Andmed seisuga: 25.11.2024 01:23 (GMT+2)
Based on information in balance sheet as at 31.12.1999, a part of
AS Harju Elekter approved annual report, the Supervisory Board
decided to propose to the shareholders' annual general meeting to
increase the company's share capital on the account of AS Harju
Elekter owners' equity (retained earnings) through stock dividend
issue, on the following conditions:
1) increase share capital by EEK 36 000 000, from EEK 18 000 000 to
EEK 54 000 000, through issue of 2 new nominal share per existing
one share, to account for issue of total of 3 600 000 new shares at
EEK 10 par value; each share is to entitle to its holder one vote.
After increase of share capital, Harju Elekter share capital volume
is EEK 54 000 000;
2) Harju Elekter shareholders, registered in the company's list of
shareholders as of 12.05.2000, at 8:00 a.m., are entitled to
participate in the stock dividend issue;
3) newly issued shares are to be transferred to the shareholders'
securities accounts on 12.05.2000;
4) newly issued shares give the shareholders a right to receive
dividends as from financial year 2000.
Endel Palla
Chairman of Supervisory Board
+372 67 47 400
Lembit Libe
Chief Economist
+372 67 47 412