Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 11:09 (GMT+3)

TSE: Listing Committee's decision about XXL.EE

11.07.2001, XXL.EE, TLN


TSE Listing Committee discussed on its 10.07.2001 meeting the
possible violation of the provisions of the TSE Rules and
Regulations by AS XXL.EE (hereinafter: XXL).

Pursuant to article 6.4.3 of chapter "Requirements for Issuers" of
the TSE Rules and Regulations (hereinafter RI), if recommendation
is made to the general meeting for waiving of the pre-emptive right
of the existing shareholders, then the notice of convening the
general meeting must include information about the person to whom
the issue is directed.

According to the notice of convening of extraordinary general
meeting of XXL, published on 20.07.2000, the agenda of the general
meeting to be held on 28.07.2000 included increase of XXL share
capital and waiving of the pre-emptive right of the existing
shareholders. The notice did not contain information about
person(s) to whom the issue was to be directed.

Pursuant to article 6.4.4 of RI, if one shareholder holds more than
50% of votes in the TSE listed company, then the issuer must ensure
upon issue of shares of the same class as the listed shares that
the sales price of the newly issued shares, for which the
pre-emptive right of the existing shareholders was waived, is not
substantially lower than the market price of these shares. For the
purposes of this provision the price shall be considered to be
substantially lower than the market price if the subscription price
of the newly issued shares is more than 10% lower than the average
price of the shares of this company during the last ten stock
exchange days preceding the day the price of the new issue is

On 28.07.2000 the extraordinary general meeting of XXL shareholders
decided to increase the company's share capital by EEK 15,000,000
by issuing 1,500,000 new shares at par value of EEK 10. The
pre-emptive right of the current shareholders of XXL was waived.

As of 28.07.2000 the trading in shares of XXL closed at price of
EEK 20 (last transaction was made on 22.06.2000). With respect to
the reduction of share capital (record date 03.07.2000) the
adjusted closing price of XXL shares was EEK 40, thus the sales
price of the new shares was 75% lower than the average price of the
shares of XXL during the last ten stock exchange days preceding the
day the price of the new issue is fixed.

Pursuant to article 4.8.1 of chapter "Listing Rules" of TSE Rules
and Regulations (hereinafter LR), in case of a new issue of shares
of the same class as the listed shares, the issuer is required to
apply for listing of these shares in accordance with the provisions
of the currently valid Listing Rules. The issuer must apply for
listing of new shares at least 9 stock exchange days before the
commencement of the subscription period.

On 28.07.2000 the extraordinary general meeting of XXL shareholders
determined that the subscription period for 1,500,000 shares to be
issued shall be 28.07-11.08.2000. The application for additional
listing of shares was submitted to the TSE along with the draft
listing prospectus on 29.11.2000.

The Listing Committee concluded that XXL has violated against the
provisions of articles 6.4.3, 6.4.4 of chapter "Requirements for
Issuers" and articles 4.8.1 of chapter "Listing Rules" of the TSE
Rules and Regulations, and decided to issue warnings to XXL for
violation of the above-mentioned provisions of the TSE Rules and


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