Andmed seisuga: 25.11.2024 11:19 (GMT+2)
Today Eesti Mobiiltelefon Ltd, Ericsson Eesti Ltd and the
Rescue Service will present an MPS service
(Mobile Positioning System) pilot project in the Estonian market.
This is the first and unique society-centred MPS project in the
world, which includes co-operation between the operator company
and the state.
The adoption of the positioning service permits one to
automatically determine the location of a person dialling
the emergency number 112 from the EMT network.
The MPS service is available to all EMT clients regardless of
their brand of mobile phone or GSM card. Unauthorised access to
personal data is ruled out, since the process is completely
automated and includes no human intermediation, and it is only
possible to position those EMT telephone numbers that dial the
number 112.
The cost of the MPS system is 12 million kroons, of which both
EMT and Ericsson pay one fourth, and the rest 50% is financed by
Baltic Sea IT Fond.
Raul Kalev
+ 372 6460 220