Andmed seisuga: 06.07.2024 14:11 (GMT+3)

XXL.EE: Resolutions of shareholders' extraordinary general meeting

19.06.2000, XXL.EE, TLN


The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AS XXL.EE
(address Tartu St. 87D, Tallinn; registry code 10040414) was attended
by OÜ CC Computer (represented by chairman Sanjay Jaanus
Mody), which owns 1,021,487 AS XXL.EE shares or 51.0744% of share

The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders was held on
18.06.2000, beginning at 15:00, in the rooms of AS XXL.EE (address
Pärnu St. 139, Tallinn). According to the Supervisory Board decision
of 08.06.2000, the agenda of the EGM included the following items:

Appointment of chairman and secretary to the meeting;
The EGM decided unanimously to appoint Arho Anttila to chair the
meeting; the minutes of the meeting were taken by Märt Viitas.

Management's report about activities in 1999 and 2000 financial

Cancellation of resolutions made by 29.04.2000 extraordinary
general meeting of AS XXL.EE shareholders (agenda items 1.1.- 1.10.);
The EGM decided unanimously to cancel the resolutions made by
29.04.2000 extraordinary general meeting of AS XXL.EE shareholders
(agenda items 1.1.- 1.10.);

Reduction of AS XXL.EE share capital;
The purpose of share capital reduction is to cover net loss posted in
1998/99 financial year (net loss in 01.07.1998-31.12.1999 financial
year was EEK 53,806,289). The company's reserve capital funds are not
sufficient to cover the loss, it also lacks other reserves. Proceeds
from simplified share capital reduction will be used to cover the
company's loss. The company does not have treasury shares. The
company's chief executive will make a proposal to shareholders'
general meeting to reduce the company's share capital as follows:
- share capital amount will be reduced in simplified manner, for
purpose of covering the company's net loss, in accordance with the
provisions of article 1 of § 362 of the Commercial Code;
- share capital amount will be reduced by 50%, or by EEK 10,000,000
(ten million), through cancellation of shares. Altogether
1,000,000 (one million) AS XXL.EE shares will be cancelled,
whereas all cancelled shares are of the same type;
- shares will be cancelled on equal basis from amongst all shares,
i.e. 50% of shares owned by a shareholder are to be cancelled. If
a shareholder owns odd number of shares, 1 (one) share less is to
be cancelled (e.g. if a shareholder owns 3 shares, 1 share is to
be cancelled), and such non-cancelled shares will be cancelled
from the account of shareholder who owns the largest number of the
company's shares, provided that this shareholder agrees to this
decision. Cancellation of shares will take place, and cancelled
shares are removed from circulation on 03.07.2000 at 8:00 a.m., in
accordance with a shareholders' list from the Estonian Central
Depository for Securities. No payments will be made to
shareholders upon reduction of share capital.

The EGM decided unanimously to reduce AS XXL.EE share capital under
the above mentioned terms and conditions;

AS XXL.EE chief executive's written clarification about share
capital increase, incl. grounds for cancellation of pre-emptive right
and issue price.

Increase of AS XXL.EE share capital;
The company's chief executive will make a proposal to shareholders'
general meeting to increase the company's share capital as follows:
- share capital amount will be increased in a bid to improve the
company's liquidity. Share capital amount will be increased
through additional payments;
- share capital amount will be increased through issue of 375 000
(three hundred and seventy-five thousand) same type shares, at EEK
10 (ten) par value. The new share capital amount will be EEK
13,750,000 (thirteen million seven hundred and fifty thousand);
- new shares will be subscribed and payments for the subscribed
share will be made at the venue of the company from the period of
adoption of the resolution by the shareholders' general meeting,
until 03.07.2000 at 8:00 a.m. The shares will be issued at price
of EEK 30 (thirty) above par per share. If the share issue is
fully subscribed and paid, the company will receive EEK 15,000,000
(fifteen million) through share capital increase. The payment for
shares will take place in monetary form in 2/3 part (up to
250,000 shares), to the company's account at Hansapank (code 767)
No. 221001123451, and in 1/3 part (up to 125,000 shares) through
non-monetary payment in the form of monetary claims against AS
XXL.EE. Each subscriber must subscribe and pay for minimum of
12,500 (twelve thousand and five hundred) shares, i.e. minimum
issue price of EEK 500,000 (five-hundred thousand). The
shareholders will not be granted a pre-emptive right to subscribe
for shares to be issued. In case of oversubscription of share
issue, the supervisory board will decide on pre-term ending of
subscription period, also allocation of shares between the
subscribers and cancellation of oversubscribed shares.

The EGM decided unanimously to increase AS XXL.EE share capital under
the above mentioned terms and conditions;


XXL.EE predecessor AS Pennu was established in 1988. In June 1996 the
company was registered at the Commercial Registry under name AS Pennu
Computer Technology; after restructuring into a concern the company
introduced a new business name AS Pennu Computer Technology Group
(hereinafter AS PCTG) in October 1997. PCTG was the first Estonian
industrial company to be listed in Tallinn Stock Exchange (fall
1996); in fall 1997, trade in AS PCTG shares began on the stock
exchanges in Frankfurt and Munich.
The main fields of activity of AS PCTG were creation, development,
arrangement of production and application of information processing,
automatics and electronic systems.
In April 1998 AS PCTG obtained ISO 9002 quality certificate, which
covers production and sale of computers.
In June 1998 PCTG's computers passed the tests to obtain CE type
In 1998-1999 financial year the company continued cooperation with
Western Digital Corporation, and renovated the WDC-produced hard
disks in PCTG Keila computer factory. The annual output volume stood
at 12,000 hard disks; the company employed 2 workers.

