Andmed seisuga: 07.07.2024 16:10 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: group's consolidated financial results, 9 months 2000

18.10.2000, Hansapank, TLN


Hansabank Group’s consolidated unaudited result for the first nine
months of 2000 was a net profit of EEK 933.9 million. As of September
30 the Group’s total assets amounted to EEK 43.89 billion.

The Group’s consolidated assets grew by 28.2% during the first three
quarters of 2000 totalling EEK 43,894.7 million at the end of
September (annual growth was 41.4%). After a sluggish start in the
first quarter (EEK +0.44 billion), the growth accelerated in the
second and third quarter (respective growths of EEK 6.32 billion and
EEK 2.88 billion). The second quarter figure also includes two
extraordinary items: acquisition of Ventspils UBB (EEK +0.6 billion)
and a Eurobond issue (EEK +2.3 billion). Of the total growth of EEK
9.64 billion achieved during the nine months, over 90% originated from
customer deposits.
Clients’ deposits increased by a record-breaking EEK 8.72 billion
during the first three quarters of 2000, amounting to EEK 28.50
billion at the end of September. Of the total growth 52% originated
from the Estonian market, 28% from the Latvian market, 6% from the
Lithuanian market and 14% from the acquisition of Ventspils UBB. As a
result of strong growth in the second and third quarter, the annual
growth of deposits reached 62% at the end of September. While during
the first half of the year demand and time deposits grew at a fairly
similar pace (annualised growth of 58% vs. 56%), in the third quarter
growth shifted away from demand deposits and towards time deposits
(annualised growth of 12% vs. 48%).
The volume of foreign funding increased by EEK 0.64 billion to EEK
7.05 billion during nine months. The growth resulted from a EUR 150
million Eurobond issue in April. At the same time the group repaid
several loans, including a EUR 51 million syndicated loan in March.

The Group’s shareholders’ equity increased by 12.2% to EEK 5.56
billion as of September 30. The shareholders’ equity was increased by
the EEK 933.9 million net profit of the period. At the same time,
according to the decision of the AGM, on May 10 Hansabank paid every
shareholder a dividend of 5 kroons per share, all totalling to EEK
393.8 million. Additionally Hansabank had to pay a tax of EEK 84.8
million on profit distribution. These amounts were deducted from
retained earnings of previous periods thus decreasing the
shareholders’ equity. At the end of the period the Group’s total
capital adequacy was 16.6% (Tier I 15.4%). Together with the unaudited
profit the Group’s adequacy ratios would stand at 17.6%.

After a quiet first quarter, lending has picked up a gear supported by
more active economic activity and new investment projects. Already in
the second quarter loan growth increased substantially from the 4.8%
level achieved during the first three months to 10.2%; in the third
quarter loan growth rose to 10.6%. During the first nine months of the
year the loan portfolio increased by 27.7% to EEK 24.85 billion
(annual growth 38.5%). The loan to deposit ratio decreased from 98.4%
in the beginning of the year to 87.2% at the end of September. The
sudden drop was partially caused by the acquisition of Ventspils UBB,
its loan to deposit ratio was 35.8%.
At the end of September the loan loss reserve formed 2.91% of total
loan portfolio (3.32% in the beginning of the year). At the same time
the volume of loans overdue more than 60 days (NPLs) amounted to EEK
319.5 million, forming 1.29% of the Group’s loan portfolio.

The volume of liquid assets (cash and cash reserve, dues from other
banks and treasury securities) increased by 35.1% to EEK 13.73 billion
at the end of September, forming 31.3% of total assets. The net loan
portfolio’s share in total assets was 55.0% (54.9% in the beginning of
the year).
As a result of the acquisition of Ventspils UBB, the goodwill in the
Group’s balance sheet increased by EEK 58.0 million. This amount will
be amortised on a straight-line basis over 5 years.

Hansabank Group’s consolidated unaudited profit for first nine months
of 2000 was EEK 933.9 million. The Group’s net result was EEK 325.9
million in the first quarter, EEK 285.0 million in the second quarter
and EEK 323.0 million in the third quarter. The third quarter result
includes the following extraordinary items: liquidation of a GKO
position from the Russian crisis (EEK +23 million), partial recovery
of a loan given to the city of Dniepropetrovsk (EEK +28 million), loan
loss due to a fraud in the trade finance department (EEK –82.9
million) – in addition to the originally published EEK 66 million
loss, Hansabank decided to write-off all liabilities of that
particular client.
The results of the five business units were the following: Hansabank
Estonia EEK 553.9 million, Hansabanka EEK 64.8 million, Hansabankas
EEK –25.2 million, Hansa Capital EEK 272.7 million, Hansabank Markets
EEK 117.1 million (Corporate banking was transferred under Hansabank
Markets since March 2000. For the first two months of the year, its
results are recorded under Hansabank Estonia) and other (support
activities not directly related to any business unit) EEK –49.5
million. In addition to the mentioned business lines, consolidated
results also include eliminations.

