Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 23:02 (GMT+3)

Sampo Pank: Consolidated unaudited financial results, 9 months 2001

20.11.2001, Sampo Pank, TLN


The net profit of Sampo Pank Group for the third quarter amounted to 15.0
million kroons. The net profit for 9 months totalled 46.0 million kroons. When
compared to the first nine months of the previous year, this year’s result is
over three times better. When compared to the beginning of this year, the
balance sheet total of Sampo Group has increased by 733.8 million kroons, i.e.
by 17.0% and the deposits of customers have grown by 955.2 million kroons,
i.e. by 47.7%. The average return on assets was equal to 1.2% in the first
nine month of this year, i.e. twice the result achieved at the same time last
year. Return on equity was equal to 19.3%, i.e. three times the ratio of the
previous year.

Funds received

Owing to the increase of customers' deposits, the interest-bearing external
funds increased by 725.1 million kroons, i.e. by 20.7% over the first nine
months of the year, amounting to 4.2 billion kroons. Over the first nine
months, growth in the volumes of demand deposits and term deposits totalled
333.6 million kroons (31.9%) and 621.5 million kroons (65.0%), respectively.
Deposits of enterprises and organisations increased by 33.9%, i.e. by 426.4
million kroons and deposits of private individuals increased by 28.1%, i.e. by
148.0 million kroons in this period. Of the total volume of deposits, demand
deposits accounted for 46.7% (52.3% at the beginning of the year) and term
deposits accounted for 53.3% (47.7% at the beginning of the year). Of all
interest-bearing liabilities, customers’ deposits accounted for 70.0% at the
end of September. At the end of the year 2000, customers’ deposits accounted
for 57.2% of interest-bearing liabilities.

Of interest-bearing external funds, the volume of issued debt instruments and
the volume of loans made with other banks decreased the most over the nine
months (by 207.4 million kroons, i.e. by 28.2% and by 20.6 million kroons,
i.e. by 4.3%, respectively). Of other external funds, customers’ money in
transit decreased by 100.2 million kroons, i.e. by 23.1% over three quarters
of the year 2001.

At the end of September, the owners’ equity of the Group amounted to 386.3
million kroons, i.e. 7.6% of assets, and the capital adequacy of the Group was


The share of the Group’s liquid assets in the balance sheet was 29.9%. At the
end of September, cash formed 4.0% of the liquid assets, claims to the Central
Bank accounted for 15.1%, demand and term deposits at other banks accounted
for 40,5%, and debt instruments trading portfolio formed 40.4% of the liquid
assets. The share of the debt instruments trading portfolio in the volume of
liquid assets increased from 16.3% in December of last year to 40.4% at the
end of September 2001.

The increase in the Group’s interest-bearing assets occurred mostly on account
of the loan portfolio, which grew by 888.8 million kroons, i.e. by 39.3% over
the nine months. The volume of the gross loan portfolio amounted to 3.2
billion kroons at the end of September, accounting for 68.0% of the interest-
bearing assets and 62.4% of total assets. The volume of loans issued to
enterprises and private individuals increased over the nine months by 33.2%,
i.e. by 618.2 million kroons and 68.0%, i.e. by 228.7 million kroons,

The share of the reserve for possible loan losses in the gross loan portfolio
decreased from 4.5% at the end of the year 2000 to 4.3% at the end of
September. The ratio of overdue loans to the reserve for possible loan losses
decreased from 20.9% to 14.7%. Provisions for loan losses were formed to the
amount of 40.4 million kroons over the first nine months of the year 2001.

Interest income and expenses

The net interest income of Sampo Bank Group totalled 131.7 million kroons at
the end of the first nine months of the year 2001 while at the end of
September of the year 2000 the net interest income amounted to 86.1 million
kroons. When compared to the first three quarters of the last year, net
interest income has grown by 53.1%. Thereby interest gains increased by 50.6%,
amounting to 268.5 million kroons, and interest expenses grew by 48.2%,
amounting to 136.7 million kroons.

Over the nine months, the average interest income on assets increased from
6.8% in year 2000 to 7.2% this year, whereby the net interest margin before
provisions for the same period grew from 3.3% to 3.5% and the interest
expenses on interest-bearing liabilities decreased by 0.2% percentage points,
i.e. from 4.5% to 4.3%.

Non-interest income

The non-interest income for the first nine months of the year 2001 amounted to
116.2 million kroons, having grown by 11.9 million kroons, i.e. by 11.5% when
compared to the same period of the year 2000. Of the non-interest income,
commissions and service fees accounted for 58.5% (50.8% year ago), income from
currency exchange operations accounted for 25.9% (34.3%), income from
securities accounted for 7.7% (4.3%), and other income accounted for 8.0%

Of the Group’s non-interest income, income from commissions and service fees
grew the most over the first three quarters when compared to the same period
in the last year – by 28.3%, i.e. by 15.0 million kroons. Income from currency
exchange operations amounted to 30.1 million kroons at the end of the first
nine months of the year 2001, whereas the income from commissions and service
fees totalled 68.0 million kroons.


The non-interest expenses for the nine months amounted to 201.0 million
kroons, where staff expenses accounted for 33.3% (67.0 million kroons), other
administrative expenses formed 25.0% (50.3 million kroons), and paid
commissions and service fees accounted for 8.0%.

Of the Group’s largest non-interest expense items, staff expenses increased by
23.8%, i.e. by 12.9 million kroons and other administrative expenses grew by
29.5%, i.e. by 11.5 million kroons when compared to the first three quarters
of the previous year. Among other administrative expenses, costs relating to
communications and data processing are the largest expense items (28.2% of
administrative expenses) and costs relating to the lease and management of
premises (23.7% of administrative expenses).

Kristjan Jõevere
PR manager
+372 6 302 246

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