Andmed seisuga: 01.07.2024 12:08 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Commentary to the financial results 09/98

25.11.1998, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


Eesti Ühispank's consolidated balance sheet was EEK 17,035 bln. as at
September 30, 1998 and net profit for the accounting period ( 9
months) was EEK 5,2 mln. Eesti Ühispank's consolidated balance sheet
has increased by 89 per cent or EEK 8 bln., compared to the same
period last year.

Ühispank's profit has strongly been influenced by the decline in
stock markets in Eastern Europe during 1998. This is the reason why
the group bore losses during the nine months in different stock
markets in the amount of EEK 151 mln., and in particular during the
first half year. In addition, Eesti Ühispank made general provisions
for various financial instruments in the amount of EEK 8,3 mln. In
spite of this, Eesti Ühispank's total income has increased by 14,2
per cent compared to the same period last year. The income structure
has changed significantly due to the reasons listed above: the
percentage of net interest income has increased in a year from 54 %
to 71 %. Substantial increase has occurred in other operating
income, which is tied to rental incomes from various real estate
projects and operating lease services offered by leasing companies.
Net income from fees constituted 17,1 per cent of the total income as
at September 30, 1998 and other operating income 11,8 per cent.
Operating expenses have increased by 76 per cent in a year, partial
reason being the merger of two banks.

Main ratios of Ühispank's group: ROE 0,57 per cent, ROA 0,05 per cent
and EPS EEK 0,20.

On the assets side, securities portfolio has diminished
significantly, which has decreased over six times or by EEK 800 mln.
in a year. EEK 142 mln. stock portfolio constituted only 0,8 per
cent of total assets as at September 30, as a result of which,
Ühispank has practically been freed from the risks of stock market
decline. Loan portfolio has increased more than two times. At the
same time the loan provisions to loan portfolio have increased from
1,8 per cent to 2,8 per cent, whereby the general provision has been
included to loan provisions because of the worsened economic
environment. Net loan portfolio was 59,6 per cent of the total
assets, compared to 55,1 per cent in the end of the same period last

Leasing companies constituted 22 per cent of the overall EEK 10,4
bln. loan portfolio. Tangible fixed assets of EEK 1,75 bln. include
assets leased to clients (operating lease) in the amount of EEK 538
mln. and real estate in the amount of EEK 401 mln. Intangible fixed
assets include also the goodwill from the merger with TP in the
amount of EEK 343 mln.

On the liabilities side, client deposits have increased by 61 per
cent or EEK 3,3 bln., whereas significant increase has been in time
deposits as well as in their percentage of total deposit structure.
However, the increase in demand deposits has been minimal. Given
changes are distinctive to the overall Estonian banking market, where
client demand deposits have decreased by 7.7 per cent in a year due
to the decline in money supply and worsened economic environment.
Owners' equity has increased in a year by EEK 1,1 bln. due to
Ühispank's international GDR issue and share issue to former Tallinna
Pank's shareholders.

Ülo Suurkask
vice president
Tel. +372 6 110 350

Eesti Ühispank, Balance Sheet Consolidated Bank
Unaudited (EEK million)
30.09 30.09 30.09 30.09
1998 1997 1998 1997

Cash 446.3 209.6 316.0 209.6
Due from central bank 893.7 493.4 871.1 493.4
Due from other banks 1,080.0 215.6 651.2 215.6

TOTAL CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS 2,420.0 918.6 1,838.3 918.6

Loans to clients 10,437.5 5,056.3 7,852.1 4,998.1
Less: provisions -291.9 -91.0 -219.2 -78.3
Loans to clients net 10,145.6 4,965.3 7,632.9 4,919.8

Fixed income securities 1,349.7 573.5 2,420.3 603.3

Securities held pursuant
to re purchase arrangements 32.1 251.7 32.1 251.7

Long term
investments in subsidaries 381.2 18.0

Other shares and participations 194.6 1,013.7 180.6 772.6

Goodwill 344.5 0 342.8 0

Fixed assets 1,756.5 790.8 653.6 503.3

Transit items and prepaid expenses 366.8 281.6 228.6 132.0

Other assets 425.0 212.3 209.3 212.3

TOTAL ASSETS 17,034.8 9,007.5 13,919.7 8,331.6


Customers demand deposits 4,538.6 3,741.8 3,963.5 3,741.8

Customers time deposits 4,174.0 1,665.9 3,755.4 1,617.7

TOTAL CUSTOMERS DEPOSITS 8,712.6 5,407.7 7,718.9 5,359.5

Due to credit institutions 2,143.0 711.2 1,328.8 666.5

Bonds 2,809.5 1,236.5 2,129.1 802.7

Subordinated loans 515.5 345.0 515.5 345.0

TOTAL INTEREST BEARING LIABILITIES 14,180.6 7,700.4 11,692.3 7,173.7
incl.demand 4,682.3 3,744.2 3,977.2 3,744.2
time 9,498.3 3,956.2 7,715.1 3,429.5