Interest income increased by 35.8% compared to the first nine months
of 1999, totalling EEK 2.39 billion, at the same time interest expense
increased by 40.5% to EEK 0.99 billion. As a result net interest
income increased by 32.6% to EEK 1.40 billion.
Loan and leasing interest revenues form EEK 1.82 billion of total
interest income. Their volume increased by 20.5% from last year’s same
period, falling significantly short of the portfolio’s growth rate
(38.5%). The large difference is caused on the one hand by falling
interest rates and on the other hand by the fact that the rapid growth
of the portfolio has taken place over the last six months. Interest
income from funds placed with other banks grew by 79.2% to EEK 216.6
million and interest income from debt securities rose by 95.7% to EEK
224.0 million. For both items the most important growth drivers were
higher euro-interest rates and an increase in the level of liquid

Under interest expense the cost of client deposits amounted to EEK
0.57 billion. Of this EEK 67.3 million were payments to the Deposit
Guarantee Fund. During one year, interest expense on deposits has
grown by 30.6%, compared to a 61.9% growth of deposits. Interest paid
for foreign funding (loans and deposits from other banks and debt
securities) increased by 21.6% compared to the nine months of 1999, to
EEK 327.6 million. At the same time the volume of these funds
increased by 9.6% mainly on the account of the EUR 150 million
Eurobond issue.
Compared to full-1999 the average yield of interest earning assets
decreased by 50bp to 9.43%. At the same time the cost of interest
bearing liabilities decreased by 40bp to 4.24% whereby the spread
decreased by 10bp to 5.19%. The Group’s net interest margin remained
unchanged at 4.86% during the nine months. Despite falling lending
margins, NIM was supported by rising euro-rates and the recovered loan

Fees and commissions received during the first nine months of the year
amounted to EEK 0.77 million, exceeding previous year’s same period
result by 37.7%. All fee items recorded at least a 25% growth. As a
result of rapid loan growth over the past six months, fees from
issuing loans, leasing and guarantees have regained their position as
the largest fee source, amounting to EEK 212.4 million during the
first three quarters of the year (growth of 81.4%). The rapid growth
is a direct result of the stagnating loan market in the beginning of
1999. Fees from leasing and factoring recorded a particularly
remarkable growth of 246% to EEK 95.9 million. Fees received from
electronic channels increased by 34.9% to EEK 207.1 million in the
first nine months of 2000. By the end of September 2000 the Group
already had 161,000 Internet banking users in Estonia and 12,200 in
Fees and commissions paid increased by 21.0% to EEK 161.3 million. The
largest growth rates on the expense side were recorded by fees paid
for securities services, which increased by 153.7% to EEK 25.6 million
and by card services, which respectively grew by 38.0% to EEK 49.3
million. Net service fees increased by 42.9% to EEK 0.39 billion
compared to the first three quarters of 1999.

Trading income for the Group totalled EEK 0.40 billion for the first
nine months of 2000, up by 0.9% from last year’s same period. Zero
growth resulted from a 65.1% decrease to EEK 46.2 million in income
from derivatives, which in the first quarter of 1999 was at a very
high level. At the same time income from foreign exchange has
increased by 46.6% to EEK 278.4 million. Income from equity and bond
trading and investment portfolios amounted to EEK 56.9 million.

The Group’s total revenues amounted to EEK 1.59 billion in the first
nine months of 2000, exceeding last year’s three quarter result by
22.6%. The revenue distribution for the period was the following:
55.5% net interest income, 24.2% net fee income, 16.0% trading income,
and 4.3% other income. The Group’s total revenues amounted to EEK 0.77
billion in the first quarter, to EEK 0.82 billion in the second
quarter and to EEK 0.94 billion in the third quarter.

Operating expenses totalled EEK 1.34 billion for the first nine months
of this year, increasing from previous year's same period by 17.3%.
Operating expenses amounted to EEK 0.41 billion in the first quarter,
to EEK 0.45 billion in the second quarter and to EEK 0.49 billion in
the third quarter.
Of total expenses 36.1% was formed by personnel expenses (annual
growth of 16.7%), 22.4% by administrative expenses (annual growth of
14.9%), 20.9% by other expenses (incl. goodwill amortisation) (annual
growth of 15.5%), 14.8% by depreciation (annual growth of 32.7%), and
5.8% by IT expenses (annual increase of 3.6%). The rapid increase of
depreciation is caused by the completion of the renovation of the head-
office and the investments made in IT during the merger of Hansabank’s
and Hoiupank’s information systems as well as the Y2K project. Of the
9-month depreciation 36% was formed by IT, 36% by other equipment, 17%
by real estate and 11% by intangible assets. The 16.7% growth in
personnel expenses is driven by a 12.0% increase in the number of
personnel to 3,348. Although in Estonia the number of employees has
not changed significantly over the past year, our Latvian and
Lithuanian banks as well as Hansa Capital have expanded their
operations quite significantly, contributing 88% of total personnel
growth. The faster pace of administrative expense growth is due to a
50.6% rise in professional services (especially consultancy) to EEK
64.8 million.
The 17.3% growth of expenses falls short of both, the 22.6% revenue
growth as well as the 41.4% asset growth, reflecting improved
efficiency. The Group’s cost-income ratio (before provisions) has
decreased to 47.0% over the first nine months of the year (after net
provisions 57.0%) and the ratio of operating expenses to total assets
decreased to 4.11%.

Loan and guarantee provisions decreased by 2.3% from the three
quarters of 1999, amounting to EEK 352.7 million during the first nine
months. Provisions totalled EEK 59.3 million in the first quarter, EEK
120.9 million in the second quarter and EEK 172.4 million in the third
quarter. The third quarter provisions also include the previously
mentioned EEK 82.9 million loss. Actual loan write-offs amounted to
EEK 261.5 million and actual recoveries were EEK 99.5 million.

Mart Tõevere
Head of Investor Relations
+372 6131 569

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