In 1998 PCTG established franchise sales offices of in Tallinn,
Tartu, Viljandi and Pärnu. The aim of establishment of the chain was
to increase its market share, better servicing of corporate clients
and expansion of product list.

In August 1998 the company opened a representation office in Riga,
named PCT Riga.

Due to worsened situation on Estonian money market and problematic
access to cheap capital, the company discontinued in June 1998 for
indefinite period of time the issue of leases and loans by PCTG's
subsidiary PCT Liisingu AS.

In fall 1998 the company sold its 60% holding in Järve Kinnisvara
Hoolduse AS; the main activity field of Järve Kinnisvara Hoolduse AS
was construction and administration of office building located at
Järvevana St. 9, Tallinn.

In October 1998 the company sold its 30% holding in ID Süsteemide
AS; the main activity field of ID Süsteemide AS was information
systems designing.

As a part of new sales strategy, the company decided to dispose its
holdings in computer shops in the beginning of 1999. In April 1999
the company sold its holding in A&Ü Majandustarkvara. In June 1999
the company sold its 20% holding in AS Kernel.

General worsening of Estonian economy had a substantial impact on
PCTG's output volumes. In financial year of 01.07.1998-31.12.1999 the
company produced altogether 4,452 computers, down by almost third
compared to the previous financial year's results (6,941). In
September 1999 PCTG closed its Keila factory and transferred the
production activities to subsidiary AS PCT Arvutid.

In H2 1999 PCTG decided to expand its activities to the field of new
media services through acquisition and integration of company named
OÜ Internetivärav XXL. The aforementioned company offered digital
media services on the Estonian market and administrated the first
Estonian portal

In November 1999 the company's share capital was increased by 400,000
shares (EEK 4,000,000), of which 100,000 shares were directed to the
owners of OÜ XXL Internetivärav, and 300,000 shares to shareholders
of PCTG. The issue price of EEK 10 par value shares was EEK 20. The
issue subscription period was 12.-25.11.1999; the issue was
oversubscribed. Owners of XXL Internetivärav made a non-monetary
payment for 100,000 shares; shareholders of PCTG made a monetary
payment for 300,000 shares.

At the end of 1999 the company established a digital media services
company XXL Digital SIA in Latvia, where AS XXL.EE has 75% holding.
This was the first step towards the company's goal to provide
new media services on international level, in a bid to develop into
one of the leading East-European digital media agencies.

Between 01.07.1998 - 31.12.1999 the consolidated and audited net
turnover of AS XXL.EE totaled EEK 110,202,959. Consolidated and
audited net loss stood at EEK 53,806,289.

The monthly salary of CEO stood at EEK 5,000 (EEK 15,000 until
The Management Board's salaries during the period of 01.07.1998-
31.12.1999 amounted to EEK 493,800. During the same period the
Supervisory Board members were remunerated in the total amount of EEK

Total salaries amounted to EEK 3,959,989; the company employed
altogether 28 workers.

In this year the development of AS XXL.EE in the field of new media
services has continued as planned: the turnover of all web design
services providing division in Estonia and Latvia (XXL Digital) has
substantially grown compared to previous periods. A subsidiary is to
be opened in Lithuania.
In cooperation with Suomen Infopiste, the portal was
redesigned into a city of Tallinn-centered vertical portal. AS XXL.EE
owns 49% holding in AS Linnaportaal, an administrator of this portal.
Similar city portals are to be launched in Latvia and Lithuania.

XXL.EE has also made preparations to terminate activities that do not
fall into the scope of new media services. The company plans to sell
in the near future its shares in computer producers PCT Arvutid, PCT
Riga and PCT Liising.


AS XXL.EE posted an EEK 53,806,289 net loss in 1998-1999 financial
year, as a result of which the company's owners' equity fell to EEK
-4,912,157. Share capital amount will be increased in a bid to
improve the company's liquidity, to secure the company's successful
development. Share capital amount will be increased through
additional payments. Share capital amount will be increased through
issue of 375,000 (three hundred and seventy-five thousand) same type
nominal shares, at EEK 10 (ten) par value. The new share capital
amount will be EEK 13,750,000 (thirteen million seven hundred and
fifty thousand). New shares will be subscribed and payments for the
subscribed share will be made at the venue of the company from the
period of adoption of the resolution by the shareholders' general
meeting, until 03.07.2000 at 8:00 a.m. The shares will be issued at
price of EEK 30 (thirty) above par per share. If the share issue is
fully subscribed and paid, the company will receive EEK 15,000,000
(fifteen million) through share capital increase. The payment for
shares will take place in monetary form in 2/3 part (up to 250,000
shares), to the company's account at Hansapank (code 767) No.
221001123451, and in 1/3 part (up to 125,000 shares) through non-
monetary payment in the form of monetary claims against AS XXL.EE.
Each subscriber must subscribe and pay for minimum of 12,500 (twelve
thousand and five hundred) shares, i.e. minimum
issue price of EEK 500,000 (five-hundred thousand). The shareholders
will not be granted a pre-emptive right to subscribe for shares to be
issued. The shareholders will not be granted a pre-emptive right in a
bid to facilitate and speed up the processes of inclusion of new
major investors.

In case of oversubscription of share issue, the supervisory board
will decide on pre-term ending of subscription period, also
allocation of shares between the subscribers and cancellation of
oversubscribed shares.

Arho Anttila
Chief Executive
+372 6 507 500

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