of approximately 100 million
EEK. In addition to that, there are approximately 30 million
EEK worth of sales pre-contracts valid from the year 1997.

The moment and amount of making notarial contracts depends on
finishing the real estate objects, registration of the land
under the real estate objects, and preferences of different
clients. Until signing the notarial sales contracts, the down
payments of the clients for real estate objects are reflected
on the liabilities side of the balance sheet as customer
prepayments. As of 9 months 1998, the customer prepayments
amounted to 78.4 million EEK, of which the prepayments to the
parent company were 43.3 million EEK, prepayments to OÜ Ermekta
12.3 million EEK and 22.8 million EEK to OÜ Viruäri.

In order to support the above-mentioned, it is suitable to
compare also the income statements of AS Pro Kapital as of
30.09 1997 and 31.12.1997. Also in 1997, the main share of the
operating profit was earned at the end of the financial year,
when most of the notarial sales contracts to the rooms of the
Pro Kapital Business Center on Narva road (Tallinn) were made.
When the net sales of Pro Kapital were approximately 32 million
EEK as of 30.09.1997, then the total turnover for the year was
70 million EEK.

In cooperation with the auditors of KPMG Estonia, Pro Kapital
is seeking for a reasonable solution to change the accounting
methods before the end of the year 1998, in order to eliminate
the difference between the accounting turnover and actual sales

On the consolidated balance sheet, the material non-current
assets increased from 86 million EEK at the end of September
1997 to 448 million EEK currently. The material non-current
assets account consists of land and buildings in the amount of
212 million EEK, other material assets in the amount of 3
million EEK and capitalized unfinished construction works in
the amount of 233 million EEK.

Goodwill occurring on the purchase of the units of OÜ Viruäri
in 1997 is reflected under the intangible assets in the
residual value of 13.9 million EEK. Goodwill occurred due to
the difference between the units’ accounting values coming from
the balance sheet compiled in the context of the purchase price
and purchase analysis of the units. According to the affiliated
group’s accounting methods, goodwill is transferred to the
expenses account within 5 years.

The affiliated group’s 9 months loss in the amount of 19.5
million EEK consists of the parent company’s loss in the amount
of 15 million EEK, OÜ Nurmelin loss in the amount of 0.5
million EEK, OÜ Larvikk loss in the amount of 0.7 million EEK,
OÜ Viruäri loss in the amount of 0.8 million EEK, OÜ Ermekta
loss in the amount of 0.2 million EEK, and Latvian and
Lithuanian subsidiaries losses in the amount of 0.2 million
EEK, and depreciation of goodwill in the amount of 2.4 million
EEK. AS Pro Haldus earned from May to the end of September a
profit of 0.3 million EEK. In accordance with the share
purchase contract, the result of AS Pro Haldus is a subject for
consolidation to the Pro Kapital affiliated group starting from

The losses of the parent company, OÜ Viruäri and OÜ Ermekta
occurred mainly due to the above-described methods of
reflecting the sales revenues and the fact that as of 9 months,
the expenses of the parent company reflect the expenses of the
whole affiliated group, since the subsidiaries have not yet
received invoices for general expenses. As most of the
subsidiaries are not 100% owned by Pro Kapital, the parent
company bears now also the costs born by the minority
shareholders of the subsidiaries. The respective corrections
will be made to the consolidated income statement before the
end of the current year.

Ilona Saari
Financial Manager of Pro Kapital group
Tel. +372 614 4920

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