Andmed seisuga: 01.07.2024 12:06 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Contracts with strategic partners

18.11.1998, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


Yesterday, on 17 November 1998, Eesti Ühispank the second largest
banking group in Estonia and the Baltics, has reached an agreement
with the leading Swedish financial services institution Skandinaviska
Enskilda Banken (SEB) on a strategic partnership which will involve
SEB acquiring a 32 per cent stake in Uhispank. Under a separate but
related development, International Finance Corporation (IFC), a
member of the Word Bank Group, has agreed in principle to subscribe
to a loan, convertible into ordinary shares, of USD 20 million (EEK
259 million).

The aim of the co-operation agreement between SEB and Ühispank is to
develop a close business relationship covering business between the
Nordic countries and the Baltics. The two banks will share their
individual know-how, products, and technical and human resources
expertise, so as to expand and enhance their businesses. Under the
terms of the agreement, Ühispank will carry out a capital increase of
15 million new shares, which will be subscribed solely by SEB at a
price of EEK 40 each. The price paid for the new issue values the
enlarged bank at EEK 2.6 billion (USD 194 million). According to the
agreement, S E B has acquired a further 6 million shares of ühispank.
As a result of the agreement with S E B, Uhispank's capital adequacy
will increase to 16.39 per cent, well above the required 10 per cent.

As a strategic partner, and the largest shareholder, SEB will
nominate two members to the Supervisory Council of Uhispank. SEB has
also entered into a shareholder agreement with Swedfund Financial
Markets AB, which currently holds 6.3 per cent of the share capital.

In addition, IFC is considering to grant an 8-year loan of EEK 259
million (approx. USD20 million) convertible, for a period of six
months, into 7 million new shares at a price of EEK 37 each, which
has been agreed in principle. IFC expects to seek approval from its
Board of Directors in December.

Subsequent to the capital increase and the conversion of IFC's loan,
Ühispank's capital will increase to EEK 2.6 billion, making its
capital base one of the largest of banks in the Baltic region.

Ain Hanschmidt, President of Eesti Ühispank, said "As a result of
these agreements, Eesti Ühispank will acquire 2 major international
financial institutions as shareholders. Besides strengthening the
Bank's capital base, they will provide Eesti Ühispank with
significant benefits in terms of know-how, market penetration
capacity and product sophistication, operational strength and
stability. It is a reflection of the quality of Eesti Uhispank that
these two high profile institutions, after an extensive and careful
analysis, decided to become strategic shareholders and partners of
the bank."

Mr. Lars Thunell, President of S E B said "The strategic partnership
with Ühispank is in line with our strategy to develop S E B into the
leading financial services institution in Northern Europe, which
includes the Baltic Rim countries. It will improve our possibilities
to serve our Nordic clients already present in the Baltics. The bank
that we are investing in is leading in its home market, with strong
market positions and good management. Considering close ties between
the economies of Sweden and Estonia, the strategic partnership
between S E B and Ühispank offers an excellent base for synergy
enabling both banks to offer the clients a new perspective in banking

Mr. Harold Rosen, Director of IFC added " IFC evaluates carefully all
the investments it makes. Ühispank is a high-quality financial
institution capable of offering valuable services and products to its
clients and we believe that the loan will provide significant support
to the Estonian banking sector."

Ühispank will hold an extraordinary shareholder's meeting on November
26, 1998, in Tallinn, to approve the directed issue of shares to SEB
and the directed convertible loan issue to IFC.

For further information, please contact:

Mr Margus Schults, Vice President, Ühispank, +372 6 110 600
Mr Janek Mäggi, Vice President, Ühispank, +372 6 104 300

Lars Gustafsson, Vice President, S E B, + 46 70 763 8003
Gunilla Wikman, Head of S E B Group Communications, + 46 8 763 8125

Edward Strawderman, Investment Officer, IFC, +1 202 473 3538

Notes to Editors

Eesti Ühispank was founded in 1992 from the partnership of 10
independent local banks. The bank subsequently merged with North
Estonian Bank (AS Pohja-Eesti Pank) in 1997, and Tallinna Pank in
1998. On 29th July 1998, the Bank's merger with Tallinna Pank was
entered into the commercial register. As of end October 1998, the
bank holds a 35.1 per cent market share in terms of assets, 34.6 per
cent in terms of deposits and 33.8 per cent in terms of loans in
Estonia. The bank holds a 13 per cent market share in the Baltics.

Eesti Ühispank operates through a network of 14 offices located
throughout the main regional centres in Estonia and 83 branches. The
bank offers a wide range of financial services such as lease
financing, electronic banking and corporate finance complementing its
core retail banking activities. The bank has total assets of EEK
13,840 million (US$ 1,040 million) as at 31st October 1998.

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken is the second largest Swedish bank with
assets of USD 91.4 billion and market capitalisation of nearly USD 7

International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group
established in 1956, is an international financial institution with
authorized capital of USD 2.45 billion comprising 174 member
countries as its shareholders.

Press conference

On November 18 1998, at 12 noon Eesti Ühispank will hold a press
conference in the conference hall of the Bank's headquarters at 13
Tartu Avenue, Tallinn.

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