Andmed seisuga: 07.07.2024 22:08 (GMT+3)

Optiva Pank: commentary to financial results, H1 2000

18.08.2000, Sampo Pank, TLN


Optiva Bank
Semiannual 2000 consolidated financial results

The consolidated net profit of Optiva Group for the first half of
2000 was 9.8 million EEK, which is 2.2 million EEK (29%) more
than for 1 H 1999. On 30 June the total assets of the Group
amounted to 3.3 billion EEK, growing by 76 million EEK (2.4%)
during 1H. During the six months of 2000 total assets decreased
by 210 million EEK (6%). The main reason for the decline in
assets was maturity and repayment of debt securities at the end
of January and February.
The results of the bigger affiliated companies of Optiva Liising
and Optiva Kinnisvara for the six months were EEK 3.8 million and
EEK 2.7 million, respectively.

At the end of June total liabilities amounted to 2995 millon EEK,
which is 218 million EEK (6.9%) less than at the end of 1999.
Among liabilities, interest bearing liabilities decreased by EEK
424 million (14%) and non-interst bearing liabilities grew by EEK
205 million (130%).

Clients’ deposits amounted to 1.53 billion EEK at the end of
June, growing by 10.7 million EEK (0.7%) during the last 6 months
and 489 million EEK during the year. Demand deposits increased by
259 million EEK (36.8%) and time deposits by 229 million EEK
(68.4%). At the end of June clients’ deposits represented 59% of
all interest bearing liabilities, compared with 50.3% at the end
of 1999. Demand deposits represented 63% and time deposits 37% of
all clients’ deposits.

During the six months the amount of debt securities decreased by
279 million EEK (55%), loans from other banks by 110 million EEK
(15.7%) and government lending funds by 45 million EEK (47%).

Clearing accounts jumped by 195 million EEK, or 2.2 times,
compared to 31.December 1999, backed by a sharp increase in
clients payments.

At the end of the first half of 2000, Group equity represented
EEK 327.1 million, or 10% per cent, of Group assets. Group’s
capital adequacy was 13.16% at the end of June (11% last year).

As of June 30, the amount of liquid assets (cash and dues from
other banks, equity trading portfolio) was 806 million EEK,
decreasing by 128 million EEK (13.7%) over the six months.

In Group’s total assets, interest bearing assets decreased during
the first half of 2000 by 85 million EEK (3.0%). The reason for
that change was a decrease of 80 million EEK (9.7%) in nostro
accounts and loans to other banks and a decline of 18 million EEK
(7.4%) in liquid debt securities

The loan portfolio decreased by 19 million EEK (1%) during the
six months. The reserve for possible loan losses represented 6.0
per cent of the gross loan portfolio. The net loan portfolio
represented 54.5 per cent of total assets.

The consolidated net profit of Optiva Group was 7.4 million EEK
for the first quarter and 2.4 million EEK for the second
quarter. The decrease in net profit was caused by an increase in
provisions in the second quarter.

Net interest income for the six months amounted to 53.6 million
EEK and loan provisions for possible losses totaled 10.9 million
EEK. Compared to last year net interest income grew by 9.0
million EEK (20%) due to a faster decrease in interest expenses
than the decline in interest income. Interest income decreased by
7.8 million (6.4%) and interest expenses fell by 16.8 million EEK
(21.7%). During the year changes in interest rates affected the
yield of interest earning assets and cost of funds. In the first
half of 2000 the yield of interest earning assets was 8.1% (last
year 10.2%), cost of funds 4.5% (5.8%) and interest spread 3.6%

Compared to last year, increase in non-interest income was
sharpest in foreign exchange income and commissions income which
grew by 8.8 million EEK (59.9%) and 10.9 million (46.4%),
respectively. Increase in commission fees and foreign exchange
income originated from a fast growth of the customer base and in
customers’ transactions. Foreign exchange income for the six
months amounted to 23.4 million EEK and commission fees to 34.3
million EEK.

In the first half of 2000, commission fees represented 48.9%
(last year 26.1%), income from foreign exchange 33.4% (16.3%),
income from share investments 5.3% (45.5%) and other operating
income 12.4% (12.2%) of non-interest income.

The decline in income from share investments was 37.2 million EEK
(91%). During the same period of last year Optiva Group earned
an extraordinary income. A second reason in the decline in share
income was caused by a decrease in the securities portfolio by
43.6 million EEK (34.2%), compared with the end of 1999.

Non-interest expenses for the six months of this year totalled
77.8 million EEK, increasing by 4.5 million EEK (6.1%) over the
previous year’s first half result. Personnel expenses represented
48.7% (last year 48.4%) and administrative expenses 33.4% (38.4%)
of total non-interest expenses. Compared to last year personnel
expenses increased by 2.3 million EEK (6.7%) and administrative
expenses decreased by 0.8 million EEK (7.9%).
Due to an increase in customer transactions, commissions expenses
grew by 3.2 million EEK (61%) over the first half results of
last year.

Group return on equity grew by 1.5 percentage points from 4.5%
last year to 6.0%. Return on assets was 0.6% compared to 0.5%
last year.

Piret Villman
Analysis Department
+372 6302442

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