Transit items and prepaid income 290.3 218.2 198.7 81.2

Other liabilities 817.5 489.1 321.2 489.1

TOTAL LIABILITIES 15,288.4 8,407.7 12,212.2 7,744.0

Minority Interest 38.9 8.1

Share capital 511.5 296.8 511.5 296.7
Paid in surplus 891.9 38.8 891.9 38.9
Reserves 298.5 87.3 298.5 87.3
Translation differences 0.4 0 0 0
Non-distributed profit 5.2 168.8 5.6 164.7

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1,707.5 591.7 1,707.5 587.6

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 17,034.8 9,007.5 13,919.7 8,331.6

Ühispank, Income Statement Consolidated Bank
Unaudited (EEK thousand)
30.09 30.09 30.09 30.09
1998 1997 1998 1997

Interest income 952,675 576,241 753,466 397,048
Interest expenses -509,744 -326,629 -437,660 -169,984
Net interest income 442,931 249,612 315,806 227,064

Fees and commissions received 186,893 116,532 171,947 106,308
Fees and commissions paid -80,345 -40,876 -75,096 -41,412
Net income from fees and
commissions 106,548 75,656 96,851 64,896

Income from securities and
currency dealing profits -95,909 126,822 -103,443 126,629
Other operating income 73,167 9,288 7,516 7,369

TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 526,737 461,378 316,730 425,958

Personnel expenses -151,594 -100,286 -121,780 -97,000

Other administrative expenses -184,357 -86,804 -115,079 -85,263

Value adjustments of tangible and
intangible assets and depreciation -67,642 -34,440 -54,749 -33,858

Other operating expenses -20,538 -19,798 -18,314 -16,233

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES -424,131 -241,328 -309,922 -232,354

OPERATING PROFIT 102,606 220,050 6,808 193,604

Income from subsidaries 30,220 4,832

Value adjustments of advances
and off-balance sheet items -84,494 -42,666 -31,432 -33,736

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 18,112 177,384 5,596 164,700

Minority Interest -921 -4,198

Income tax -12,011 -4,425

NET PROFIT 5,180 168,761 5,596 164,700

Eesti Ühispank, key indicators 30.09.98
Consolidated Bank

1.Total operating income(turnover) 526,737 316,730

2.Net interest income 442,931 315,806
% from turnover 84.1 99.7

3.Other incomes 83,806 924

4.Net operatin profit (before extraordinary items) 17,204 5,778
% from turnover 3.27 1.82

5.Extraordinary items 908 -182

6.Profit before appropriations and taxes 18,112 5,596
% from turnover 3.44 1.77

7.Net operating profit - Taxes 5,193 5,778

8.Return on Equity-% (ROE) 0.57 0.65

9.Return on Assets-% (ROA) 0.05 0.07

10.(Equity+Minority Interest)/Total Assets, % 10.3 12.3

11.Investments to fixed assets from beginn. of year 767,745 132,133
% from turnover 145.8 41.7

12.Capital adequacy ratio-% (Eesti Pank regulations) 11.2 11.98

Per-share ratios 30.09.98

Consolidated Bank

1.Earnings (Net operating profit+
+Minority Interest -Taxes) EEK'000 6,114 5,778

2.Earnings per share(EPS), (average no.of shares) 0.20 0.19

Earnings per share(EPS), (shares at end of period) 0.16 0.15

3.Equity/Number of shares, EEK 33.38 33.38

4.Price/Earnings ratio-% (P/E) 164.05 172.68

5.Period end share rate, EEK 32.81 32.81

7.Market price of shares, EEK 1678277434
8.Adjusted number of shares
- at period end 51151400 51151400
- average number during the period 40477600 40477600

Eesti Ühispank, consolidated subsidaries:

Ühisliisingu AS
AS Navarra
AS PF Koda
OÜ Efficio
Ühisinvesteeringute AS
AS TPF Orior
AS LF Finants
AS Ühispanga Fondijuht
AS Russki Obedinennyi Lizing
Tallinna Panga Liisingu AS
Saules Pank
AS Bangalo
Baltic Invest
PT Investeeringute AS
Tallinna Panga Varahalduse AS
AS FMI Baltijos Verbytiniai Poperieriai
AS Tallinna Pank Securities Latvija

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