Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 03:08 (GMT+3)

Eesti Telekom: Annual General Meeting

30.04.2001, Eesti Telekom, TLN


Hereby we inform you that the ordinary General Meeting of
the shareholders of Eesti Telekom, located in Roosikrantsi
2, Tallinn, shall be held on May 23, 2001 at 2.00 p.m. at
National Library of Estonia (Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn).

The following agenda is suggested for the meeting:
1. Approval of 2000 results and allocation of the profit.
2. Buy-back option of AS Eesti Telekom shares.
3. Recalling and election of the members of the Council.
4. Remuneration of the members of the Council.
5. Election of the auditor.

The shareholders registered in the share register of Eesti
Telekom by May 23, 2001 at 8.00 a.m. have the right to vote
on the Meeting. Registration to the General Meeting starts
on May 23 at 1.00 p.m. For registration to the Meeting:

Natural persons who are shareholders (“NPS”), please
have with you your passport. Representative of the NPS, in
addition, his/her passport and a proxy document in
appropriate form;

Legal persons who are shareholders (“LPS”), please have
with you the excerpt from relevant registry where the LPS
has been registered showing the right of the respective
person to represent the LPS, such registered representative
of the LPS, in addition, his/her passport, or in case of
proxy having been issued by the LPS, in addition to above,
such proxy document in appropriate form and the passport of
the representative appointed by the proxy;

Non-resident shareholders should have the above
documents in legalized form, except passports.

The 2000 Annual Report and resolutions projects are
available for all shareholders on Internet page
http:/ and in the office of AS Eesti Telekom
at Roosikrantsi 2, Tallinn since May 2, 2000 on working days
from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Any questions in regard of the
General Meeting can be asked by phone (372) 6 311 212 or
mailed to

Resolution projects:

I. To approve 2000 Annual Report consisting of financial
report, activity report, auditor’s report and proposal of
the allocation of the net profit.

II. The net profit of AS Eesti Telekom was 1,090,933
thousand kroons and distributable funds totalled 1,836,893
thousand kroons. Proposal of the Management Board, approved
by the Council is:

1. 12,421 thousand kroons shall be allocated to the legal

2. 549,543 thousand kroons shall be distributed to
shareholders as dividends as follows:

2.1. There are 137,383,178 A-shares entitled to dividends.
Dividends for A-shares to be distributed amount to 549,533
thousand kroons or 4.00 kroons per share.
2.2. There is one B-share entitled to dividends. Dividends
for B-share to be distributed are 10,000 kroons.

3. 206,075 thousand kroons shall be distributed as
“Extraordinary dividend” to shareholders as follows:

3.1. There are 137,383,178 A-shares entitled to dividends.
Dividends for A-shares to be distributed are 206,075
thousand kroons or 1.50 kroons per share.

4. The remaining to be carried forward in the balance
sheet is 1,068,854 thousand kroons.

III. The proposal of the Management Board is to authorize
the Management Board to buy back from the stock exchanges up
to 5% of the shares of AS Eesti Telekom during one year. The
Council approval is required for the buy-back.

IV. To appoint Villu Vaino from Deloitte&Touche Audit AS to
audit Estonian Telecom in 2001. Remuneration of the auditor
will be based on a contract with the auditing company.

Hille Võrk
Financial manager
6 272 460

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