Andmed seisuga: 05.07.2024 00:04 (GMT+3)

Tallinna Kaubamaja: Commentary to 1999 financial results

02.03.2000, TKM Grupp, TLN


Tallinna Kaubamaja AS consolidated net sales in 1999 amounted to
EEK 996.1 thousand, increasing 18% y-o-y, of which the parent
company's share was 57.8%. In 1999 the group's revenues exceeded
EEK 1 billion level for the first time in the company's history.
The group earned EEK 34.3 million of net profit, increasing more
than 4 times on annual basis. The 1999 net profit figure gained EEK
11.4 million from transfer of deferred income tax liability amount
to net profit account due to changes in Income Tax Law, and EEK 3.0
million accounting profit from revaluation of share option claim.

In 1999 the average number of group's employees was 1050 people,
and total salary expenses at EEK 68.1 million. The average number
of parent company's employees was 596 people, with total salaries
of EEK 44 million.

As of 31.12.1999 Tallinna Kaubamaja consolidated total assets stood
at EEK 377.2 million, decreasing by EEK 16.6 million on annual
basis. Current liabilities grew by 16.2 million, whereas
non-current liabilities dropped by EEK 57.9 million. Owners' equity
grew by EEK 24.1 million, to EEK 154.1 million.

In 1999 Kaubamaja group made EEK 14.9 million of investments into
fixed assets.

On 15.01.1999 the Management Board signed the establishment
documents of new subsidiary, Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara AS. The
Commercial Register made a respective entry on 05.04.1999. All
estates owned by Kaubamaja and assets inseparable from these were
assigned to the subsidiary as non-monetary deposit. The subsidiary
was established to improve the administration of real estate
objects owned by Kaubamaja, and to arrange the structure of
Kaubamaja group. Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara AS financial year
ended on 31.12.1999.

On February 19 and June 2 Tallinna Kaubamaja conducted two issues
of commercial papers to replace higher-interest current
liabilities. Volume of the first issue was EEK 13 million, issued
at 13% interest rate; volume of the second issue was EEK 15
million, issued at 7% annual interest rate. Both issues were
redeemed in 1999, according to the schedule. The issues were
organized by Hansabank Markets.

In 1999 Kaubamaja prepared the opening of new "Selver" stores. In
June Tallinna Kaubamaja group bought 5623 m2 of land in Pirita,
Rummu Rd. 2 (Tallinn), to build a new store. Pirita Selver will be
opened in May 2000; the owner of real estate will be Tallinna
Kaubamaja Kinnisvara AS.
In October Kaubamaja signed a rent agreement to build a shopping
center to Järve (Pärnu Rd. 238, Tallinn), with 5500 of selling
premises. Järve Selver will be opened in October 2000. Both Selver
stores will also provide drive-in service, where a customer has an
option to pre-order the goods via phone or Internet. The trade
center also has 1500 m² of office premises, to be occupied by the
Kaubamaja group.

Tallinna Kaubamaja will also expand its premises at Gonsiori 2,
Tallinn. In March Kaubamaja opened a new department for young
people; until October 1999 the named premises were used for storage
and office premises. In H2 Kaubamaja intends to complete the sixth
floor of A-building, to be occupied by food court.

Tallinna Kaubamaja intends to continue sponsoring Tallinn Zoo and
Estonian Puppet Theater. Kaubamaja is the main sponsor of Puppet
Theater since 1995.

Prices of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS shares on Tallinn Stock Exchange
fluctuated between EEK 35.90 and EEK 17.20. On the last trading day
of 1999 the closing price of Kaubamaja shares was EEK 31.90, having
increased 86.5% annually. As of end-1999 the market value of
Tallinna Kaubamaja was EEK 216.5 million. Earnings per share in
1999 stood at EEK 5.05.

Urmo Vallner
Member of the Management Board
+372 64 00 200

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