Andmed seisuga: 08.07.2024 00:15 (GMT+3)

Tallinna Kaubamaja: Commentary to group financial results, 9m 2000

15.11.2000, TKM Grupp, TLN


In Q2 Tallinna Kaubamaja AS made changes to the accounting
principles, according to which the company's land and buildings will
be carried at market value on the balance sheet. The requirements of
International Accounting Standards 16 § 35 were followed upon
revaluation. As of H2 Kaubamaja also made additional changes to the
group's accounting principles, whereby no settlement of income and
expenses will be made on one account. All income and expenses will be
shown on business income and expenses accounts, respectively. No
changes have occurred in the group's holdings in its subsidiaries or
the group's structure. The financial reports of subsidiaries are
consolidated row-by-row, by eliminating reciprocal receivables,
liabilities and transactions. Results of affiliated company are
consolidated under equity method, i.e. only Kaubamaja's share of
subsidiary's financial result is reflected in the group reports. The
9 months financial statements are unaudited.

The first 9 months of year 2000 have been very successful for
Tallinna Kaubamaja AS. The group's net sales were EEK 774.2 million,
providing 17% or EEK 110.4 mln annual growth (EEK 663.8 mln in 9m
1999). According to the Estonian Statistics Office the Estonian
retail sales market grew only an annual 14% in 9m 2000, hence the
Tallinna Kaubamaja group have managed to increase their market share
in tight competition. Gain of market share was supported by opening
of youth department in Tallinna Kaubamaja department store in
February this year, and opening of Pirita Selver supermarket in May.
The share of supermarkets chain A-Selver in the group's net retail
sales stood at 35% in 9m 2000.

In 9 months the group earned EEK 25.5 mln of net profit, having
almost doubled annually (EEK 12.8 mln in 9 m 1999). Depreciation of
fixed assets in the amount EEK 5.0 mln from revaluation of the
group's land and real estate, is shown on depreciation account. Due
to changes in income tax law the income tax accounts "profit before
taxes" are comparable, having grown annually from EEK 18.7 mln to EEK
26.3 mln, or 40.6%. The group's profit margin (percentage share of
net profit in net turnover) has grown annually from 1.9% to 3.3%.
increase in the group's net profit proceeds from substantial growth
in gross profit figure (EEK 39.7 mln, or 23.8%). Increased gross
profit is mainly from opening of new stores and departments in year
2000, which has not been accompanied with equal growth in operating
expenses. The interest expenses have decreased by EEK 3.2. mln in
2000 financial year.

The group's balance sheet size grew in 9 months by EEK 287.0 mln,
amounting to EEK 664.2 mln as at 30.09.2000. The assets side on
balance sheet grew mainly on the account of increased fixed assets,
which grew by EEK 217.7 mln (106.4%) from end-1999. Growth in fixed
assets is related with opening of new Selver chain supermarkets
(equipment, furniture, building) and revaluation of real estate. The
group improved its information systems and renovated Tallinna
Kaubamaja main building. The inventories grew by EEK 62.3 mln (or
57%). Increase in inventories in comparison with the standings at
31.12.1999 was expected and proceeds from seasonal nature of retail
sales business (beginning of fall-winter season; Christmas sales) and
opening of new sales premises. In order to finance the acquisition of
assets the group has made several issues of commercial papers. The
group's end-September balance sheet account of other current
liabilities shows the EEK 34.3 mln liability to investors from the
issue of commercial papers, to be redeemed this year in the amount of
EEK 20.0 mln and at the end of 2001 in the amount of EEK 14.3 mln.
Due to seasonal nature of the retail business the balance sheet
account "supplier payables" has grown from EEK 72.8 mln (31.12.1999)
to EEK 107.0 mln (30.09.2000). The payment of these invoices is not
yet due.

As at 30.09.2000 earnings per share (EPS) were EEK 3.76; as at
30.09.1999 the EPS stood at EEK 1.88.

On 27.09.2000 a new supermarket Järve Selver was opened in Tallinn.
Kaubamaja also expanded Selver Kitchen (located in Järve Selver
supermarket), which provides fresh and quality culinary products to
other retail companies in the group in Tallinn. At the end of
September Kaubamaja group launched a new strategic product Hype. The
first Hype store was opened in Järve Keskus. The Hype stores have
1,050 m2 of sales premises, and sell a large selection of sport and
leisure products and provide related services. Supported by opening
of new stores, the number of first client card holders grew to 40,000
in September and October.

Urmo Vallner
Management Board member
+372 64 00 200

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