Andmed seisuga: 08.07.2024 00:06 (GMT+3)

Estiko: Commentary to consolidated financial results, Q2 2000

24.08.2000, Estiko, TLN


AS Estiko most important profitability and operating ratios:
H1 2000 H1 1999
Gross margin 17.6% 20.1%
Operating margin 8.2% 9.6%
Profit margin 4.0% 4.3%
ROE 8.0% 9.5%
ROA 3.8% 4.0%
Current ratio 1.16 1.14
Equity-to-assets ratio 48.9% 44.7%
Earnings per share 0.55 0.53

Gross margin (gross profit / net sales)
Operating margin (operating profit / net sales)
Profit margin (net profit / net sales)
ROE (net profit / owners equity)
ROA (net profit / total assets)
Current ratio (current assets / current liabilities)
Equity-to-assets ratio (owners equity / total assets)
Earnings per share (net earnings per share, in EEK)

In H1 Estiko group's consolidated and unaudited turnover stood at EEK
82.6 million, and net profit at EEK 3.3 million. Compared with H1
1999 results, the turnover grew by 14.6% or EEK 10.5 million. In H1
1999 the group's net profit was EEK 0.2 million lower.

In Q2 2000 the group's net sales amounted to EEK 46.1 million,
providing EEK 9.6 million (26.0%) growth from Q1 2000, and EEK 9.7
million (26.7%) y-o-y growth. In Q2 the group earned EEK 2.7 million
of net profit, providing EEK 2.2 million growth from Q1 2000, and EEK
0.5 million growth on annual basis.

H1 2000 gross margins: 19.9% in Q2, 14.8% in Q1, and 17.6% in H1.
Last year's gross margins: 19.3% in Q2, 21.0% in Q1 and 20.1% in H1.
In Q2 the gross margin grew mainly due to realization of high sales
margin product groups.

H1 2000 operating margins: 9.8% in Q2, 6.1% in Q1, 8.1% in H1.
Last year's gross margins: 11.8% in Q2, 7.2% in Q1 and 9.5% in H1.
Compared with Q1, the operating margin increased in Q2 by 3.7%, due
to cut in marketing and administrative expenses.

H1 200 profit margins: 5.9% in Q2, 1.6% in Q1 and 4.0% in H1.
Last' year's profit margins: 6.1% in Q2, 2.4% in Q1 and 4.2% in H1.

The group operates in two main fields: production and real estate


On 28.06.2000 Estiko-Raamex and Estiko-Plastar Management Boards
signed a merger agreement, whereby the activities of AS Estiko-Raamex
will be terminated, and its assets transferred to AS Estiko-Plastar.
According to the agreement, no changes will be made to the employment
contracts of the company's workers. Share capital of Estiko-Raamex is
EEK 0.9 million and Estiko-Plastar's EEK 1.5 million. Merger of the
two production companies will lead to substantial cut in marketing
and administrative expenses.

In Q2 2000 AS Estiko-Plastar unaudited turnover was EEK 39.8 million
(EEK 29.9 million in Q1 2000, 33.1% growth), and net profit EEK 2.4
million (EEK 0.7 million loss in Q1 2000). H1 unaudited turnover was
EEK 69.8 million (EEK 56.8 million in H1 1999; EEK 13 million or
22.9% y-o-y growth), and net profit EEK 2.0 million (EEK 4.0 million
in H1 1999). H1 I profit margin fell on annual basis from 7.0% to
2.9%. Lower profit was mainly due to 1.4 times increase in prices of
polyethylene, compared with the last year's prices. The cost of
polyethylene accounts for 75% of total cost of materials, thus
increase of polyethylene prices also increases substantially the
expenses. Equipment renovation and maintenance expenses have
increased, due to costs of maintenance of old equipment.

Management Board of AS Estiko-Plastar is in the process of developing
new strategies, with an aim to unite complexly interconnected goals,
which the company wants to achieve in order to compete also with
skills and innovation, not just based on material assets.


As of 30.06.2000 Estiko group real estate sector consists of the
following companies:
AS Emajõe Ärikeskus holding 80%
AS Estiko Investeeringud holding 100%
AS Estiko-Soojus holding 100%
AS Tartu Toidukaubad holding 100%

In H1 366 AS Estiko Soojus shares were bought at price of EEK 44.5
thousand, thus acquiring 100% holding in the company.

In Q2 Estiko group's real estate sector's unaudited turnover stood at
EEK 6.2 million, and net profit at EEK 0.3 million. Compared with Q1
results, the turnover fell by 6% or EEK 0.4 million. In Q1 the real
estate sector's net profit was EEK 1.0 million; in Q1, however, the
profit figure was largely affected by EEK 0.3 million income from
sale of premises on the fourth floor of Emajõe Ärikeskus (Emajõe
Business Center) to BICO. Lower turnover and profit were mainly due
to seasonal nature of heat energy sales, which is accounted for under
the real estate administration sector.

H1 unaudited net sales amounted to EEK 12.8 million (EEK 15.3 million
in H1 1999), and net profit EEK 1.3 million (EEK 0.9 million net loss
in H1 1999).

Estiko real estate sector will improve the services in Emajõe
Ärikeskus. As of 30.06.2000 the company had sold 21% of Emajõe
Ärikeskus and 45% leased to tenants. Improvements to real estate
sector will secure better service to our clients.

Ellen Tohvri
Management Board chairman
+372 73 08 302

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