Andmed seisuga: 21.07.2024 19:06 (GMT+3)

Fakto: Commentary to audited financial results 2000

13.03.2001, Fakto, TLN


AS Fakto and its subsidiaries form a group, which main fields of
activity are sale of vehicles, car accessories and car parts, and
car maintenance and repair works.

AS Fakto group consists of the following companies:
AS Fakto holding Address
AS Fakto Osmussaare tee 10, TALLINN
AS Nissan Balti 65% Osmussaare tee 10, TALLINN
AS Itaalia Auto 100% Tammsaare tee 53, TALLINN
OÜ Nempe 100% Osmussaare tee 10, TALLINN

The group's companies have concentrated on sale and maintenance of
cars of Nissan and Fiat group (Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Lancia).

In 2000 the companies of AS Fakto group sold a total of 1,453 new
cars by Nissan, Fiat and Alfa Romeo (493 more than in 1999).

Sale of new cars by companies:

2000 1999 Change (%)
Nissan Balti 1,251 823 428 52.00%
incl. AS Fakto 575 510 65 12.75%
AS Itaalia Auto 184 119 65 54.62%
Total 1,435 942 493 52.34%

In 2000 the group’s net sales totaled EEK 401 million (EEK 110.1
million or 37.8% y-o-y growth). Net sales by fields of activity:

2000 1999 Change (%)
Vehicles 326,050,116 217,846,808 108,203,308 49.67%
Services 12,422,093 13,080,870 -658,777 -5.04%
Car parts 49,779,031 50,831,074 -1,052,043 -2.07%
Garage equipment 4,492,727 6,066,001 -1,573,274 –25.94%
Car rental 381,466 398,467 -17,001 -4.27%
Other sales 7,873,322 2,676,047 5,197,275 194.21%
Total 400,998,755 290,899,267 110,099,488 37.85%

Net sales by companies:
Fakto N-Balti It.Auto Nempe Kontsern
Vehicles 143,370,642 267,578,017 32,474,716 0 326,050,116
Services 11,442,298 0 3,040,792 261,162 12,422,093
Car parts 21,577,585 30,026,963 9,268,690 5,760,007 49,779,031
Car rental 78,022 2,456 0 1,928,484 381,466
equipment 4,499,795 0 0 0 4,492,727
Other sales 6,028,546 4,403,226 561,128 446,370 7,873,322
Total 186,996,889 302,010,662 45,345,327 8,396,024 400,998,755

Sale of vehicles

Initial registration of vehicles at ARK (vehicle registration center)
in 2000:
2000 1999 Change %
Total cars registered 22,125 24,242 -2,117 -8.8
incl. new cars 9,726 6,979 2,747 39.4

The above table indicates that even the initial registration of new
cars has increased y-o-y by 40%, the total initial registration of
vehicles at ARK has dropped by 9%. Decrease in imports of used
vehicles (initial registration) might be due to sufficient supply of
3-4 years old cars on the Estonian car market (mainly cars that were
bought as brand new 3-4 years ago, and that are now being replaced).

Registration of new cars at ARK (vehicle registration center) in
2000, by models:

Model 2000 share 1999 share 1998 share 1997 share
Peugeot 942 9.69% 665 9.53% 376 4.43% 531 5.51%
Toyota 916 9.42% 654 9.37% 932 10.97% 947 9.83%
Volkswagen 893 9.18% 669 9.59% 833 9.81% 889 9.23%
Nissan 751 7.72% 461 6.61% 602 7.09% 669 6.95%
Opel 747 7.68% 229 3.28% 576 6.78% 563 5.85%
Mazda 676 6.95% 751 10.76% 507 5.97% 720 7.48%
Honda 486 5.00% 476 6.82% 770 9.07% 1,222 12.69%
Lada 428 4.40% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Seat 416 4.28% 170 2.44% 78 0.92% 21 0.22%
Suzuki 372 3.82% 434 6.22% 268 3.16% 312 3.24%
Other 3,099 31.9% 2,470 35.4% 3,551 41.8% 3,756 39.0%
Total 9,726 6,979 8,493 9,630
Concern 905 9.30% 554 7.94% 783 9.22% 1,018 10.57%

The market share on cars sold by companies in Fakto group has grown
by 1.34% since 1999.

Services and sale of car parts.

In 2000 the consolidated net turnover from sale of services stood
at EEK 12.4 million, which is EEK 659 thousand less than during
last year.
Sale of services by companies in 2000:

2000 1999 Change %
AS Fakto 9,777,054 11,125,217 -1,348,164 -12.12%
AS Itaalia Auto 3,031,484 2,843,567 187,918 6.61%
OÜ Nempe 234,098 274,150 -40,052 -14.61%
Concern 12,422,093 13,080,870 -658,777 -5.04%

The group's net turnover from sale of services and car parts
decreased by EEK 1.35 mln y-o-y, incl. EEK 1.1 mln drop in
turnover from sale of car parts.

Sale of car parts by companies:

2000 1999 Change %
AS Fakto 30,278,214 34,652,865 –4,374,652 -12.62%
AS Nissan Balti 15,522,052 14,585,277 936,775 6.42%
AS Itaalia Auto 12,167,793 10,955,407 1,212,385 11.07%
OÜ Nempe 4,233,066 3,718,394 514,672 13.84%
Concern 62,201,124 63,911,944 –1,710,820 -2.68%

Other activities

Other activities include income from sales of car rental services,
garage equipment, income from rental of premises and income from
other sales that are not related with the company's main activity
fields. In 2000 the income from sales of other services totaled
EEK 12.7 million, i.e. EEK 3.6 million more than in 1999.

Operating costs

Operating costs grew by EEK 1,519,802 compared with 1999.
Changes by expense accounts:

2000 1999 Change
Personnel expenses 27,669,271 27,851,399 -182,128
Other operating expenses 22,136,321 18,271,172 3,876,936
Depreciation 5,948,135 6,934,885 -986,749
Total operating expenses 55,753,727 53,057,455 2,708,059

On the operating expenses account, the volume of other operating
expenses has increased the most, mainly due to increased advertising
The advertising expenses have mainly increased on the account of this
spring's car fair "Motorex 2000", where all companies of the group
participated this year. The advertising expenses also grew due to
introduction of several new car models to the market.

Toivo Urva
Management Board chairman
+372 6 389 200

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