Andmed seisuga: 04.07.2024 12:01 (GMT+3)

Pro Kapital: subscription results of convertible bonds

06.01.2000, Pro Kapital Grupp, TLN


On December 31, 1999, the subscription of public issue of Pro
Kapital convertible bonds ended. During the issue period between
01.06 and 31.12.1999, the total volume of the issue, or 4,500,000
bonds were placed, for a total sum of 225,000,000 EEK.

The convertible bonds were mainly placed by foreign institutional
investors. Some 2,697,340 convertible bonds in the amount of
134,867 EEK were subscribed by Zenit Holding SA; 1,505,860
convertible bonds in the amount of 75,293,000 EEK by Telom AG; 160
000 convertible bonds in the amount of 8,000,000 EEK by Emerging
Markets Investments AG and 136,800 convertible bonds in the amount
of 6,840,000 EEK by Anndare Ltd.

The par value of the issued bonds is 10 EEK. The convertible bonds
were issued at a premium of 40 EEK per convertible bond. Thus, the
issue price of each convertible bond was 50 EEK. The maturity date
of the convertible bonds is 20.01.2010.

The amounts expressed in Estonian kroons upon issue and redemption
of the convertible bonds, and calculation and payment of interest,
are pegged to Deutsche Mark. In case the exchange rate of Estonian
kroons versus Deutsche Mark is other than 8 Estonian kroons per
Deutsche Mark, the amounts for subscription, and interest and
redemption payments will be calculated based on the principle that
the Deutsche Mark value of the amounts to be paid in Estonian
kroons after changing of the exchange rate, would be equal to these
amounts in Deutsche Marks prior to changing of the exchange rate.
In such event, the amount to be paid in Estonian kroons will be
divided by eight, and the result will be multiplied with the
exchange rate of Estonian kroon and Deutsche Mark on the date of
the respective payment, as provided by the Bank of Estonia.

AS Pro Kapital will pay to the annual bondholders annual interest
of 6% of the issue price for each bond they hold. Interest payments
will be made to the person who holds the respective convertible
bonds as of the standings of December 31, 8.00 AM of the year,
which is a basis for interest calculation. Interest payments will
be made to the current accounts of the holders of convertible bonds
on January 20th of the year following the year of interest

In case a person has subscribed the convertible bonds before
31.12.1999, the 6% annual interest will be calculated to the holder
convertible bonds as of the moment of subscription and receipt of
payment to the account of AS Pro Kapital. Thus calculated interest
will be paid to the subscriber of convertible bonds on 20.01.2000.

The holders of convertible bonds are entitled to request the
conversion of convertible bonds held into nominal shares of AS Pro
Kapital in every year starting from 2002. The holder of convertible
bonds desiring to convert the convertible bonds into AS Pro Kapital
shares, will transfer the convertible bond to be converted into AS
Pro Kapital shares, to the securities account of AS Pro Kapital by
January 10th of the year when the convertible bonds can be
converted into shares. The Management Board AS Pro Kapital will
submit an application to register the increase in share capital in
the respective amount in the Commercial Register, and organize the
conversion of the aforementioned convertible bonds into AS Pro
Kapital shares.

The convertible bonds can be converted into AS Pro Kapital shares
every year, starting from year 2002. The holders of convertible
bonds are entitled to convert the convertible bonds into AS Pro
Kapital shares at rate of one convertible bonds for one share.

The redemption date of the convertible bonds is 20.01.2010. The
convertible bonds will be redeemed at issue price. Upon redemption
of the convertible bonds, the bondholders will also receive
interest for the last year. The redemption payments will be made to
a person holding the convertible bonds as of 31.12.2009, at 8.00
AM, and has not transferred by 10.01.2010 these convertible bonds
to the respective securities account of AS Pro Kapital for
converting it into AS Pro Kapital shares.

The Management Board of AS Pro Kapital are authorized to change the
procedure of conversion of the convertible bonds into shares, and
the dates related, announcing it in one of the nationally
distributed newspapers to the holders of convertible bonds at least
one month before the respective changes are applied. In any case,
the holders of convertible bonds are guaranteed a possibility to
convert the convertible bonds into AS Pro Kapital shares at least
once a year, starting from 2002.

Andrus Laurits
Member of the Management Board, Managing Director
AS Pro Kapital
Tel. +372 26 14 4920

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